Uses of Interface

Packages that use SocketWritable
com.hazelcast.ascii This package contains Ascii functionality for Hazelcast.
com.hazelcast.ascii.memcache This package contains MemoryCache functionality for Hazelcast. This package contains Reset functionality for Hazelcast.
com.hazelcast.client.connection.nio Contains classes related to New IO for com.hazelcast.client.connection 
com.hazelcast.nio This package contains classes related to New IO
com.hazelcast.nio.serialization Contains interfaces/classes related to serialization; such as serializer interfaces, input/output streams. 
com.hazelcast.nio.tcp Contains functionality for the TCP/IP Networking between cluster members

Uses of SocketWritable in com.hazelcast.ascii

Subinterfaces of SocketWritable in com.hazelcast.ascii
 interface TextCommand

Classes in com.hazelcast.ascii that implement SocketWritable
 class AbstractTextCommand
 class NoOpCommand

Uses of SocketWritable in com.hazelcast.ascii.memcache

Classes in com.hazelcast.ascii.memcache that implement SocketWritable
 class DeleteCommand
 class EndCommand
 class ErrorCommand
 class GetCommand
 class IncrementCommand
          User: sancar Date: 3/8/13 Time: 3:33 PM
 class PartialGetCommand
 class SetCommand
 class SimpleCommand
 class StatsCommand
 class TouchCommand
          User: sancar Date: 3/8/13 Time: 1:54 PM
 class VersionCommand

Uses of SocketWritable in

Classes in that implement SocketWritable
 class HttpCommand
 class HttpDeleteCommand
 class HttpGetCommand
 class HttpPostCommand

Uses of SocketWritable in com.hazelcast.client.connection.nio

Methods in com.hazelcast.client.connection.nio with parameters of type SocketWritable
 void ClientWriteHandler.enqueueSocketWritable(SocketWritable socketWritable)
 boolean ClientConnection.write(SocketWritable packet)

Uses of SocketWritable in com.hazelcast.nio

Classes in com.hazelcast.nio that implement SocketWritable
 class Packet
          A Packet is a piece of data send over the line.

Methods in com.hazelcast.nio with parameters of type SocketWritable
 boolean Connection.write(SocketWritable packet)
          Writes a SocketWritable packet to the other side.

Uses of SocketWritable in com.hazelcast.nio.serialization

Classes in com.hazelcast.nio.serialization that implement SocketWritable
 class DataAdapter

Uses of SocketWritable in com.hazelcast.nio.tcp

Classes in com.hazelcast.nio.tcp with type parameters of type SocketWritable
 interface SocketWriter<T extends SocketWritable>

Methods in com.hazelcast.nio.tcp with parameters of type SocketWritable
 void WriteHandler.enqueueSocketWritable(SocketWritable socketWritable)
 boolean TcpIpConnection.write(SocketWritable packet)

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