Interface TrackableJob<V>

Type Parameters:
V - type of the returning value
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TrackableJob<V>

This interface describes a trackable job. In the default implementation the internal assigned operation processor is a TrackableJob so the process can be watched on while processing.
To request the TrackableJob of a map reduce job use the following code snippet

 JobTracker tracker = hazelcastInstance.getJobTracker(...);
 Job job = tracker.newJob(...);
 // ...
 JobCompletableFuture future = job.submit();
 String jobId = future.getJobId();
 TrackableJob trackableJob = tracker.getTrackableJob(jobId);


Method Summary
 ICompletableFuture<V> getCompletableFuture()
          Returns the ICompletableFuture to add callbacks or wait for the resulting value of the tracked job
 String getJobId()
          Returns the unique job id of the tracked job
 JobProcessInformation getJobProcessInformation()
          Returns an instance of JobProcessInformation to find out the state and statistics of a running task or null if the underlying job id is not available because job is already finished or not yet submitted.
It even returns null if not requested on the job issuing cluster member or client since those values are not distributed to all clusters for traffic reasons.
 JobTracker getJobTracker()
          Returns the assigned JobTracker
 String getName()
          Returns the name of the underlying JobTracker

Method Detail


JobTracker getJobTracker()
Returns the assigned JobTracker

assigned JobTracker


String getName()
Returns the name of the underlying JobTracker

name of the JobTracker


String getJobId()
Returns the unique job id of the tracked job

job id of the tracked job


ICompletableFuture<V> getCompletableFuture()
Returns the ICompletableFuture to add callbacks or wait for the resulting value of the tracked job

ICompletableFuture of the tracked job


JobProcessInformation getJobProcessInformation()
Returns an instance of JobProcessInformation to find out the state and statistics of a running task or null if the underlying job id is not available because job is already finished or not yet submitted.
It even returns null if not requested on the job issuing cluster member or client since those values are not distributed to all clusters for traffic reasons.

instance of the jobs process information or null if job id is not available

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