Uses of Interface

Packages that use MapLoader
com.hazelcast.core Provides core API interfaces/classes. 

Uses of MapLoader in com.hazelcast.core

Subinterfaces of MapLoader in com.hazelcast.core
 interface MapStore<K,V>
          Hazelcast distributed map implementation is an in-memory data store but it can be backed by any type of data store such as RDBMS, OODBMS, NOSQL or simply a file based data store.

Classes in com.hazelcast.core that implement MapLoader
 class MapStoreAdapter<K,V>
          Adapter for MapStore.

Methods in com.hazelcast.core that return MapLoader
 MapLoader<K,V> MapStoreFactory.newMapStore(String mapName, Properties properties)
          Produces a MapLoader or a MapStore for the given map name and properties.

Uses of MapLoader in com.hazelcast.spring.jpa

Classes in com.hazelcast.spring.jpa that implement MapLoader
 class JPAMapStore

Uses of MapLoader in com.hazelcast.spring.mongodb

Classes in com.hazelcast.spring.mongodb that implement MapLoader
 class MongoMapStore

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