Hazelcast C++ Client
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Chazelcast::client::addressComparatorAddress comparator functor
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::ClassDefinitionClassDefinition defines a class schema for Portable classes
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::ClassDefinitionBuilderClassDefinitionBuilder is used to build and register ClassDefinitions manually
 Chazelcast::client::config::ClientAwsConfigThe ClientAwsConfig contains the configuration for client to connect to nodes in aws environment
 Chazelcast::client::ClientConfigHazelcastClient configuration class
 Chazelcast::client::config::ClientNetworkConfigContains configuration parameters for client network related behaviour
 Chazelcast::client::ClientPropertiesClient Properties is an internal class
 Chazelcast::client::ClientPropertyA client property is a configuration for hazelcast client
 Chazelcast::client::ClusterHazelcast cluster interface
 Chazelcast::client::DataArray< T >
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::DataSerializableFactoryDataSerializableFactory is used to create IdentifiedDataSerializable instances during de-serialization
 Chazelcast::client::internal::adapter::DataStructureAdapter< K, V >Abstracts the Hazelcast data structures with Near Cache support for the Near Cache usage
 Chazelcast::client::EntryArray< K, V >
 Chazelcast::client::EntryEvent< K, V >Map Entry event
 Chazelcast::client::EntryEventTypeType of entry event
 Chazelcast::client::EntryListener< K, V >Map Entry listener to get notified when a map entry is added, removed, updated or evicted
 Chazelcast::client::EntryView< K, V >EntryView represents a readonly view of a map entry
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::Evictable< V >Interface for entries, records or whatever that can be evicted
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::EvictableEntryView< K, V >Contract point (from the end user perspective) for serving/accessing entries that can be evicted
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::EvictableEntryView< MAPKEY, MAPVALUE >
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::EvictableStore< MAPKEY, MAPVALUE, A, E >Interface for store implementations that holds Evictable entries to evict
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::EvictionCheckerInterface for checking about if eviction is required or not
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::EvictionConfiguration< K, V >Interface for configuration information about eviction
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::EvictionListener< A, E >Interface for entries, records or whatever that can be evicted via its accessor (key or id)
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::EvictionPolicyEvaluator< MAPKEY, MAPVALUE, A, E >Interface for evaluation implementations of com.hazelcast.config.EvictionPolicy
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::EvictionPolicyEvaluatorProviderProvider to get any kind (EvictionPolicyType) of EvictionPolicyEvaluator
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::EvictionStrategy< MAPKEY, MAPVALUE, A, E, S >Interface for eviction implementations to evict EvictableStore implementations as specified EvictionPolicyEvaluator
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::EvictionStrategyProvider< MAPKEY, MAPVALUE, A, E, S >Provider to get any kind (EvictionStrategyType) of EvictionStrategy
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::EvictionStrategyTypeInterface for configuration information about eviction
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::ExpirableExpiring Data model interface
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::FieldDefinitionFieldDefinition defines name, type, index of a field
 Chazelcast::client::Future< V >This is a unique Future
 Chazelcast::client::Future< TypedData >This specialization overwrites the get method to return TypedData
 Chazelcast::client::GroupConfigContains the configuration for Hazelcast groups
 Chazelcast::client::HazelcastClientHazelcast Client enables you to do all Hazelcast operations without being a member of the cluster
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::IdentifiedDataSerializableClasses that will be used with hazelcast data structures like IMap, IQueue etc should either inherit from one of the following classes : Portable , IdentifiedDataSerializable or it should be custom serializable
 Chazelcast::client::mixedtype::IMapConcurrent, distributed, observable and queryable map client
 Chazelcast::client::IMap< K, V >Concurrent, distributed, observable and queryable map client
 Chazelcast::client::InitialMembershipEventA event that is send when a InitialMembershipListener} registers itself on a Cluster
 Chazelcast::client::InitialMembershipListenerThe InitializingMembershipListener is a MembershipListener that will first receives a InitialMembershipEvent when it is registered so it immediately knows which members are available
 Chazelcast::client::ItemEventTypeType of item event
 Chazelcast::client::ItemListener< E >Item listener for IQueue, ISet and IList
 Chazelcast::client::LifecycleEventEvent to be fired when lifecycle states are changed
 Chazelcast::client::LifecycleListenerListener object for listening lifecycle events of hazelcast instance
 Chazelcast::client::LoadBalancerLoadBalancer allows you to send operations to one of a number of endpoints(Members)
 Chazelcast::client::MapEntryView< K, V >MapEntryView represents a readonly view of a map entry
 Chazelcast::client::MapEventMap events common contract
 Chazelcast::client::internal::eviction::MaxSizeCheckerInterface for implementations of com.hazelcast.config.EvictionConfig.MaxSizePolicy
 Chazelcast::client::MemberCluster member class
 Chazelcast::client::MembershipEventMembership event fired when a new member is added to the cluster and/or when a member leaves the cluster
 Chazelcast::client::MembershipListenerCluster membership listener
 Chazelcast::client::config::NearCacheConfigBaseThis is a marker class to indicate that the derived class is a near cache config
 Chazelcast::client::internal::nearcache::NearCacheManagerNearCacheManager is the contract point to manage all existing NearCache instances
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::ObjectDataInputProvides deserialization methods for primitives types, arrays of primitive types Portable, IdentifiedDataSerializable and custom serializable types
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::ObjectDataOutputProvides serialization methods for primitive types,a arrays of primitive types, Portable, IdentifiedDataSerializable and custom serializables
 Chazelcast::client::PartitionAwareMarkerThis marker interface is needed to make template matching work during serialisation
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::PortableClasses that will be used with hazelcast data structures like IMap, IQueue etc should either inherit from one of the following classes : Portable , IdentifiedDataSerializable or it should be custom serializable
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::PortableFactoryPortableFactory is used to create Portable instances during de-serialization
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::PortableReaderProvides a mean of reading portable fields from a binary in form of java primitives arrays of java primitives , nested portable fields and array of portable fields
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::PortableWriterProvides a mean of writing portable fields to a binary in form of java primitives arrays of java primitives , nested portable fields and array of portable fields
 Chazelcast::client::adaptor::RawPointerList< T >Concurrent, distributed , client implementation of std::list
 Chazelcast::client::adaptor::RawPointerMap< K, V >Adaptor class to IMap which provides releasable raw pointers for returned objects
 Chazelcast::client::adaptor::RawPointerMultiMap< K, V >A specialized distributed map client whose keys can be associated with multiple values
 Chazelcast::client::adaptor::RawPointerQueue< T >Concurrent, blocking, distributed, observable, client queue
 Chazelcast::client::adaptor::RawPointerSet< T >Concurrent, distributed client implementation of std::unordered_set
 Chazelcast::client::adaptor::RawPointerTransactionalMap< K, V >Transactional implementation of IMap
 Chazelcast::client::adaptor::RawPointerTransactionalMultiMap< K, V >Transactional implementation of MultiMap
 Chazelcast::client::adaptor::RawPointerTransactionalQueue< T >Transactional implementation of IQueue
 Chazelcast::client::SerializationConfigSerializationConfig is used to
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::SerializerBaseThis is an internal class !!!! Do not use
 Chazelcast::client::SocketSockets wrapper interface class
 Chazelcast::client::SocketInterceptorBase class for socketInterceptor classes to inherit from
 Chazelcast::client::socketPtrCompSocket Ptr compare method
 Chazelcast::client::config::SSLConfigContains configuration parameters for client network related behaviour
 Chazelcast::client::TransactionContextProvides a context to do transactional operations; so beginning/committing transactions, but also retrieving transactional data-structures like the TransactionalMap
 Chazelcast::client::TransactionOptionsContains the configuration for a Hazelcast transaction
 Chazelcast::client::TransactionTypeTransaction type
 Chazelcast::client::TypedDataTypedData class is a wrapper class for the serialized binary data