Package com.hazelcast.hibernate.region

Provides region interfaces/classes for Hibernate.


Interface Summary
HazelcastRegion<Cache extends RegionCache> Hazelcast specific interface version of Hibernate's Region

Class Summary
AbstractTransactionalDataRegion<Cache extends RegionCache> Abstract base class of all regions
CollectionRegionAccessStrategyAdapter Simple adapter implementation for transactional / concurrent access control on collections
EntityRegionAccessStrategyAdapter Simple adapter implementation for transactional / concurrent access control on entities
HazelcastCollectionRegion<Cache extends RegionCache> An collection region implementation based upon Hazelcast IMap with basic concurrency / transactional support by supplying CollectionRegionAccessStrategy
HazelcastEntityRegion<Cache extends RegionCache> An entity region implementation based upon Hazelcast IMap with basic concurrency / transactional support by supplying EntityRegionAccessStrategy
HazelcastNaturalIdRegion Hazelcast based implementation used to store NaturalIds
HazelcastQueryResultsRegion Hazelcast based implementation of a storage region for query results
HazelcastTimestampsRegion<Cache extends RegionCache> Hazelcast based timestamp using region implementation
NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategyAdapter Simple adapter implementation for transactional / concurrent access control on natural ids

Package com.hazelcast.hibernate.region Description

Provides region interfaces/classes for Hibernate.

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