Package | Description |
com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor |
Contains static utility classes with factories of Jet processors.
com.hazelcast.jet.kafka |
Apache Kafka reader/writer support for Hazelcast Jet.
com.hazelcast.jet.mongodb |
Contains sources and sinks for MongoDB.
com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline |
The Pipeline API is Jet's high-level API to build and execute
distributed computation jobs.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
SourceProcessors.readJdbcP(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn,
FunctionEx<? super ResultSet,? extends T> mapOutputFn)
Returns a supplier of processors for
DataLinkRef, ToResultSetFunction, FunctionEx) . |
static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
SinkProcessors.writeJdbcP(String updateQuery,
DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
BiConsumerEx<? super PreparedStatement,? super T> bindFn,
boolean exactlyOnce,
int batchLimit)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sinks.jdbcBuilder() . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <E> KafkaSinks.Builder<E> |
KafkaSinks.kafka(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef)
Returns a builder object that you can use to create an Apache Kafka
pipeline sink.
static <E,K,V> Sink<E> |
KafkaSinks.kafka(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
FunctionEx<? super E,org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K,V>> toRecordFn)
Returns a sink that publishes messages to Apache Kafka topic(s).
static <K,V,T> StreamSource<T> |
KafkaSources.kafka(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
FunctionEx<org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K,V>,T> projectionFn,
String... topics)
Returns a source that consumes one or more Apache Kafka topics and emits
items from them as
Map.Entry instances. |
static <K,V> StreamSource<Map.Entry<K,V>> |
KafkaSources.kafka(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
String... topics)
Convenience for
KafkaSources.kafka(DataLinkRef, FunctionEx, String...)
wrapping the output in Map.Entry . |
static <K,V> Sink<Map.Entry<K,V>> |
KafkaSinks.kafka(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
String topic)
Convenience for
KafkaSinks.kafka(DataLinkRef, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
which expects Map.Entry<K, V> as input and extracts its key and value
parts to be published to Kafka. |
static <E,K,V> Sink<E> |
KafkaSinks.kafka(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
String topic,
FunctionEx<? super E,K> extractKeyFn,
FunctionEx<? super E,V> extractValueFn)
Convenience for
KafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx) which creates
a ProducerRecord using the given topic and the given key and value
mapping functions |
static <K,V,T> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
KafkaProcessors.streamKafkaP(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
FunctionEx<? super org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K,V>,? extends T> projectionFn,
EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy,
String... topics)
Returns a supplier of processors for
KafkaSources.kafka(DataLinkRef, FunctionEx, String...) . |
static <T,K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
FunctionEx<? super T,? extends org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K,V>> toRecordFn,
boolean exactlyOnce)
Returns a supplier of processors for
KafkaSinks.kafka(DataLinkRef, FunctionEx) . |
static <T,K,V> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
String topic,
FunctionEx<? super T,? extends K> extractKeyFn,
FunctionEx<? super T,? extends V> extractValueFn,
boolean exactlyOnce)
Returns a supplier of processors for
KafkaSinks.kafka(DataLinkRef, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx) . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MongoSourceBuilder.Batch<org.bson.Document> |
MongoSourceBuilder.batch(String name,
DataLinkRef dataLinkRef)
Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build
a custom MongoDB
BatchSource for the Pipeline API. |
static MongoSourceBuilder.Batch<org.bson.Document> |
MongoSources.batch(String name,
DataLinkRef dataLinkRef)
Creates as builder for new batch mongo source.
static BatchSource<org.bson.Document> |
MongoSources.batch(String name,
DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
String database,
String collection,
org.bson.conversions.Bson filter,
org.bson.conversions.Bson projection)
Returns a MongoDB batch source which queries the collection using given
filter and applies the given projection on the documents. |
static <T> MongoSinkBuilder<T> |
MongoSinks.builder(String name,
Class<T> itemClass,
DataLinkRef dataLinkRef)
Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build
a custom MongoDB
Sink for the Pipeline API. |
static Sink<org.bson.Document> |
MongoSinks.mongodb(String name,
DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
String database,
String collection)
static MongoSourceBuilder.Stream<org.bson.Document> | name,
DataLinkRef dataLinkRef)
Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build
a custom MongoDB
StreamSource for the Pipeline API. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DataLinkRef |
DataLinkRef.dataLinkRef(String name)
Creates a reference to the configured data link
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JdbcSinkBuilder<T> |
JdbcSinkBuilder.dataLinkRef(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef)
Sets the reference to the configured data link of
DataLinkRef from which
the instance of the DataSource will be retrieved. |
static <T> BatchSource<T> |
Sources.jdbc(DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn,
FunctionEx<? super ResultSet,? extends T> createOutputFn)
Returns a source which connects to the specified database using the given
dataLinkRef , queries the database and creates a result set
using the given resultSetFn . |
static <T> Sink<T> |
Sinks.jdbc(String updateQuery,
DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
BiConsumerEx<PreparedStatement,T> bindFn)
A shortcut for:
static <K,V> StreamSource<Map.Entry<K,V>> |
Sources.remoteMapJournal(String mapName,
DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
JournalInitialPosition initialPos)
Convenience for
Sources.remoteMapJournal(String, DataLinkRef, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
which will pass only ADDED
and UPDATED events and will
project the event's key and new value into a Map.Entry . |
static <T,K,V> StreamSource<T> |
Sources.remoteMapJournal(String mapName,
DataLinkRef dataLinkRef,
JournalInitialPosition initialPos,
FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K,V>,? extends T> projectionFn,
PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K,V>> predicateFn)
The same as the
Sources.remoteMapJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
method. |
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