Uses of Class

Packages that use MemoryUnit
com.hazelcast.memory Provides classes/interfaces for memory utilities, heap/native memory storage support. 

Uses of MemoryUnit in com.hazelcast.memory

Methods in com.hazelcast.memory that return MemoryUnit
 MemoryUnit MemorySize.getUnit()
          Returns unit of memory size
static MemoryUnit MemoryUnit.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static MemoryUnit[] MemoryUnit.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in com.hazelcast.memory with parameters of type MemoryUnit
abstract  long MemoryUnit.convert(long value, MemoryUnit m)
static MemorySize MemorySize.parse(String value, MemoryUnit defaultUnit)
          Parses string representation of a memory size value.
static String MemorySize.toPrettyString(long size, MemoryUnit unit)
          Utility method to create a pretty format representation of given value in given unit.

Constructors in com.hazelcast.memory with parameters of type MemoryUnit
MemorySize(long value, MemoryUnit unit)

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