Class EntryAdapter<K,V>

Type Parameters:
K - key of the map entry
V - value of the map entry.
All Implemented Interfaces:
EntryListener<K,V>, EntryAddedListener<K,V>, EntryEvictedListener<K,V>, EntryExpiredListener<K,V>, EntryRemovedListener<K,V>, EntryUpdatedListener<K,V>, MapClearedListener, MapEvictedListener, MapListener, EventListener

public class EntryAdapter<K,V> extends Object implements EntryListener<K,V>
Adapter for MapListener.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EntryAdapter

      public EntryAdapter()
  • Method Details

    • entryAdded

      public void entryAdded(EntryEvent<K,V> event)
      Description copied from interface: EntryAddedListener
      Invoked upon addition of an entry.
      Specified by:
      entryAdded in interface EntryAddedListener<K,V>
      event - the event invoked when an entry is added
    • entryRemoved

      public void entryRemoved(EntryEvent<K,V> event)
      Description copied from interface: EntryRemovedListener
      Invoked upon removal of an entry.
      Specified by:
      entryRemoved in interface EntryRemovedListener<K,V>
      event - the event invoked when an entry is removed
    • entryUpdated

      public void entryUpdated(EntryEvent<K,V> event)
      Description copied from interface: EntryUpdatedListener
      Invoked upon update of an entry.
      Specified by:
      entryUpdated in interface EntryUpdatedListener<K,V>
      event - the event invoked when an entry is updated
    • entryEvicted

      public void entryEvicted(EntryEvent<K,V> event)
      Description copied from interface: EntryEvictedListener
      Invoked upon eviction of an entry.
      Specified by:
      entryEvicted in interface EntryEvictedListener<K,V>
      event - the event invoked when an entry is evicted
    • entryExpired

      public void entryExpired(EntryEvent<K,V> event)
      Description copied from interface: EntryExpiredListener
      Invoked upon expiration of an entry.
      Specified by:
      entryExpired in interface EntryExpiredListener<K,V>
      event - the event invoked when an entry is expired.
    • mapEvicted

      public void mapEvicted(MapEvent event)
      Description copied from interface: MapEvictedListener
      Invoked when all entries are evicted by IMap.evictAll().
      Specified by:
      mapEvicted in interface MapEvictedListener
      event - the map event invoked when all entries are evicted by IMap.evictAll()
    • mapCleared

      public void mapCleared(MapEvent event)
      Description copied from interface: MapClearedListener
      Invoked when all entries are removed by IMap.clear().

      When a listener is registered as local-only then it will be invoked if and only if the clear() method is called on the same instance where the listener was registered to.

      Specified by:
      mapCleared in interface MapClearedListener
      event - the map event invoked when all entries are removed by IMap.clear()
    • onEntryEvent

      public void onEntryEvent(EntryEvent<K,V> event)
      This method is called when one of the methods of the EntryListener is not overridden. It can be practical if you want to bundle some/all of the methods to a single method.
      event - the EntryEvent.
    • onMapEvent

      public void onMapEvent(MapEvent event)
      This method is called when one of the methods of the EntryListener is not overridden. It can be practical if you want to bundle some/all of the methods to a single method.
      event - the MapEvent.