Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConnectionListener
com.hazelcast.client.impl Contains most of the client side HazelcastInstance implementation functionality. 
com.hazelcast.cluster.impl This package contains the implementation of the cluster functionality.
com.hazelcast.nio This package contains classes related to New IO
com.hazelcast.nio.tcp Contains functionality for the TCP/IP Networking between cluster members

Uses of ConnectionListener in com.hazelcast.client.impl

Methods in com.hazelcast.client.impl that return ConnectionListener
 ConnectionListener ClientEngineImpl.getConnectionListener()

Uses of ConnectionListener in com.hazelcast.cluster.impl

Classes in com.hazelcast.cluster.impl that implement ConnectionListener
 class ClusterServiceImpl

Uses of ConnectionListener in com.hazelcast.nio

Methods in com.hazelcast.nio with parameters of type ConnectionListener
 void ConnectionManager.addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener connectionListener)

Uses of ConnectionListener in com.hazelcast.nio.tcp

Methods in com.hazelcast.nio.tcp with parameters of type ConnectionListener
 void TcpIpConnectionManager.addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener)

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