Uses of Interface
Packages that use FunctionEx
Serializable and exception-declaring variants of functional interfaces from
.Hazelcast Jet is a distributed computation engine running on top of
Hazelcast IMDG technology.
and its several variants, as well
as a builder object for the aggregate operations.Contains source/sink connectors that deal with Change Data Capture (CDC)
events from various databases as well as a generic connector for Debezium
CDC sources.
Jet's Core API.
Contains static utility classes with factories of Jet processors.
Contains sources and sinks for Elasticsearch 7
gRPC service factories
that can be to apply transformations to
a pipeline which for each input item calls to a gRPC service.Apache Hadoop read/write support for Hazelcast Jet.
Apache Kafka reader/writer support for Hazelcast Jet.
Contains a generic Kafka Connect source provides ability to plug any Kafka
Connect source for data ingestion to Jet pipelines.
Amazon Kinesis Data Streams producer/consumer support for Hazelcast Jet.
Contains sources and sinks for MongoDB.
The Pipeline API is Jet's high-level API to build and execute
distributed computation jobs.
This package contains various mock sources to help with pipeline testing
and development.
Contributes a
transform that allows you to transform Jet pipeline data using a Python
function.AWS S3 read/write support for Hazelcast Jet.
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.function
Methods in com.hazelcast.function that return FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <V> FunctionEx<T,
V> FunctionEx.andThen
(FunctionEx<? super R, ? extends V> after) Serializable
variant ofjava.util.function.Function#andThen(Function)
.default <V> FunctionEx<V,
R> FunctionEx.compose
(FunctionEx<? super V, ? extends T> before) Serializable
variant ofjava.util.function.Function#compose(Function)
.static <K> FunctionEx<Map.Entry<K,
?>, K> Functions.entryKey()
Returns a function that extracts the key of aMap.Entry
.static <V> FunctionEx<Map.Entry<?,
V>, V> Functions.entryValue()
Returns a function that extracts the value of aMap.Entry
.static <T> FunctionEx<T,
T> FunctionEx.identity()
variant ofjava.util.function.Function#identity()
.static <V,
R> FunctionEx<V, R> FunctionEx.unchecked
(FunctionEx<V, R> function) Enforces that the return type is FunctionEx, to be used to wrap some expressions without casting.static <T> FunctionEx<T,
T> Functions.wholeItem()
Synonym foridentity()
, to be used as a projection function (e.g., key extractor).Methods in com.hazelcast.function with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <V> BiFunctionEx<T,
U, V> BiFunctionEx.andThen
(FunctionEx<? super R, ? extends V> after) Serializable
variant ofjava.util.function.BiFunction#andThen(Function)
.default <V> FunctionEx<T,
V> FunctionEx.andThen
(FunctionEx<? super R, ? extends V> after) Serializable
variant ofjava.util.function.Function#andThen(Function)
.default <V> SupplierEx<V>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> after) Serializable
analogue ofjava.util.function.Function#andThen(Function)
.static <T,
U extends Comparable<? super U>>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends U> toKeyFn) Serializable
variant ofjava.util.Comparator#comparing(Function)
.static <T,
U> ComparatorEx<T> ComparatorEx.comparing
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends U> toKeyFn, ComparatorEx<? super U> keyComparator) Serializable
variant ofjava.util.Comparator#comparing(Function, Comparator)
.default <V> FunctionEx<V,
R> FunctionEx.compose
(FunctionEx<? super V, ? extends T> before) Serializable
variant ofjava.util.function.Function#compose(Function)
.default <U extends Comparable<? super U>>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends U> toKeyFn) Serializable
variant ofjava.util.Comparator#thenComparing(Function)
.default <U> ComparatorEx<T>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends U> toKeyFn, ComparatorEx<? super U> keyComparator) Serializable
variant ofjava.util.Comparator#thenComparing(Function, Comparator)
.static <V,
R> FunctionEx<V, R> FunctionEx.unchecked
(FunctionEx<V, R> function) Enforces that the return type is FunctionEx, to be used to wrap some expressions without casting. -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet that return FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <K,
V> FunctionEx<EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>, V> Util.cacheEventNewValue()
Returns a projection that extracts the new value from anEventJournalCacheEvent
.static <K,
V> FunctionEx<EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>, Map.Entry<K, V>> Util.cacheEventToEntry()
Returns a projection that converts theEventJournalCacheEvent
to aMap.Entry
using the event's new value as a value.static <K,
V> FunctionEx<EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>, V> Util.mapEventNewValue()
Returns a projection that extracts the new value from anEventJournalMapEvent
.static <K,
V> FunctionEx<EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>, Map.Entry<K, V>> Util.mapEventToEntry()
Returns a projection that converts theEventJournalMapEvent
to aMap.Entry
using the event's new value as a value. -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.aggregate
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.aggregate that return FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFunctionEx<? super A,
? extends R> AggregateOperation.exportFn()
A primitive that transforms the accumulator into a result of the aggregation.default FunctionEx<? super A,
? extends R> AggregateOperation.finishFn()
A primitive that transforms the accumulator into a result of the aggregation.Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.aggregate with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescription<R_NEW> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity1<T0,
A, R_NEW> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity1.andExport
(FunctionEx<? super A, ? extends R_NEW> exportFn) Registers theexport
primitive.<R_NEW> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity2<T0,
T1, A, R_NEW> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity2.andExport
(FunctionEx<? super A, ? extends R_NEW> exportFn) Registers theexport
primitive.<R_NEW> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity3<T0,
T1, T2, A, R_NEW> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity3.andExport
(FunctionEx<? super A, ? extends R_NEW> exportFn) Registers theexport
primitive.<R_NEW> AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity<A,
R_NEW> AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity.andExport
(FunctionEx<? super A, ? extends R_NEW> exportFn) Registers theexport
primitive.<R_NEW> AggregateOperation1<T0,
A, R_NEW> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity1.andExportFinish
(FunctionEx<? super A, ? extends R_NEW> exportFinishFn) <R_NEW> AggregateOperation2<T0,
T1, A, R_NEW> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity2.andExportFinish
(FunctionEx<? super A, ? extends R_NEW> exportFinishFn) <R_NEW> AggregateOperation3<T0,
T1, T2, A, R_NEW> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity3.andExportFinish
(FunctionEx<? super A, ? extends R_NEW> exportFinishFn) <R_NEW> AggregateOperation<A,
R_NEW> AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity.andExportFinish
(FunctionEx<? super A, ? extends R_NEW> exportFinishFn) AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity1.andFinish
(FunctionEx<? super A, ? extends R> finishFn) Registers thefinish
(FunctionEx<? super A, ? extends R> finishFn) Registers thefinish
(FunctionEx<? super A, ? extends R> finishFn) Registers thefinish
(FunctionEx<? super A, ? extends R> finishFn) Registers thefinish
primitive.<R_NEW> AggregateOperation<A,
R_NEW> AggregateOperation.andThen
(FunctionEx<? super R, ? extends R_NEW> thenFn) Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with theexport
primitives composed with the suppliedthenFn
.<R_NEW> AggregateOperation1<T,
A, R_NEW> AggregateOperation1.andThen
(FunctionEx<? super R, ? extends R_NEW> thenFn) <R_NEW> AggregateOperation2<T0,
T1, A, R_NEW> AggregateOperation2.andThen
(FunctionEx<? super R, ? extends R_NEW> thenFn) <R_NEW> AggregateOperation3<T0,
T1, T2, A, R_NEW> AggregateOperation3.andThen
(FunctionEx<? super R, ? extends R_NEW> thenFn) <R> AggregateOperation1<T,
Object[], R>
(FunctionEx<ItemsByTag, R> exportFinishFn) Builds and returns the compositeAggregateOperation1
.<R> AggregateOperation<Object[],
(FunctionEx<? super ItemsByTag, ? extends R> exportFinishFn) Builds and returns the multi-inputAggregateOperation
.static <T,
U, A, R> AggregateOperation1<T, A, R> AggregateOperations.flatMapping
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends Traverser<? extends U>> flatMapFn, AggregateOperation1<? super U, A, ? extends R> downstream) Adapts an aggregate operation that takes items of typeU
to one that takes items of typeT
, by exploding eachT
into a sequence ofU
s and then accumulating all of them.static <T,
K> AggregateOperation1<T, Map<K, List<T>>, Map<K, List<T>>> AggregateOperations.groupingBy
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn) Returns an aggregate operation that accumulates the items into aHashMap
where the key is the result of applyingkeyFn
and the value is a list of the items with that key.static <T,
K, R, A, M extends Map<K, R>>
AggregateOperation1<T,Map<K, A>, M> AggregateOperations.groupingBy
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn, SupplierEx<M> createMapFn, AggregateOperation1<? super T, A, R> downstream) Returns anAggregateOperation1
that accumulates the items into aMap
(as obtained fromcreateMapFn
) where the key is the result of applyingkeyFn
and the value is the result of applying the downstream aggregate operation to the items with that key.static <T,
K, A, R> AggregateOperation1<T, Map<K, A>, Map<K, R>> AggregateOperations.groupingBy
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn, AggregateOperation1<? super T, A, R> downstream) Returns an aggregate operation that accumulates the items into aHashMap
where the key is the result of applyingkeyFn
and the value is the result of applying the downstream aggregate operation to the items with that key.static <T,
U, A, R> AggregateOperation1<T, A, R> AggregateOperations.mapping
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends U> mapFn, AggregateOperation1<? super U, A, ? extends R> downstream) Adapts an aggregate operation that takes items of typeU
to one that takes items of typeT
, by applying the given mapping function to each item.static <T,
A> AggregateOperation1<T, MutableReference<A>, A> AggregateOperations.reducing
(A emptyAccValue, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends A> toAccValueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<A> combineAccValuesFn, BinaryOperatorEx<A> deductAccValueFn) Returns an aggregate operation that constructs the result through the process of immutable reduction: The initial accumulated value isemptyAccValue
.static <T,
K, U> AggregateOperation1<T, Map<K, U>, Map<K, U>> AggregateOperations.toMap
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends U> valueFn) Returns an aggregate operation that accumulates the items into aHashMap
whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions.static <T,
K, U> AggregateOperation1<T, Map<K, U>, Map<K, U>> AggregateOperations.toMap
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends U> valueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<U> mergeFn) Returns an aggregate operation that accumulates the items into aHashMap
whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions.static <T,
K, U, M extends Map<K, U>>
AggregateOperation1<T,M, M> AggregateOperations.toMap
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends U> valueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<U> mergeFn, SupplierEx<M> createMapFn) Returns an aggregate operation that accumulates elements into a user-suppliedMap
instance.default <T> AggregateOperation1<T,
A, R> AggregateOperation.withCombiningAccumulateFn
(FunctionEx<T, A> getAccFn) Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with theaccumulate
primitive replaced with one that expects to find accumulator objects in the input items and combines them all into a single accumulator of the same type. -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.cdc
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.cdc with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <K,
V> Sink<ChangeRecord>
(IMap<? super K, ? super V> map, FunctionEx<? super ChangeRecord, ? extends K> keyFn, FunctionEx<? super ChangeRecord, ? extends V> valueFn) Returns a sink that applies the changes described by a Change Data Capture (CDC) stream to anIMap
.static <K,
V> Sink<ChangeRecord>
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super ChangeRecord, ? extends K> keyFn, FunctionEx<? super ChangeRecord, ? extends V> valueFn) Returns a sink that applies the changes described by a Change Data Capture (CDC) stream to anIMap
.static <K,
V> Sink<ChangeRecord> CdcSinks.remoteMap
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super ChangeRecord, ? extends K> keyFn, FunctionEx<? super ChangeRecord, ? extends V> valueFn) Returns a sink equivalent, com.hazelcast.function.FunctionEx<? super com.hazelcast.jet.cdc.ChangeRecord, ? extends K>, com.hazelcast.function.FunctionEx<? super com.hazelcast.jet.cdc.ChangeRecord, ? extends V>)
, but for a map in a remote Hazelcast cluster identified by the suppliedClientConfig
. -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.core
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.core with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ProcessorMetaSupplier
(int preferredLocalParallelism, FunctionEx<? super Address, ? extends ProcessorSupplier> addressToSupplier) Factory method that creates aProcessorMetaSupplier
from the supplied function that maps a cluster member address to aProcessorSupplier
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(FunctionEx<? super Address, ? extends ProcessorSupplier> addressToSupplier) Factory method that creates aProcessorMetaSupplier
from the supplied function that maps a cluster member address to aProcessorSupplier
.<T> Edge
(FunctionEx<T, ?> extractKeyFn) Activates thePARTITIONED
routing policy and applies thedefault
Hazelcast partitioning strategy.<T,
K> Edge Edge.partitioned
(FunctionEx<T, K> extractKeyFn, Partitioner<? super K> partitioner) Activates thePARTITIONED
routing policy and applies the provided partitioning strategy. -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor
Fields in com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor declared as FunctionExModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final FunctionEx<Object,
String> DiagnosticProcessors.PEEK_DEFAULT_TO_STRING
A function that uses `Object.toString()` for non-arrays, `Arrays.toString()` for arrays of primitive types and `Arrays.deepToString()` for `Object[]`.Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <C,
T, S> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.convenientSourceP
(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends C> createFn, BiConsumerEx<? super C, ? super SourceBuilder.SourceBuffer<T>> fillBufferFn, FunctionEx<? super C, ? extends S> createSnapshotFn, BiConsumerEx<? super C, ? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn, ConsumerEx<? super C> destroyFn, int preferredLocalParallelism, boolean isBatch, Permission permission) Returns a supplier of processors for a source that the user can create using theSourceBuilder
.static <C,
T, S> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.convenientTimestampedSourceP
(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends C> createFn, BiConsumerEx<? super C, ? super SourceBuilder.TimestampedSourceBuffer<T>> fillBufferFn, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, FunctionEx<? super C, ? extends S> createSnapshotFn, BiConsumerEx<? super C, ? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn, ConsumerEx<? super C> destroyFn, int preferredLocalParallelism) Returns a supplier of processors for a source that the user can create using theSourceBuilder
.static <T,
R> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.flatMapP
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends Traverser<? extends R>> flatMapFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that applies the provided item-to-traverser mapping function to each received item and emits all the items from the resulting traverser.static <T,
K, S, R> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.flatMapStatefulP
(long ttl, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn, ToLongFunctionEx<? super T> timestampFn, Supplier<? extends S> createFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super T, ? extends Traverser<R>> statefulFlatMapFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super Long, ? extends Traverser<R>> onEvictFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that performs a stateful flat-mapping of its input.static <T> SupplierEx<Processor>
(FunctionEx<ProcessorSupplier.Context, EventTimePolicy<? super T>> eventTimePolicyProvider) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that insertswatermark items
into the stream.static <T,
R> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.mapP
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends R> mapFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex which, for each received item, emits the result of applying the given mapping function to it.static <T,
K, S, R> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.mapStatefulP
(long ttl, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn, ToLongFunctionEx<? super T> timestampFn, Supplier<? extends S> createFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super T, ? extends R> statefulMapFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super Long, ? extends R> onEvictFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that performs a stateful mapping of its input.static <C,
S, T, K, R>
(ServiceFactory<C, S> serviceFactory, int maxConcurrentOps, boolean preserveOrder, FunctionEx<T, K> extractKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super S, ? super T, CompletableFuture<R>> mapAsyncFn) Asynchronous version ofProcessors.mapUsingServiceP(com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline.ServiceFactory<C, S>, com.hazelcast.function.BiFunctionEx<? super S, ? super T, ? extends R>)
: themapAsyncFn
returns aCompletableFuture<R>
instead of justR
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.mergeMapP
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<V> mergeFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.mapWithMerging(String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx, BinaryOperatorEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.mergeRemoteMapP
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<V> mergeFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.remoteMapWithMerging(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, FunctionEx, BinaryOperatorEx)
.static <T> SupplierEx<Processor>
(FunctionEx<T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<T> shouldLogFn, SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Same aspeekInput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
, but accepts aSupplierEx
of processors instead of a meta-supplier.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(FunctionEx<T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<T> shouldLogFn, ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Returns a meta-supplier that wraps the provided one and adds a logging layer to each processor it creates.static <T> ProcessorSupplier
(FunctionEx<T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<T> shouldLogFn, ProcessorSupplier wrapped) Same aspeekInput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
, but accepts aProcessorSupplier
instead of a meta-supplier.static <T> SupplierEx<Processor>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super T> shouldLogFn, SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Same aspeekOutput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
, but accepts aSupplierEx
of processors instead of a meta-supplier.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super T> shouldLogFn, ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Returns a meta-supplier that wraps the provided one and adds a logging layer to each processor it creates.static <T> ProcessorSupplier
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super T> shouldLogFn, ProcessorSupplier wrapped) Same aspeekOutput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
, but accepts aProcessorSupplier
instead of a meta-supplier.static <K,
V> SupplierEx<Processor> DiagnosticProcessors.peekSnapshotP
(FunctionEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>> shouldLogFn, SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Same aspeekSnapshot(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
, but accepts aSupplierEx
of processors instead of a meta-supplier.static <K,
V> ProcessorMetaSupplier DiagnosticProcessors.peekSnapshotP
(FunctionEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>> shouldLogFn, ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Returns a meta-supplier that wraps the provided one and adds a logging layer to each processor it creates.static <K,
V> ProcessorSupplier DiagnosticProcessors.peekSnapshotP
(FunctionEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>> shouldLogFn, ProcessorSupplier wrapped) Same aspeekSnapshot(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
, but accepts aProcessorSupplier
instead of a meta-supplier.static <I> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String directory, String glob, boolean sharedFileSystem, boolean ignoreFileNotFound, FunctionEx<? super Path, ? extends Stream<I>> readFileFn) Returns a supplier of processors forFileSources.files(String)
to read local files.static <I> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String directory, String glob, boolean sharedFileSystem, FunctionEx<? super Path, ? extends Stream<I>> readFileFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.filesBuilder(java.lang.String)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(SupplierEx<? extends Connection> newConnectionFn, ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> mapOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jdbc(SupplierEx, ToResultSetFunction, FunctionEx)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> mapOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jdbc(DataConnectionRef, ToResultSetFunction, FunctionEx)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String connectionURL, String query, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> mapOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jdbc(String, String, FunctionEx)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String connectionURL, String query, Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> mapOutputFn) static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.streamCacheP
(String cacheName, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>> predicateFn, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.cacheJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String destination, ProcessingGuarantee maxGuarantee, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Session, ? extends jakarta.jms.MessageConsumer> consumerFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ?> messageIdFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ? extends T> projectionFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jmsQueueBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory>)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String destination, boolean isSharedConsumer, ProcessingGuarantee maxGuarantee, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Session, ? extends jakarta.jms.MessageConsumer> consumerFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ?> messageIdFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ? extends T> projectionFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jmsTopicBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory>)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.streamMapP
(String mapName, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>> predicateFn, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.mapJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.streamRemoteCacheP
(String cacheName, ClientConfig clientConfig, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>> predicateFn, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.remoteCacheJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.streamRemoteMapP
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>> predicateFn, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.remoteMapJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
.static <T,
K, V, R> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.updateMapP
(int maxParallelAsyncOps, String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.mapWithEntryProcessor(int, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.updateMapP
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super V, ? super T, ? extends V> updateFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.mapWithEntryProcessor(String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V, R> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.updateMapP
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.mapWithEntryProcessor(String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.updateRemoteMapP
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super V, ? super T, ? extends V> updateFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.remoteMapWithUpdating(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, BiFunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V, R> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.updateRemoteMapP
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.remoteMapWithEntryProcessor(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <W,
T> SupplierEx<Processor> SinkProcessors.writeBufferedP
(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends W> createFn, BiConsumerEx<? super W, ? super T> onReceiveFn, ConsumerEx<? super W> flushFn) Shortcut forSinkProcessors.writeBufferedP(FunctionEx, BiConsumerEx, ConsumerEx, ConsumerEx)
with a no-opdestroyFn
.static <W,
T> SupplierEx<Processor> SinkProcessors.writeBufferedP
(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends W> createFn, BiConsumerEx<? super W, ? super T> onReceiveFn, ConsumerEx<? super W> flushFn, ConsumerEx<? super W> destroyFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that drains all the items from the inbox to an internal writer object and then does a flush.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String directoryName, Charset charset, String datePattern, long maxFileSize, boolean exactlyOnce, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends String> toStringFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.filesBuilder(java.lang.String)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(FunctionEx<T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn) Returns a meta-supplier of processors for a sink vertex that logs all the data items it receives.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.writeMapP
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn) Returns a supplier of processors, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.writeRemoteMapP
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.remoteMap(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String host, int port, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends String> toStringFn, Charset charset) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.socket(String, int)
.Method parameters in com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor with type arguments of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <K,
A> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.accumulateByFrameP
(List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> keyFns, List<ToLongFunctionEx<?>> timestampFns, TimestampKind timestampKind, SlidingWindowPolicy winPolicy, AggregateOperation<A, ?> aggrOp) Returns a supplier of processors for the first-stage vertex in a two-stage sliding window aggregation setup (see theclass Javadoc
for an explanation of aggregation stages).static <K,
A> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.accumulateByFrameP
(List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> keyFns, List<ToLongFunctionEx<?>> timestampFns, TimestampKind timestampKind, SlidingWindowPolicy winPolicy, AggregateOperation<A, ?> aggrOp, byte watermarkKey) Returns a supplier of processors for the first-stage vertex in a two-stage sliding window aggregation setup (see theclass Javadoc
for an explanation of aggregation stages).static <K,
A> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.accumulateByKeyP
(List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> getKeyFns, AggregateOperation<A, ?> aggrOp) Returns a supplier of processors for the first-stage vertex in a two-stage group-and-aggregate setup.static <K,
A, R, OUT>
(List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> keyFns, AggregateOperation<A, R> aggrOp, BiFunctionEx<? super K, ? super R, OUT> mapToOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that groups items by key and performs the provided aggregate operation on each group.static <K,
A, R, OUT>
(List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> keyFns, List<ToLongFunctionEx<?>> timestampFns, TimestampKind timestampKind, SlidingWindowPolicy winPolicy, long earlyResultsPeriod, AggregateOperation<A, ? extends R> aggrOp, KeyedWindowResultFunction<? super K, ? super R, ? extends OUT> mapToOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that aggregates events into a sliding window in a single stage (see theclass Javadoc
for an explanation of aggregation stages).static <K,
A, R, OUT>
(List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> keyFns, List<ToLongFunctionEx<?>> timestampFns, TimestampKind timestampKind, SlidingWindowPolicy winPolicy, long earlyResultsPeriod, AggregateOperation<A, ? extends R> aggrOp, KeyedWindowResultFunction<? super K, ? super R, ? extends OUT> mapToOutputFn, byte windowWatermarkKey) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that aggregates events into a sliding window in a single stage (see theclass Javadoc
for an explanation of aggregation stages). -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.elastic
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.elastic with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> Sink<T>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends org.elasticsearch.action.DocWriteRequest<?>> mapToRequestFn) Creates an Elasticsearch sink, uses a local instance of Elasticsearchstatic <T> Sink<T>
(SupplierEx<org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder> clientFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends org.elasticsearch.action.DocWriteRequest<?>> mapToRequestFn) Creates an Elasticsearch sink, uses a client obtained from clientFn and maps items using given mapToRequestFnstatic <T> BatchSource<T>
(FunctionEx<? super, T> mapToItemFn) Creates a source which queries local instance of Elasticsearch for all documents.static <T> BatchSource<T>
(SupplierEx<org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder> clientFn, FunctionEx<? super, T> mapToItemFn) Creates a source which queries Elasticsearch using client obtained fromRestClientBuilder
supplier function.static <T> BatchSource<T>
(SupplierEx<org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder> clientFn, SupplierEx<> searchRequestFn, FunctionEx<? super, T> mapToItemFn) Creates a source which queries Elasticsearch using client obtained fromRestHighLevelClient
supplier.<T_NEW> ElasticSourceBuilder<T_NEW>
(FunctionEx<? super, T_NEW> mapToItemFn) Set the function to map SearchHit to a pipeline item<T_NEW> ElasticSinkBuilder<T_NEW>
(FunctionEx<? super T_NEW, ? extends org.elasticsearch.action.DocWriteRequest<?>> mapToRequestFn) Set the function mapping the item from a pipeline item to an index requestElasticSinkBuilder.optionsFn
(FunctionEx<? super org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequest, org.elasticsearch.client.RequestOptions> optionsFn) Set the function that providesRequestOptions
(FunctionEx<? super org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequest, org.elasticsearch.client.RequestOptions> optionsFn) Set the function that providesRequestOptions
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.grpc
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.grpc with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T,
R> ServiceFactory<?, ? extends GrpcService<T, R>> GrpcServices.bidirectionalStreamingService
(SupplierEx<? extends io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder<?>> channelFn, FunctionEx<? super io.grpc.ManagedChannel, ? extends FunctionEx<io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<R>, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<T>>> callStubFn) Creates aServiceFactory
that calls out to a bidirectional streaming gRPC service.static <T,
R> ServiceFactory<?, ? extends GrpcService<T, R>> GrpcServices.unaryService
(SupplierEx<? extends io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder<?>> channelFn, FunctionEx<? super io.grpc.ManagedChannel, ? extends BiConsumerEx<T, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<R>>> callStubFn) Creates aServiceFactory
that calls out to a unary gRPC service.Method parameters in com.hazelcast.jet.grpc with type arguments of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T,
R> ServiceFactory<?, ? extends GrpcService<T, R>> GrpcServices.bidirectionalStreamingService
(SupplierEx<? extends io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder<?>> channelFn, FunctionEx<? super io.grpc.ManagedChannel, ? extends FunctionEx<io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<R>, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<T>>> callStubFn) Creates aServiceFactory
that calls out to a bidirectional streaming gRPC service. -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.hadoop
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.hadoop with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <E,
K, V> Sink<E> HadoopSinks.outputFormat
(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration configuration, FunctionEx<? super E, K> extractKeyF, FunctionEx<? super E, V> extractValueF) Returns a sink that writes to Apache Hadoop HDFS.static <E,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier HadoopProcessors.writeHadoopP
(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration configuration, FunctionEx<? super E, K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super E, V> extractValueFn) Returns a supplier of processors forHadoopSinks.outputFormat(Configuration, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
. -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.kafka
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.kafka with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionKafkaSinks.Builder.extractKeyFn
(FunctionEx<? super E, ?> extractKeyFn) Sets the function to extract the key from the stream items.KafkaSinks.Builder.extractValueFn
(FunctionEx<? super E, ?> extractValueFn) Sets the function to extract the value from the stream items.static <E,
K, V> Sink<E> KafkaSinks.kafka
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super E, org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K, V>> toRecordFn) Returns a sink that publishes messages to Apache Kafka topic(s).static <E,
K, V> Sink<E> KafkaSinks.kafka
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, String topic, FunctionEx<? super E, K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super E, V> extractValueFn) Convenience forKafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx)
which creates aProducerRecord
using the given topic and the given key and value mapping functionsstatic <E,
K, V> Sink<E> KafkaSinks.kafka
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, Properties properties, String topic, FunctionEx<? super E, K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super E, V> extractValueFn) Convenience forKafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx)
which creates aProducerRecord
using the given topic and the given key and value mapping functions with additional properties availablestatic <E,
K, V> Sink<E> KafkaSinks.kafka
(Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super E, org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K, V>> toRecordFn) Returns a sink that publishes messages to Apache Kafka topic(s).static <E,
K, V> Sink<E> KafkaSinks.kafka
(Properties properties, String topic, FunctionEx<? super E, K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super E, V> extractValueFn) Convenience forKafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx)
which creates aProducerRecord
using the given topic and the given key and value mapping functionsstatic <K,
V, T> StreamSource<T> KafkaSources.kafka
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K, V>, T> projectionFn, String... topics) Returns a source that consumes one or more Apache Kafka topics and emits items from them asMap.Entry
instances.static <K,
V, T> StreamSource<T> KafkaSources.kafka
(Properties properties, FunctionEx<org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K, V>, T> projectionFn, TopicsConfig topicsConfig) Returns a source that consumes one or more Apache Kafka topics and emits items from them asMap.Entry
instances.static <K,
V, T> StreamSource<T> KafkaSources.kafka
(Properties properties, FunctionEx<org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K, V>, T> projectionFn, String... topics) Returns a source that consumes one or more Apache Kafka topics and emits items from them asMap.Entry
instances.static <K,
V, T> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.streamKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, String... topics) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSources.kafka(DataConnectionRef, FunctionEx, String...)
.static <K,
V, T> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.streamKafkaP
(Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, TopicsConfig topicsConfig) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSources.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx, TopicsConfig)
}.static <K,
V, T> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.streamKafkaP
(Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, String... topics) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSources.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx, String...)
(FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<?, ?>> toRecordFn) Sets the function to convert stream items into Kafka'sProducerRecord
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K, V>> toRecordFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(DataConnectionRef, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, String topic, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> extractValueFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(DataConnectionRef, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K, V>> toRecordFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, Properties properties, String topic, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> extractValueFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(DataConnectionRef, Properties, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K, V>> toRecordFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(Properties properties, String topic, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> extractValueFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
. -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.kafka.connect
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.kafka.connect with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> StreamSource<T>
(Properties properties, FunctionEx<org.apache.kafka.connect.source.SourceRecord, T> projectionFn) A generic Kafka Connect source provides ability to plug any Kafka Connect source for data ingestion to Jet pipelines.static <T> StreamSource<T>
(Properties properties, FunctionEx<org.apache.kafka.connect.source.SourceRecord, T> projectionFn, RetryStrategy retryStrategy) A generic Kafka Connect source provides ability to plug any Kafka Connect source for data ingestion to Jet pipelines. -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.kinesis
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.kinesis with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> KinesisSinks.Builder<T>
(String stream, FunctionEx<T, String> keyFn, FunctionEx<T, byte[]> valueFn) Initiates the building of a sink that publishes messages into Amazon Kinesis Data Streams (KDS). -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.mongodb
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.mongodb with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMongoSinkBuilder.identifyDocumentBy
(String fieldName, FunctionEx<T, Object> documentIdentityFn) Sets the filter that decides which document in the collection is equal to processed document.MongoSinkBuilder.into
(FunctionEx<T, String> selectDatabaseNameFn, FunctionEx<T, String> selectCollectionNameFn) <T_NEW> MongoSourceBuilder.Batch<T_NEW>
(FunctionEx<org.bson.Document, T_NEW> mapFn) -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline that return FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFunctionEx<? super ProcessorSupplier.Context,
? extends C> ServiceFactory.createContextFn()
Returns the function that creates the shared context object.FunctionEx<? super T,
? extends K> GeneralStageWithKey.keyFn()
Returns the function that extracts the key from stream items.FunctionEx<? super T,
? extends K> StageWithKeyAndWindow.keyFn()
Returns the function that extracts the grouping key from stream items.FunctionEx<? super T0,
? extends K> JoinClause.leftKeyFn()
Returns the left-hand key extractor function.FunctionEx<? super T1,
? extends K> JoinClause.rightKeyFn()
Returns the right-hand key extractor function.FunctionEx<? super T1,
? extends T1_OUT> JoinClause.rightProjectFn()
Returns the right-hand projection function.Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <R> BatchStage<R>
(FunctionEx<? super BatchStage<T>, ? extends BatchStage<R>> transformFn) Transformsthis
stage using the providedtransformFn
and returns the transformed stage.default <R> StreamStage<R>
(FunctionEx<? super StreamStage<T>, ? extends StreamStage<R>> transformFn) Transformsthis
stage using the providedtransformFn
and returns the transformed stage.static <C> SourceBuilder<C>.Batch<Void>
(String name, FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends C> createFn) Returns a fluent-API builder with which you can create a batch source for a Jet pipeline.<R> BatchStage<R>
(FunctionEx<? super ItemsByTag, ? extends R> finishFn) Creates and returns a pipeline stage that performs the co-aggregation of the stages registered with this builder object.<T> BatchSource<T>
(FunctionEx<? super Path, ? extends Stream<T>> readFileFn) Deprecated.<T> StreamSource<T>
(FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ? extends T> projectionFn) Creates and returns the JMSStreamSource
with the supplied components and the projection functionprojectionFn
.static <T,
K, V> StreamSource<T> Sources.cacheJournal
(String cacheName, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>> predicateFn) Returns a source that will stream theEventJournalCacheEvent
events of a HazelcastICache
with the specified name.JmsSinkBuilder.connectionFn
(FunctionEx<jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory, jakarta.jms.Connection> connectionFn) Sets the function which creates a connection given a connection factory.JmsSourceBuilder.connectionFn
(FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory, ? extends jakarta.jms.Connection> connectionFn) Sets the function which creates the connection using the connection factory.JmsSourceBuilder.consumerFn
(FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Session, ? extends jakarta.jms.MessageConsumer> consumerFn) Sets the function which creates the message consumer from session.<S> SourceBuilder<C>.FaultTolerant<SourceBuilder<C>.Stream<T>,
S> SourceBuilder.Stream.createSnapshotFn
(FunctionEx<? super C, ? extends S> createSnapshotFn) <S> SourceBuilder<C>.FaultTolerant<SourceBuilder<C>.TimestampedStream<T>,
S> SourceBuilder.TimestampedStream.createSnapshotFn
(FunctionEx<? super C, ? extends S> createSnapshotFn) <R> BatchStage<R>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends Traverser<R>> flatMapFn) <R> GeneralStage<R>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends Traverser<R>> flatMapFn) Attaches a flat-mapping stage which applies the supplied function to each input item independently and emits all the items from theTraverser
it returns.<R> StreamStage<R>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends Traverser<R>> flatMapFn) static <T> Sink<T>
(String sinkName, ProcessorMetaSupplier metaSupplier, FunctionEx<? super T, ?> partitionKeyFn) Returns a sink constructed directly from the given Core API processor meta-supplier.<K> BatchStageWithKey<T,
K> BatchStage.groupingKey
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn) Specifies the function that will extract a key from the items in the associated pipeline stage.<K> GeneralStageWithKey<T,
K> GeneralStage.groupingKey
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn) Specifies the function that will extract a key from the items in the associated pipeline stage.<K> StageWithKeyAndWindow<T,
K> StageWithWindow.groupingKey
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn) Specifies the function that will extract the grouping key from the items in the associated pipeline stage and moves on to the step in which you'll complete the construction of a windowed group-and-aggregate stage.<K> StreamStageWithKey<T,
K> StreamStage.groupingKey
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn) static <T> BatchSource<T>
(SupplierEx<? extends Connection> newConnectionFn, ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> createOutputFn) Returns a source which connects to the specified database using the givennewConnectionFn
, queries the database and creates a result set using the the givenresultSetFn
.static <T> BatchSource<T>
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> createOutputFn) Returns a source which connects to the specified database using the givendataConnectionRef
, queries the database and creates a result set using the givenresultSetFn
.static <T> BatchSource<T>
(String connectionURL, String query, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> createOutputFn) Convenience forSources.jdbc(SupplierEx, ToResultSetFunction, FunctionEx)
.static <T> BatchSource<T>
(String connectionURL, String query, Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> createOutputFn) Same as @{linkSources.jdbc(String, String, FunctionEx)
}static <K,
T0, T1_OUT>
JoinClause<K,T0, Map.Entry<K, T1_OUT>, T1_OUT> JoinClause.joinMapEntries
(FunctionEx<? super T0, ? extends K> leftKeyFn) A shorthand factory for the common case of hash-joining with a stream of map entries.static <T> Sink<T>
(FunctionEx<? super T, String> toStringFn) Returns a sink that logs all the data items it receives, at the INFO level to the log categoryWriteLoggerP
.<R> BatchStage<R>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends R> mapFn) <R> GeneralStage<R>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends R> mapFn) Attaches a mapping stage which applies the given function to each input item independently and emits the function's result as the output item.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T>
(IMap<? super K, ? super V> map, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn) Returns a sink that uses the supplied functions to extract the key and value with which to put to given HazelcastIMap
.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T>
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn) Returns a sink that uses the supplied functions to extract the key and value with which to put to a HazelcastIMap
with the specified name.<R> StreamStage<R>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends R> mapFn) static <T,
K, V> StreamSource<T> Sources.mapJournal
(IMap<? extends K, ? extends V> map, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>> predicateFn) Returns a source that will streamEventJournalMapEvent
s of the given HazelcastIMap
.static <T,
K, V> StreamSource<T> Sources.mapJournal
(String mapName, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>> predicateFn) Returns a source that will streamEventJournalMapEvent
s of the HazelcastIMap
with the specified name.default <K,
V, R> BatchStage<R> BatchStage.mapUsingIMap
(IMap<K, V> iMap, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> lookupKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn) default <K,
V, R> BatchStage<R> BatchStage.mapUsingIMap
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> lookupKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn) default <K,
V, R> GeneralStage<R> GeneralStage.mapUsingIMap
(IMap<K, V> iMap, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> lookupKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn) Attaches a mapping stage where for each item a lookup in the suppliedIMap
is performed and the result of the lookup is merged with the item and emitted.default <K,
V, R> GeneralStage<R> GeneralStage.mapUsingIMap
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> lookupKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn) Attaches a mapping stage where for each item a lookup in theIMap
with the supplied name is performed and the result of the lookup is merged with the item and emitted.default <K,
V, R> StreamStage<R> StreamStage.mapUsingIMap
(IMap<K, V> iMap, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> lookupKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn) default <K,
V, R> StreamStage<R> StreamStage.mapUsingIMap
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> lookupKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn) default <K,
V, R> BatchStage<R> BatchStage.mapUsingReplicatedMap
(ReplicatedMap<K, V> replicatedMap, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> lookupKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn) default <K,
V, R> BatchStage<R> BatchStage.mapUsingReplicatedMap
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> lookupKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn) default <K,
V, R> GeneralStage<R> GeneralStage.mapUsingReplicatedMap
(ReplicatedMap<K, V> replicatedMap, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> lookupKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn) Attaches a mapping stage where for each item a lookup in the suppliedReplicatedMap
is performed and the result of the lookup is merged with the item and emitted.default <K,
V, R> GeneralStage<R> GeneralStage.mapUsingReplicatedMap
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> lookupKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn) Attaches a mapping stage where for each item a lookup in theReplicatedMap
with the supplied name is performed and the result of the lookup is merged with the item and emitted.default <K,
V, R> StreamStage<R> StreamStage.mapUsingReplicatedMap
(ReplicatedMap<K, V> replicatedMap, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> lookupKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn) default <K,
V, R> StreamStage<R> StreamStage.mapUsingReplicatedMap
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> lookupKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super T, ? super V, ? extends R> mapFn) static <E,
K, V, R> Sink<E> Sinks.mapWithEntryProcessor
(int maxParallelAsyncOps, String mapName, FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) Returns a sink that uses the items it receives to createEntryProcessor
s it submits to a HazelcastIMap
with the specified name.static <T,
K, V, R> Sink<T> Sinks.mapWithEntryProcessor
(IMap<? super K, ? super V> map, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) Returns a sink that uses the items it receives to createEntryProcessor
s it submits to a HazelcastIMap
with the specified name.static <E,
K, V, R> Sink<E> Sinks.mapWithEntryProcessor
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) Convenience forSinks.mapWithEntryProcessor(int, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
when the maximum number of async operations is not specified.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.mapWithMerging
(IMap<? super K, ? super V> map, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<V> mergeFn) Returns a sink that uses the supplied functions to extract the key and value with which to update a HazelcastIMap
.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.mapWithMerging
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<V> mergeFn) Returns a sink that uses the supplied functions to extract the key and value with which to update a HazelcastIMap
.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.mapWithUpdating
(IMap<? super K, ? super V> map, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super V, ? super T, ? extends V> updateFn) Returns a sink that uses the supplied key-extracting and value-updating functions to update a HazelcastIMap
.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.mapWithUpdating
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super V, ? super T, ? extends V> updateFn) Returns a sink that uses the supplied key-extracting and value-updating functions to update a HazelcastIMap
(FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ?> messageIdFn) Configures the function to extract IDs from the messages, if exactly-once guarantee is used.static <S> ServiceFactory<?,
S> ServiceFactories.nonSharedService
(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends S> createServiceFn) A variant ofnonSharedService(createFn, destroyFn)
with a no-opdestroyFn
.static <S> ServiceFactory<?,
S> ServiceFactories.nonSharedService
(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends S> createServiceFn, ConsumerEx<? super S> destroyServiceFn) Returns aServiceFactory
which creates a separate service instance for each parallel Jet processor.static <K,
T0, T1> JoinClause<K, T0, T1, T1> JoinClause.onKeys
(FunctionEx<? super T0, ? extends K> leftKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T1, ? extends K> rightKeyFn) Constructs and returns a join clause with the supplied left-hand and right-hand key extractor functions, and with an identity right-hand projection function.default BatchStage<T>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn) BatchStage.peek
(PredicateEx<? super T> shouldLogFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn) default GeneralStage<T>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn) Adds a peeking layer to this compute stage which logs its output.GeneralStage.peek
(PredicateEx<? super T> shouldLogFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn) Attaches a peeking stage which logs this stage's output and passes it through without transformation.default StreamStage<T>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn) StreamStage.peek
(PredicateEx<? super T> shouldLogFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn) <T1_NEW_OUT>
JoinClause<K,T0, T1, T1_NEW_OUT> JoinClause.projecting
(FunctionEx<? super T1, ? extends T1_NEW_OUT> rightProjectFn) Returns a copy of this join clause, but with the right-hand projection function replaced with the supplied one.<K> BatchStage<T>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn) <K> GeneralStage<T>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn) Returns a new stage that applies data rebalancing to the output of this stage.<K> StreamStage<T>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn) static <T,
K, V> StreamSource<T> Sources.remoteCacheJournal
(String cacheName, ClientConfig clientConfig, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>> predicateFn) Returns a source that will stream theEventJournalCacheEvent
events of the HazelcastICache
with the specified name from a remote cluster.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.remoteMap
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn) Returns a sink that uses the supplied functions to extract the key and value with which to put to a HazelcastIMap
in a remote cluster identified by the suppliedClientConfig
.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.remoteMap
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn) The same as theSinks.remoteMap(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
method.static <T,
K, V> StreamSource<T> Sources.remoteMapJournal
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>> predicateFn) Returns a source that will stream theEventJournalMapEvent
events of the HazelcastIMap
with the specified name from a remote cluster.static <T,
K, V> StreamSource<T> Sources.remoteMapJournal
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>> predicateFn) The same as theSources.remoteMapJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
method.static <E,
K, V, R> Sink<E> Sinks.remoteMapWithEntryProcessor
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) Returns a sink equivalent toSinks.mapWithEntryProcessor(java.lang.String, com.hazelcast.function.FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends K>, com.hazelcast.function.FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends<K, V, R>>)
, but for a map in a remote Hazelcast cluster identified by the suppliedClientConfig
.static <E,
K, V, R> Sink<E> Sinks.remoteMapWithEntryProcessor
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) The same as theSinks.remoteMapWithEntryProcessor(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
method.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.remoteMapWithMerging
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<V> mergeFn) Returns a sink equivalent toSinks.mapWithMerging(String, BinaryOperatorEx)
, but for a map in a remote Hazelcast cluster identified by the suppliedClientConfig
.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.remoteMapWithMerging
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<V> mergeFn) The same as theSinks.remoteMapWithMerging(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, FunctionEx, BinaryOperatorEx)
method.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.remoteMapWithUpdating
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super V, ? super T, ? extends V> updateFn) Returns a sink equivalent toSinks.mapWithUpdating(java.lang.String, com.hazelcast.function.FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K>, com.hazelcast.function.BiFunctionEx<? super V, ? super T, ? extends V>)
, but for a map in a remote Hazelcast cluster identified by the suppliedClientConfig
.static <T,
K, V> Sink<T> Sinks.remoteMapWithUpdating
(String mapName, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super V, ? super T, ? extends V> updateFn) The same as theSinks.remoteMapWithUpdating(String, ClientConfig, BiFunctionEx)
method.static <S> ServiceFactory<?,
S> ServiceFactories.sharedService
(FunctionEx<? super ProcessorSupplier.Context, S> createServiceFn) A variant ofsharedService(createFn, destroyFn)
with a no-opdestroyFn
.static <S> ServiceFactory<?,
S> ServiceFactories.sharedService
(FunctionEx<? super ProcessorSupplier.Context, S> createServiceFn, ConsumerEx<S> destroyServiceFn) Returns aServiceFactory
which will provide a single shared service object per cluster member.static <C> SinkBuilder<C,
Void> SinkBuilder.sinkBuilder
(String name, FunctionEx<Processor.Context, ? extends C> createFn) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a customSink
for the Pipeline API.static <T> Sink<T>
(String host, int port, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends String> toStringFn) Convenience forSinks.socket(String, int, FunctionEx, Charset)
with UTF-8 as the charset.static <T> Sink<T>
(String host, int port, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends String> toStringFn, Charset charset) Returns a sink that connects to the specified TCP socket and writes to it a string representation of the items it receives.static <C> SourceBuilder<C>.Stream<Void>
(String name, FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends C> createFn) Returns a fluent-API builder with which you can create an unbounded stream source for a Jet pipeline.static <T> StreamSource<T>
(String sourceName, boolean supportsNativeTimestamps, FunctionEx<EventTimePolicy<? super T>, ProcessorMetaSupplier> metaSupplierFn) Returns an unbounded (event stream) source that will use the supplied function to create processor meta-suppliers as required by the Core API.static <C> SourceBuilder<C>.TimestampedStream<Void>
(String name, FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends C> createFn) Returns a fluent-API builder with which you can create an unbounded stream source for a Jet pipeline.MapSinkEntryProcessorBuilder.toEntryProcessorFn
(FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) MapSinkBuilder.toKeyFn
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn) Set the key-extracting function.MapSinkEntryProcessorBuilder.toKeyFn
(FunctionEx<? super E, ? extends K> toKeyFn) FileSinkBuilder.toStringFn
(FunctionEx<? super T, String> toStringFn) Sets the function which converts the item to its string representation.MapSinkBuilder.toValueFn
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn) Set the function to extract a value from the incoming items.static <C> ServiceFactory<C,
Void> ServiceFactory.withCreateContextFn
(FunctionEx<? super ProcessorSupplier.Context, ? extends C> createContextFn) Creates a newServiceFactory
with the given function that creates the shared context object. -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline.test
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline.test that return FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> FunctionEx<BatchStage<T>,
BatchStage<T>> Assertions.assertAnyOrder
(String message, Collection<? extends T> expected) Asserts that the previous stage emitted the expected items in any order, but nothing else.static <T> FunctionEx<BatchStage<T>,
BatchStage<T>> Assertions.assertAnyOrder
(Collection<? extends T> expected) Asserts that the previous stage emitted the expected items in any order, but nothing else.static <T> FunctionEx<BatchStage<T>,
BatchStage<T>> Assertions.assertCollected
(ConsumerEx<? super List<T>> assertFn) Collects all the received items in a list and once the upstream stage is completed, it executes the assertion supplied byassertFn
.static <T> FunctionEx<StreamStage<T>,
StreamStage<T>> Assertions.assertCollectedEventually
(int timeout, ConsumerEx<? super List<T>> assertFn) Collects all the received items into a list and runs theassertFn
every time a new item is received.static <T> FunctionEx<BatchStage<T>,
BatchStage<T>> Assertions.assertContains
(String message, Collection<? extends T> expected) Asserts that the previous stage emitted all of the given items in any order.static <T> FunctionEx<BatchStage<T>,
BatchStage<T>> Assertions.assertContains
(Collection<? extends T> expected) Asserts that the previous stage emitted all of the given items in any order.static <T> FunctionEx<BatchStage<T>,
BatchStage<T>> Assertions.assertOrdered
(String message, Collection<? extends T> expected) Asserts that the previous stage emitted the exact sequence of expected items and nothing else.static <T> FunctionEx<BatchStage<T>,
BatchStage<T>> Assertions.assertOrdered
(Collection<? extends T> expected) Asserts that the previous stage emitted the exact sequence of expected items and nothing else. -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.python
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.python that return FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <K> FunctionEx<StreamStage<String>,
StreamStage<String>> PythonTransforms.mapUsingPython
(FunctionEx<? super String, ? extends K> keyFn, PythonServiceConfig cfg) Deprecated.Jet now has first-class support for data rebalancing, seeGeneralStage.rebalance()
.static FunctionEx<StreamStage<String>,
StreamStage<String>> PythonTransforms.mapUsingPython
(PythonServiceConfig cfg) A stage-transforming method that adds a "map using Python" pipeline stage.static FunctionEx<StreamStage<String>,
StreamStage<String>> PythonTransforms.mapUsingPython
(PythonServiceConfig cfg, int maxBatchSize) A stage-transforming method that adds a "map using Python" pipeline stage.static <K> FunctionEx<BatchStage<String>,
BatchStage<String>> PythonTransforms.mapUsingPythonBatch
(FunctionEx<? super String, ? extends K> keyFn, PythonServiceConfig cfg) Deprecated.Jet now has first-class support for data rebalancing, seeGeneralStage.rebalance()
.static FunctionEx<BatchStage<String>,
BatchStage<String>> PythonTransforms.mapUsingPythonBatch
(PythonServiceConfig cfg) A stage-transforming method that adds a "map using Python" pipeline stage.static FunctionEx<BatchStage<String>,
BatchStage<String>> PythonTransforms.mapUsingPythonBatch
(PythonServiceConfig cfg, int maxBatchSize) A stage-transforming method that adds a "map using Python" pipeline stage.Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.python with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <K> FunctionEx<StreamStage<String>,
StreamStage<String>> PythonTransforms.mapUsingPython
(FunctionEx<? super String, ? extends K> keyFn, PythonServiceConfig cfg) Deprecated.Jet now has first-class support for data rebalancing, seeGeneralStage.rebalance()
.static <K> FunctionEx<BatchStage<String>,
BatchStage<String>> PythonTransforms.mapUsingPythonBatch
(FunctionEx<? super String, ? extends K> keyFn, PythonServiceConfig cfg) Deprecated.Jet now has first-class support for data rebalancing, seeGeneralStage.rebalance()
. -
Uses of FunctionEx in com.hazelcast.jet.s3
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.s3 with parameters of type FunctionExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> Sink<? super T>
(String bucketName, String prefix, Charset charset, SupplierEx<? extends> clientSupplier, FunctionEx<? super T, String> toStringFn) Creates an AWS S3Sink
which writes items to files into the given bucket.static <I,
T> BatchSource<T> S3Sources.s3
(List<String> bucketNames, String prefix, SupplierEx<? extends> clientSupplier, FunctionEx<? super InputStream, ? extends Stream<I>> readFileFn, BiFunctionEx<String, ? super I, ? extends T> mapFn) Creates an AWS S3BatchSource
which lists all the objects in the bucket-list using givenprefix
, reads them using providedreadFileFn
, transforms each read item to the desired output object using givenmapFn
and emits them to downstream.