Uses of Interface
Packages that use SupplierEx
Serializable and exception-declaring variants of functional interfaces from
and its several variants, as well
as a builder object for the aggregate operations.Apache Avro file read/write support for Hazelcast Jet.
Jet's Core API.
Contains static utility classes with factories of Jet processors.
Utilities for writing tests of Core API Processors.
Contains sources and sinks for Elasticsearch 7
gRPC service factories
that can be to apply transformations to
a pipeline which for each input item calls to a gRPC service.Amazon Kinesis Data Streams producer/consumer support for Hazelcast Jet.
Contains sources and sinks for MongoDB.
The Pipeline API is Jet's high-level API to build and execute
distributed computation jobs.
This package contains various mock sources to help with pipeline testing
and development.
AWS S3 read/write support for Hazelcast Jet.
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.function
Methods in com.hazelcast.function that return SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <V> SupplierEx<V>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> after) Serializable
analogue ofjava.util.function.Function#andThen(Function)
. -
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.jet.aggregate
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.aggregate that return SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAggregateOperation.createFn()
A primitive that returns a new accumulator.Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.aggregate with parameters of type SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T,
K, R, A, M extends Map<K, R>>
AggregateOperation1<T,Map<K, A>, M> AggregateOperations.groupingBy
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn, SupplierEx<M> createMapFn, AggregateOperation1<? super T, A, R> downstream) Returns anAggregateOperation1
that accumulates the items into aMap
(as obtained fromcreateMapFn
) where the key is the result of applyingkeyFn
and the value is the result of applying the downstream aggregate operation to the items with that key.static <T,
C extends Collection<T>>
AggregateOperation1<T,C, C> AggregateOperations.toCollection
(SupplierEx<C> createCollectionFn) Returns an aggregate operation that accumulates the items into aCollection
.static <T,
K, U, M extends Map<K, U>>
AggregateOperation1<T,M, M> AggregateOperations.toMap
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends U> valueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<U> mergeFn, SupplierEx<M> createMapFn) Returns an aggregate operation that accumulates elements into a user-suppliedMap
instance.static <A> AggregateOperationBuilder<A>
(SupplierEx<A> createFn) Returns a builder object, initialized with the suppliedcreate
primitive, that can be used to construct the definition of an aggregate operation in a step-by-step manner. -
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.jet.avro
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.avro with parameters of type SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <R> Sink<R>
(String directoryName, org.apache.avro.Schema schema, SupplierEx<<R>> datumWriterSupplier) Returns a sink that that writes the items it receives to Apache Avro files.static <D> AvroSourceBuilder<D>
(String directory, SupplierEx<? extends<D>> datumReaderSupplier) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom Avro file source for the Pipeline API.static <D,
T> ProcessorMetaSupplier AvroProcessors.readFilesP
(String directory, String glob, boolean sharedFileSystem, SupplierEx<? extends<D>> datumReaderSupplier, BiFunctionEx<String, ? super D, T> mapOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors forAvroSources.filesBuilder(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<D>)
.static <D> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String directoryName, org.apache.avro.Schema schema, SupplierEx<<D>> datumWriterSupplier, String connectorName) Returns a supplier of processors forAvroSinks.files(java.lang.String, org.apache.avro.Schema, com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<<R>>)
. -
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.jet.core
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.core that return SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic SupplierEx<WatermarkPolicy>
(long lag) Maintains a watermark that lags behind the top observed timestamp by the given amount.static SupplierEx<WatermarkPolicy>
(long lag) Maintains a watermark that lags behind the real time by the given amount.SupplierEx<? extends WatermarkPolicy>
Returns the factory of the watermark policy objects.Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.core with parameters of type SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> EventTimePolicy<T>
(ToLongFunctionEx<? super T> timestampFn, SupplierEx<? extends WatermarkPolicy> newWmPolicyFn, long watermarkThrottlingFrameSize, long watermarkThrottlingFrameOffset, long idleTimeoutMillis) Creates and returns a new event time policy.static <T> EventTimePolicy<T>
(ToLongFunctionEx<? super T> timestampFn, ObjLongBiFunction<? super T, ?> wrapFn, SupplierEx<? extends WatermarkPolicy> newWmPolicyFn, long watermarkThrottlingFrameSize, long watermarkThrottlingFrameOffset, long idleTimeoutMillis) Creates and returns a new event time policy.static <T> EventTimePolicy<T>
(ToLongFunctionEx<? super T> timestampFn, ObjLongBiFunction<? super T, ?> wrapFn, SupplierEx<? extends WatermarkPolicy> newWmPolicyFn, long watermarkThrottlingFrameSize, long watermarkThrottlingFrameOffset, long idleTimeoutMillis, byte wmKey) Creates and returns a new event time policy.DAG.newUniqueVertex
(String namePrefix, SupplierEx<? extends Processor> simpleSupplier) Creates a vertex from aSupplier<Processor>
and adds it to this DAG.DAG.newVertex
(String name, SupplierEx<? extends Processor> simpleSupplier) Creates a vertex from aSupplier<Processor>
and adds it to this DAG.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(int preferredLocalParallelism, SupplierEx<? extends Processor> procSupplier) Factory method that wraps the givenSupplier<Processor>
and uses it as the supplier of allProcessor
instances.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(SupplierEx<? extends Processor> procSupplier) Factory method that wraps the givenSupplier<Processor>
and uses it as the supplier of allProcessor
instances.static ProcessorSupplier
(SupplierEx<? extends Processor> processorSupplier) Returns aProcessorSupplier
which will delegate to the givenSupplier<Processor>
to create allProcessor
instances.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(SupplierEx<? extends Processor> procSupplier) Variant ofProcessorMetaSupplier.preferLocalParallelismOne(ProcessorSupplier)
where the suppliedSupplierEx<Processor>
will be wrapped into aProcessorSupplier
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(Permission permission, SupplierEx<? extends Processor> procSupplier) Variant ofProcessorMetaSupplier.preferLocalParallelismOne(SupplierEx)
where the processor requires given permission to run.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(Permission permission, SupplierEx<? extends Processor> procSupplier, String connectorName) Variant ofProcessorMetaSupplier.preferLocalParallelismOne(SupplierEx)
where the processor requires given permission to run.Constructors in com.hazelcast.jet.core with parameters of type SupplierExModifierConstructorDescriptionVertex
(String name, SupplierEx<? extends Processor> processorSupplier) Creates a vertex from aSupplier<Processor>
. -
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor that return SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <K,
A> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.accumulateByFrameP
(List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> keyFns, List<ToLongFunctionEx<?>> timestampFns, TimestampKind timestampKind, SlidingWindowPolicy winPolicy, AggregateOperation<A, ?> aggrOp) Returns a supplier of processors for the first-stage vertex in a two-stage sliding window aggregation setup (see theclass Javadoc
for an explanation of aggregation stages).static <K,
A> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.accumulateByFrameP
(List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> keyFns, List<ToLongFunctionEx<?>> timestampFns, TimestampKind timestampKind, SlidingWindowPolicy winPolicy, AggregateOperation<A, ?> aggrOp, byte watermarkKey) Returns a supplier of processors for the first-stage vertex in a two-stage sliding window aggregation setup (see theclass Javadoc
for an explanation of aggregation stages).static <K,
A> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.accumulateByKeyP
(List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> getKeyFns, AggregateOperation<A, ?> aggrOp) Returns a supplier of processors for the first-stage vertex in a two-stage group-and-aggregate setup.static <A,
R> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.accumulateP
(AggregateOperation<A, R> aggrOp) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that performs the accumulation step of the provided aggregate operation on all the items it receives.static <K,
A, R, OUT>
(List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> keyFns, AggregateOperation<A, R> aggrOp, BiFunctionEx<? super K, ? super R, OUT> mapToOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that groups items by key and performs the provided aggregate operation on each group.static <A,
R> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.aggregateP
(AggregateOperation<A, R> aggrOp) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that performs the provided aggregate operation on all the items it receives.static <K,
A, R, OUT>
(long sessionTimeout, long earlyResultsPeriod, List<ToLongFunctionEx<?>> timestampFns, List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> keyFns, AggregateOperation<A, ? extends R> aggrOp, KeyedWindowResultFunction<? super K, ? super R, ? extends OUT> mapToOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that aggregates events into session windows.static <K,
A, R, OUT>
(List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> keyFns, List<ToLongFunctionEx<?>> timestampFns, TimestampKind timestampKind, SlidingWindowPolicy winPolicy, long earlyResultsPeriod, AggregateOperation<A, ? extends R> aggrOp, KeyedWindowResultFunction<? super K, ? super R, ? extends OUT> mapToOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that aggregates events into a sliding window in a single stage (see theclass Javadoc
for an explanation of aggregation stages).static <K,
A, R, OUT>
(List<FunctionEx<?, ? extends K>> keyFns, List<ToLongFunctionEx<?>> timestampFns, TimestampKind timestampKind, SlidingWindowPolicy winPolicy, long earlyResultsPeriod, AggregateOperation<A, ? extends R> aggrOp, KeyedWindowResultFunction<? super K, ? super R, ? extends OUT> mapToOutputFn, byte windowWatermarkKey) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that aggregates events into a sliding window in a single stage (see theclass Javadoc
for an explanation of aggregation stages).static <K,
A, R, OUT>
(AggregateOperation<A, R> aggrOp, BiFunctionEx<? super K, ? super R, OUT> mapToOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors for the second-stage vertex in a two-stage group-and-aggregate setup.static <A,
R> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.combineP
(AggregateOperation<A, R> aggrOp) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that performs the combining and finishing steps of the provided aggregate operation.static <K,
A, R, OUT>
(SlidingWindowPolicy winPolicy, AggregateOperation<A, ? extends R> aggrOp, KeyedWindowResultFunction<? super K, ? super R, ? extends OUT> mapToOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors for the second-stage vertex in a two-stage sliding window aggregation setup (see theclass Javadoc
for an explanation of aggregation stages).static <K,
A, R, OUT>
(SlidingWindowPolicy winPolicy, AggregateOperation<A, ? extends R> aggrOp, KeyedWindowResultFunction<? super K, ? super R, ? extends OUT> mapToOutputFn, byte windowWatermarkKey) Returns a supplier of processors for the second-stage vertex in a two-stage sliding window aggregation setup (see theclass Javadoc
for an explanation of aggregation stages) with specifiedwindowWatermarkKey
.static <T> SupplierEx<Processor>
(PredicateEx<? super T> filterFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that emits the same items it receives, but only those that pass the given predicate.static <T,
R> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.flatMapP
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends Traverser<? extends R>> flatMapFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that applies the provided item-to-traverser mapping function to each received item and emits all the items from the resulting traverser.static <T,
K, S, R> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.flatMapStatefulP
(long ttl, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn, ToLongFunctionEx<? super T> timestampFn, Supplier<? extends S> createFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super T, ? extends Traverser<R>> statefulFlatMapFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super Long, ? extends Traverser<R>> onEvictFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that performs a stateful flat-mapping of its input.static <T> SupplierEx<Processor>
(FunctionEx<ProcessorSupplier.Context, EventTimePolicy<? super T>> eventTimePolicyProvider) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that insertswatermark items
into the stream.static <T> SupplierEx<Processor>
(EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that insertswatermark items
into the stream.static <T,
R> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.mapP
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends R> mapFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex which, for each received item, emits the result of applying the given mapping function to it.static <T,
K, S, R> SupplierEx<Processor> Processors.mapStatefulP
(long ttl, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> keyFn, ToLongFunctionEx<? super T> timestampFn, Supplier<? extends S> createFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super T, ? extends R> statefulMapFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super Long, ? extends R> onEvictFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that performs a stateful mapping of its input.static SupplierEx<Processor>
Returns a supplier of a processor that swallows all its normal input (if any), does nothing with it, forwards the watermarks, produces no output and completes immediately.static <T> SupplierEx<Processor>
(FunctionEx<T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<T> shouldLogFn, SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Same aspeekInput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
, but accepts aSupplierEx
of processors instead of a meta-supplier.static SupplierEx<Processor>
(SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Convenience forpeekInput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
with a pass-through filter andObject#toString
as the formatting function.static <T> SupplierEx<Processor>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super T> shouldLogFn, SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Same aspeekOutput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
, but accepts aSupplierEx
of processors instead of a meta-supplier.static SupplierEx<Processor>
(SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Convenience forpeekOutput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier
with a pass-through filter andObject#toString
as the formatting function.static <K,
V> SupplierEx<Processor> DiagnosticProcessors.peekSnapshotP
(FunctionEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>> shouldLogFn, SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Same aspeekSnapshot(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
, but accepts aSupplierEx
of processors instead of a meta-supplier.static SupplierEx<Processor>
(SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Convenience forpeekSnapshot(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier
with a pass-through filter andObject#toString
as the formatting function.static <T> SupplierEx<Processor>
(Comparator<T> comparator) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that sorts its input using aPriorityQueue
and emits it in thecomplete
phase.static <W,
T> SupplierEx<Processor> SinkProcessors.writeBufferedP
(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends W> createFn, BiConsumerEx<? super W, ? super T> onReceiveFn, ConsumerEx<? super W> flushFn) Shortcut forSinkProcessors.writeBufferedP(FunctionEx, BiConsumerEx, ConsumerEx, ConsumerEx)
with a no-opdestroyFn
.static <W,
T> SupplierEx<Processor> SinkProcessors.writeBufferedP
(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends W> createFn, BiConsumerEx<? super W, ? super T> onReceiveFn, ConsumerEx<? super W> flushFn, ConsumerEx<? super W> destroyFn) Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that drains all the items from the inbox to an internal writer object and then does a flush.Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor with parameters of type SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> SupplierEx<Processor>
(FunctionEx<T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<T> shouldLogFn, SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Same aspeekInput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
, but accepts aSupplierEx
of processors instead of a meta-supplier.static SupplierEx<Processor>
(SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Convenience forpeekInput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
with a pass-through filter andObject#toString
as the formatting function.static <T> SupplierEx<Processor>
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super T> shouldLogFn, SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Same aspeekOutput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
, but accepts aSupplierEx
of processors instead of a meta-supplier.static SupplierEx<Processor>
(SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Convenience forpeekOutput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier
with a pass-through filter andObject#toString
as the formatting function.static <K,
V> SupplierEx<Processor> DiagnosticProcessors.peekSnapshotP
(FunctionEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>> shouldLogFn, SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Same aspeekSnapshot(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
, but accepts aSupplierEx
of processors instead of a meta-supplier.static SupplierEx<Processor>
(SupplierEx<Processor> wrapped) Convenience forpeekSnapshot(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier
with a pass-through filter andObject#toString
as the formatting function.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(SupplierEx<? extends Connection> newConnectionFn, ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> mapOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jdbc(SupplierEx, ToResultSetFunction, FunctionEx)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String destination, ProcessingGuarantee maxGuarantee, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Session, ? extends jakarta.jms.MessageConsumer> consumerFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ?> messageIdFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ? extends T> projectionFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jmsQueueBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory>)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String destination, boolean isSharedConsumer, ProcessingGuarantee maxGuarantee, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Session, ? extends jakarta.jms.MessageConsumer> consumerFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ?> messageIdFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ? extends T> projectionFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jmsTopicBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory>)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String jdbcUrl, String updateQuery, SupplierEx<? extends CommonDataSource> dataSourceSupplier, BiConsumerEx<? super PreparedStatement, ? super T> bindFn, boolean exactlyOnce, int batchLimit) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.jdbcBuilder()
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String queueName, boolean exactlyOnce, SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn, BiFunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Session, ? super T, ? extends jakarta.jms.Message> messageFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.jmsQueueBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory>)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String topicName, boolean exactlyOnce, SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn, BiFunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Session, ? super T, ? extends jakarta.jms.Message> messageFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.jmsTopicBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory>)
. -
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.jet.core.test
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.core.test with parameters of type SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic TestSupport
(SupplierEx<Processor> supplier) -
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.jet.elastic
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.elastic with parameters of type SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionElasticSinkBuilder.bulkRequestFn
(SupplierEx<org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequest> bulkRequestFn) Set the supplier function for BulkRequest, defaults to newBulkRequest()
(SupplierEx<org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder> clientFn) Set the client supplier functionElasticSourceBuilder.clientFn
(SupplierEx<org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder> clientFn) Set the client supplier functionstatic <T> Sink<T>
(SupplierEx<org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder> clientFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends org.elasticsearch.action.DocWriteRequest<?>> mapToRequestFn) Creates an Elasticsearch sink, uses a client obtained from clientFn and maps items using given mapToRequestFnstatic BatchSource<String>
(SupplierEx<org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder> clientFn) Creates a source which queries Elasticsearch using client obtained fromRestClientBuilder
supplier function.static <T> BatchSource<T>
(SupplierEx<org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder> clientFn, FunctionEx<? super, T> mapToItemFn) Creates a source which queries Elasticsearch using client obtained fromRestClientBuilder
supplier function.static <T> BatchSource<T>
(SupplierEx<org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder> clientFn, SupplierEx<> searchRequestFn, FunctionEx<? super, T> mapToItemFn) Creates a source which queries Elasticsearch using client obtained fromRestHighLevelClient
(SupplierEx<> searchRequestFn) Set the search request supplier function -
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.jet.grpc
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.grpc with parameters of type SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T,
R> ServiceFactory<?, ? extends GrpcService<T, R>> GrpcServices.bidirectionalStreamingService
(SupplierEx<? extends io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder<?>> channelFn, FunctionEx<? super io.grpc.ManagedChannel, ? extends FunctionEx<io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<R>, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<T>>> callStubFn) Creates aServiceFactory
that calls out to a bidirectional streaming gRPC service.static <T,
R> ServiceFactory<?, ? extends GrpcService<T, R>> GrpcServices.unaryService
(SupplierEx<? extends io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder<?>> channelFn, FunctionEx<? super io.grpc.ManagedChannel, ? extends BiConsumerEx<T, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<R>>> callStubFn) Creates aServiceFactory
that calls out to a unary gRPC service. -
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.jet.kinesis
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.kinesis with parameters of type SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionKinesisSinks.Builder.withExecutorServiceSupplier
(SupplierEx<ExecutorService> executorSupplier) Specifies an executor service supplier that will be used by theAwsConfig
to construct an AWS async client.KinesisSources.Builder.withExecutorServiceSupplier
(SupplierEx<ExecutorService> executorSupplier) Specifies an executor service supplier that will be used by theAwsConfig
to construct an AWS async client. -
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.jet.mongodb
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.mongodb with parameters of type SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic MongoSourceBuilder.Batch<org.bson.Document>
(SupplierEx<? extends com.mongodb.client.MongoClient> clientSupplier) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom MongoDBBatchSource
for the Pipeline API.static MongoSourceBuilder.Batch<org.bson.Document>
(String name, SupplierEx<? extends com.mongodb.client.MongoClient> clientSupplier) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom MongoDBBatchSource
for the Pipeline API.static MongoSourceBuilder.Batch<org.bson.Document>
(SupplierEx<? extends com.mongodb.client.MongoClient> clientSupplier) Creates as builder for new batch mongo source.static <T> MongoSinkBuilder<T>
(Class<T> itemClass, SupplierEx<com.mongodb.client.MongoClient> clientSupplier) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom MongoDBSink
for the Pipeline API.static MongoSourceBuilder.Stream<org.bson.Document>
(SupplierEx<? extends com.mongodb.client.MongoClient> clientSupplier) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom MongoDBStreamSource
for the Pipeline API.static MongoSourceBuilder.Stream<org.bson.Document>
(String name, SupplierEx<? extends com.mongodb.client.MongoClient> clientSupplier) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom MongoDBStreamSource
for the Pipeline API.static MongoSourceBuilder.Stream<org.bson.Document>
(SupplierEx<? extends com.mongodb.client.MongoClient> clientSupplier) Creates as builder for new stream mongo source.MongoSinkBuilder.transactionOptions
(SupplierEx<com.mongodb.TransactionOptions> transactionOptionsSup) Sets options which will be used by MongoDB transaction mechanism. -
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline with parameters of type SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <R> BatchStage<R>
(String stageName, SupplierEx<Processor> procSupplier) default <R> BatchStage<R>
(String stageName, SupplierEx<Processor> procSupplier) <R> GeneralStage<R>
(String stageName, SupplierEx<Processor> procSupplier) Attaches a stage with a custom transform based on the provided supplier of Core APIProcessor
s.<R> GeneralStage<R>
(String stageName, SupplierEx<Processor> procSupplier) Attaches a stage with a custom transform based on the provided supplier of Core APIProcessor
s.default <R> StreamStage<R>
(String stageName, SupplierEx<Processor> procSupplier) default <R> StreamStage<R>
(String stageName, SupplierEx<Processor> procSupplier) JdbcSinkBuilder.dataSourceSupplier
(SupplierEx<? extends CommonDataSource> dataSourceSupplier) Sets the supplier ofDataSource
.<S> BatchStage<T>
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiPredicateEx<? super S, ? super T> filterFn) <S> BatchStage<T>
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiPredicateEx<? super S, ? super T> filterFn) <S> GeneralStage<T>
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiPredicateEx<? super S, ? super T> filterFn) Attaches a stage that performs a stateful filtering operation.<S> GeneralStage<T>
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiPredicateEx<? super S, ? super T> filterFn) Attaches a stage that performs a stateful filtering operation.<S> StreamStage<T>
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiPredicateEx<? super S, ? super T> filterFn) <S> StreamStage<T>
(long ttl, SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiPredicateEx<? super S, ? super T> filterFn) Attaches a stage that performs a stateful filtering operation.default <S> StreamStage<T>
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiPredicateEx<? super S, ? super T> filterFn) <S,
R> BatchStage<R> BatchStage.flatMapStateful
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiFunctionEx<? super S, ? super T, ? extends Traverser<R>> flatMapFn) <S,
R> BatchStage<R> BatchStageWithKey.flatMapStateful
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super T, ? extends Traverser<R>> flatMapFn) <S,
R> GeneralStage<R> GeneralStage.flatMapStateful
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiFunctionEx<? super S, ? super T, ? extends Traverser<R>> flatMapFn) Attaches a stage that performs a stateful flat-mapping operation.<S,
R> GeneralStage<R> GeneralStageWithKey.flatMapStateful
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super T, ? extends Traverser<R>> flatMapFn) Attaches a stage that performs a stateful flat-mapping operation.<S,
R> StreamStage<R> StreamStage.flatMapStateful
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiFunctionEx<? super S, ? super T, ? extends Traverser<R>> flatMapFn) <S,
R> StreamStage<R> StreamStageWithKey.flatMapStateful
(long ttl, SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super T, ? extends Traverser<R>> flatMapFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super Long, ? extends Traverser<R>> onEvictFn) Attaches a stage that performs a stateful flat-mapping operation.<S,
R> StreamStage<R> StreamStageWithKey.flatMapStateful
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super T, ? extends Traverser<R>> flatMapFn) static <T> Sink<T>
(String updateQuery, SupplierEx<? extends CommonDataSource> dataSourceSupplier, BiConsumerEx<PreparedStatement, T> bindFn) A shortcut for:static <T> BatchSource<T>
(SupplierEx<? extends Connection> newConnectionFn, ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> createOutputFn) Returns a source which connects to the specified database using the givennewConnectionFn
, queries the database and creates a result set using the givenresultSetFn
.static <T> Sink<T>
(String queueName, SupplierEx<jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory> factorySupplier) Convenience forSinks.jmsQueueBuilder(SupplierEx)
.static StreamSource<jakarta.jms.Message>
(SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory> factorySupplier, String name) Deprecated.see Sources.jmsQueue(String, SupplierEx).static StreamSource<jakarta.jms.Message>
(String name, SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory> factorySupplier) Shortcut equivalent to:static <T> JmsSinkBuilder<T>
(SupplierEx<jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory> factorySupplier) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom JMS queue sink for the Pipeline API.static JmsSourceBuilder
(SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory> factorySupplier) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom JMSStreamSource
for the Pipeline API.static <T> Sink<T>
(String topicName, SupplierEx<jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory> factorySupplier) Shortcut for:static StreamSource<jakarta.jms.Message>
(SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory> factorySupplier, String name) Deprecated.static StreamSource<jakarta.jms.Message>
(String name, SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory> factorySupplier) Shortcut equivalent to:static <T> JmsSinkBuilder<T>
(SupplierEx<jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory> factorySupplier) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom JMS topic sink for the Pipeline API.static JmsSourceBuilder
(SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory> factorySupplier) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build a custom JMSStreamSource
for the Pipeline API.<S,
R> BatchStage<R> BatchStage.mapStateful
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiFunctionEx<? super S, ? super T, ? extends R> mapFn) <S,
R> BatchStage<R> BatchStageWithKey.mapStateful
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super T, ? extends R> mapFn) <S,
R> GeneralStage<R> GeneralStage.mapStateful
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiFunctionEx<? super S, ? super T, ? extends R> mapFn) Attaches a stage that performs a stateful mapping operation.<S,
R> GeneralStage<R> GeneralStageWithKey.mapStateful
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super T, ? extends R> mapFn) Attaches a stage that performs a stateful mapping operation.<S,
R> StreamStage<R> StreamStage.mapStateful
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, BiFunctionEx<? super S, ? super T, ? extends R> mapFn) <S,
R> StreamStage<R> StreamStageWithKey.mapStateful
(long ttl, SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super T, ? extends R> mapFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super Long, ? extends R> onEvictFn) Attaches a stage that performs a stateful mapping operation.<S,
R> StreamStage<R> StreamStageWithKey.mapStateful
(SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn, TriFunction<? super S, ? super K, ? super T, ? extends R> mapFn) -
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline.test
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline.test with parameters of type SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <S> AssertionSinkBuilder<S,
Void> AssertionSinkBuilder.assertionSink
(String name, SupplierEx<? extends S> createFn) Returns a builder object that offers a step-by-step fluent API to build an assertionSink
for the Pipeline API. -
Uses of SupplierEx in com.hazelcast.jet.s3
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.s3 with parameters of type SupplierExModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> Sink<? super T>
(String bucketName, SupplierEx<? extends> clientSupplier) Convenience forS3Sinks.s3(String, String, Charset, SupplierEx, FunctionEx)
to convert the items to lines.static <T> Sink<? super T>
(String bucketName, String prefix, Charset charset, SupplierEx<? extends> clientSupplier, FunctionEx<? super T, String> toStringFn) Creates an AWS S3Sink
which writes items to files into the given bucket.static BatchSource<String>
(List<String> bucketNames, String prefix, SupplierEx<? extends> clientSupplier) Convenience forS3Sources.s3(List, String, Charset, SupplierEx, BiFunctionEx)
.static <I,
T> BatchSource<T> S3Sources.s3
(List<String> bucketNames, String prefix, SupplierEx<? extends> clientSupplier, FunctionEx<? super InputStream, ? extends Stream<I>> readFileFn, BiFunctionEx<String, ? super I, ? extends T> mapFn) Creates an AWS S3BatchSource
which lists all the objects in the bucket-list using givenprefix
, reads them using providedreadFileFn
, transforms each read item to the desired output object using givenmapFn
and emits them to downstream.static <I,
T> BatchSource<T> S3Sources.s3
(List<String> bucketNames, String prefix, SupplierEx<? extends> clientSupplier, TriFunction<? super InputStream, String, String, ? extends Stream<I>> readFileFn, BiFunctionEx<String, ? super I, ? extends T> mapFn) Creates an AWS S3BatchSource
which lists all the objects in the bucket-list using givenprefix
, reads them using providedreadFileFn
, transforms each read item to the desired output object using givenmapFn
and emits them to downstream.static <T> BatchSource<T>
(List<String> bucketNames, String prefix, Charset charset, SupplierEx<? extends> clientSupplier, BiFunctionEx<String, String, ? extends T> mapFn) Creates an AWS S3BatchSource
which lists all the objects in the bucket-list using givenprefix
, reads them line by line, transforms each line to the desired output object using givenmapFn
and emits them to downstream.