Uses of Package

Packages that use com.hazelcast.cache
com.hazelcast.cache This package contains the public API extension for Hazelcast JCache, the Hazelcast implementation of the JSR-107 commonly referred to as JCache. 
com.hazelcast.cache.impl Hazelcast JSR-107 aka JCache implementation 
com.hazelcast.client.cache.impl Hazelcast JSR-107 aka JCache implementation client side 
com.hazelcast.monitor.impl Contains Hazelcast statistics implementations related to map, queue, topic, multimap, executor service etc. 

Classes in com.hazelcast.cache used by com.hazelcast.cache
          Cache statistics

Classes in com.hazelcast.cache used by com.hazelcast.cache.impl
          Cache statistics
          Contract point of Hazelcast cache manager implementations (client + server) based on CacheManager.
          This ICache interface is the Cache extension offered by Hazelcast JCache.
In addition to the standard set of JCache methods defined in the JSR 107 specification, Hazelcast provides additional operations to support a broader range of programing styles.

Classes in com.hazelcast.cache used by com.hazelcast.client.cache.impl
          Contract point of Hazelcast cache manager implementations (client + server) based on CacheManager.
          This ICache interface is the Cache extension offered by Hazelcast JCache.
In addition to the standard set of JCache methods defined in the JSR 107 specification, Hazelcast provides additional operations to support a broader range of programing styles.

Classes in com.hazelcast.cache used by com.hazelcast.monitor.impl
          Cache statistics

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