Package com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl

This package contains the implementation of the replicated map service itself and some connection interfaces only used internally - No public API!


Interface Summary
CleanerRegistrator This interface is used to give ReplicatedRecordStore implementations a chance to register themself to being cleaned up from expired entries
PreReplicationHook This is an interceptor interface to hook into the current replication process.
ReplicatedMessageListener Simple listener interface used by the ReplicatedMapService
ReplicationChannel This interface represents a channel to send replication messages to

Class Summary
ReplicatedMapEvictionProcessor Actual eviction processor implementation to remove values to evict values from the replicated map
ReplicatedMapProxy<K,V> The internal ReplicatedMap implementation proxying the requests to the underlying ReplicatedRecordStore
ReplicatedMapService This is the main service implementation to handle replication and manages the backing ReplicatedRecordStores that actually hold the data

Package com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl Description

This package contains the implementation of the replicated map service itself and some connection interfaces only used internally - No public API!

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