A failure detector is responsible to determine if a member in the cluster is unreachable or crashed. The most important problem in failure detection is to distinguish whether a member is still alive but slow or has crashed. But according to the famous FLP result, it is impossible to distinguish a crashed member from a slow one in an asynchronous system. A workaround to this limitation is to use unreliable failure detectors. An unreliable failure detector allows a member to suspect that others have failed, usually based on liveness criteria but it can make mistakes to a certain degree.

Hazelcast has two built-in failure detectors; Deadline Failure Detector and Phi (ϕ) Accrual Failure Detector.

Deadline Failure Detector

Deadline Failure Detector uses an absolute timeout for missing/lost heartbeats. After timeout, a member is considered as crashed/unavailable and marked as suspected.

Deadline Failure Detector has two configuration properties:

  • hazelcast.heartbeat.interval.seconds: This is the interval at which member heartbeat messages are sent to each other.
  • hazelcast.max.no.heartbeat.seconds: This is the timeout which defines when a cluster member is suspected because it has not sent any heartbeats.

To use Deadline Failure Detector configuration property hazelcast.heartbeat.failuredetector.type should be set to "deadline".

Please see the following declarative and programmatic configuration examples:

        <property name="hazelcast.heartbeat.failuredetector.type">deadline</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.heartbeat.interval.seconds">5</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.max.no.heartbeat.seconds">120</property>
Config config = ...;
config.setProperty("hazelcast.heartbeat.failuredetector.type", "deadline");
config.setProperty("hazelcast.heartbeat.interval.seconds", "5");
config.setProperty("hazelcast.max.no.heartbeat.seconds", "120");

image NOTE: Deadline Failure Detector is the default failure detector in Hazelcast.

ϕ (Phi) Accrual Failure Detector

This is the failure detector based on The ϕ Accrual Failure Detector' by Hayashibara et al.

ϕ (Phi) Accrual Failure Detector keeps track of the intervals between heartbeats in a sliding window of time and measures the mean and variance of these samples and calculates a value of suspicion level (ϕ). The value of ϕ (phi) will increase when the period since the last heartbeat gets longer. If the network becomes slow or unreliable, the resulting mean and variance will increase, there will need to be a longer period for which no heartbeat is received before the member is suspected. 

hazelcast.heartbeat.interval.seconds and hazelcast.max.no.heartbeat.seconds properties will still be used as period of heartbeat messages and deadline of heartbeat messages. Since ϕ (Phi) Accrual Failure Detector is adaptive to network conditions, a much lower hazelcast.max.no.heartbeat.seconds can be defined than Deadline Failure Detector's timeout.

Additional to above two properties, ϕ (Phi) Accrual Failure Detector has three more configuration properties:

  • hazelcast.heartbeat.phiaccrual.failuredetector.threshold: This is the ϕ threshold for suspicion. After calculated ϕ (phi) exceeds this threshold, a member is considered as unreachable and marked as suspected. A low threshold allows to detect member crashes/failures faster but can generate more mistakes and cause wrong member suspicions. A high threshold generates fewer mistakes but is slower to detect actual crashes/failures.

ϕ = 1 means likeliness that we will make a mistake is about 10%. The likeliness is about 1% with ϕ = 2, 0.1% with ϕ = 3, and so on. Default ϕ (phi) threshold is 10.

  • hazelcast.heartbeat.phiaccrual.failuredetector.sample.size: Number of samples to keep for history. Default value is 200.

  • hazelcast.heartbeat.phiaccrual.failuredetector.min.std.dev.millis: Minimum standard deviation to use for the normal distribution used when calculating ϕ (phi). Too low standard deviation might result in too much sensitivity.

To use ϕ (Phi) Accrual Failure Detector configuration property hazelcast.heartbeat.failuredetector.type should be set to "phi-accrual".

Please see the following declarative and programmatic configuration examples:

        <property name="hazelcast.heartbeat.failuredetector.type">phi-accrual</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.heartbeat.interval.seconds">1</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.max.no.heartbeat.seconds">60</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.heartbeat.phiaccrual.failuredetector.threshold">10</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.heartbeat.phiaccrual.failuredetector.sample.size">200</property>
        <property name="hazelcast.heartbeat.phiaccrual.failuredetector.min.std.dev.millis">100</property>
Config config = ...;
config.setProperty("hazelcast.heartbeat.failuredetector.type", "phi-accrual");
config.setProperty("hazelcast.heartbeat.interval.seconds", "1");
config.setProperty("hazelcast.max.no.heartbeat.seconds", "60");
config.setProperty("hazelcast.heartbeat.phiaccrual.failuredetector.threshold", "10");
config.setProperty("hazelcast.heartbeat.phiaccrual.failuredetector.sample.size", "200");
config.setProperty("hazelcast.heartbeat.phiaccrual.failuredetector.min.std.dev.millis", "100");