Hazelcast Cluster Quorum enables you to define the minimum number of machines required in a cluster for the cluster to remain in an operational state. If the number of machines is below the defined minimum at any time, the operations are rejected and the rejected operations return a QuorumException
to their callers.
When a network partitioning happens, by default Hazelcast chooses to be available. With Cluster Quorum, you can tune your Hazelcast instance towards to achieve better consistency, by rejecting updates with a minimum threshold, this reduces the chance that number of concurrent updates to an entry from two partitioned clusters . Note that the consistency defined here is best effort not full or strong consistency.
Hazelcast initiates a quorum when a change happens on the member list.
NOTE: Currently cluster quorum only applies to the Map and Transactional Map, support for other data structures will be added soon. Also lock methods in the IMap interface does not participate in a quorum.
You can set up Cluster Quorum using either declarative or programmatic configuration.
Assume that you have a 5-node Hazelcast Cluster and you want to set the minimum number of 3 nodes for cluster to continue operating. The following are example configurations for this scenario.
<quorum name="quorumRuleWithThreeNodes" enabled=true>
<map name="default">
QuorumConfig quorumConfig = new QuorumConfig();
MapConfig mapConfig = new MapConfig();
Config config = new Config();
You can register quorum listeners to be notified about quorum results. Quorum listeners are local to the node that they are registered, so they receive only events occurred on that local node.
Quorum listeners can be configured via declarative or programmatic configuration. The following are the example configurations.
<quorum name="quorumRuleWithThreeNodes" enabled=true>
<quorum-listener>com.company.quorum.ThreeNodeQuorumListener </quorum-listener>
<map name="default">
QuorumListenerConfig listenerConfig = new QuorumListenerConfig();
// You can either directly set quorum listener implementation of your own
listenerConfig.setImplementation(new QuorumListener() {
public void onChange(QuorumEvent quorumEvent) {
if (QuorumResult.PRESENT.equals(quorumEvent.getType())) {
// handle quorum presence
} else if (QuorumResult.ABSENT.equals(quorumEvent.getType())) {
// handle quorum absence
// Or you can give the name of the class that implements QuorumListener interface.
QuorumConfig quorumConfig = new QuorumConfig();
MapConfig mapConfig = new MapConfig();
Config config = new Config();
Quorum service gives an ability to query quorum results over the Quorum
Quorum instances let you to query quorum result of a particular quorum.
Here is the Quorum interface that you can interact with.
* {@link Quorum} provides access to the current status of a quorum.
public interface Quorum {
* Returns true if quorum is present, false if absent.
* @return boolean presence of the quorum
boolean isPresent();
You can retrieve quorum instance for a particular quorum over the quorum service. An example can be seen below
String quorumName = "at-least-one-storage-member";
QuorumConfig quorumConfig = new QuorumConfig();
MapConfig mapConfig = new MapConfig();
Config config = new Config();
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config);
QuorumService quorumService = hazelcastInstance.getQuorumService();
Quorum quorum = quorumService.getQuorum(quorumName);
boolean quorumPresence = quorum.isPresent();