Package | Description |
com.hazelcast.function |
Serializable and exception-declaring variants of functional interfaces from
java.util.function . |
com.hazelcast.jet.aggregate |
AggregateOperation and its several variants, as well
as a builder object for the aggregate operations. |
com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor |
Contains static utility classes with factories of Jet processors.
com.hazelcast.jet.grpc |
gRPC service factories that can be to apply transformations to
a pipeline which for each input item calls to a gRPC service. |
com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline |
The Pipeline API is Jet's high-level API to build and execute
distributed computation jobs.
com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline.test |
This package contains various mock sources to help with pipeline testing
and development.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default BiConsumerEx<T,U> |
BiConsumerEx.andThen(BiConsumerEx<? super T,? super U> after)
Serializable variant of
java.util.function.BiConsumer#andThen(BiConsumer) . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default BiConsumerEx<T,U> |
BiConsumerEx.andThen(BiConsumerEx<? super T,? super U> after)
Serializable variant of
java.util.function.BiConsumer#andThen(BiConsumer) . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T> |
A primitive that updates the accumulator state to account for a new
<T> BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T> |
AggregateOperation.accumulateFn(int index)
A primitive that updates the accumulator state to account for a new
default <T> BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T> |
AggregateOperation.accumulateFn(Tag<T> tag)
A primitive that updates the accumulator state to account for a new
BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T0> |
A primitive that updates the accumulator state to account for a new
item coming from stream-0.
BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T0> |
A primitive that updates the accumulator state to account for a new
item coming from stream-0.
BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T1> |
A primitive that updates the accumulator state to account for a new
item coming from stream-1.
BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T1> |
A primitive that updates the accumulator state to account for a new
item coming from stream-1.
BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T2> |
A primitive that updates the accumulator state to account for a new
item coming from stream-2.
BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super A> |
A primitive that accepts two accumulators and updates the state of the
left-hand one by combining it with the state of the right-hand one.
BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super A> |
A primitive that accepts two accumulators and updates the state of the
left-hand one by deducting the state of the right-hand one from it.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity1<T,A,Void> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.andAccumulate(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T> accumulateFn)
Registers the
AggregateOperation1.accumulateFn() accumulate}
primitive. |
<T> AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity<A,Void> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.andAccumulate(Tag<T> tag,
BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T> accumulateFn)
Registers the
primitive for the stream tagged with the supplied tag. |
<T> AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity<A,R> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity.andAccumulate(Tag<T> tag,
BiConsumerEx<? super A,T> accumulateFn)
Registers the
primitive for the stream tagged with the supplied tag. |
<T0> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity1<T0,A,Void> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.andAccumulate0(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T0> accumulateFn0)
Registers the
primitive for stream-0. |
<T1> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity2<T0,T1,A,R> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity1.andAccumulate1(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T1> accumulateFn1)
Registers the
AggregateOperation2.accumulateFn1() accumulate}
primitive for stream-1, returning the arity-2 variant of the builder. |
<T2> AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity3<T0,T1,T2,A,R> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity2.andAccumulate2(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T2> accumulateFn2)
Registers the
primitive for stream-2, returning the arity-3 variant of the builder. |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity1<T0,A,R> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity1.andCombine(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super A> combineFn)
Registers the
combine primitive. |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity2<T0,T1,A,R> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity2.andCombine(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super A> combineFn)
Registers the
combine primitive. |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity3<T0,T1,T2,A,R> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity3.andCombine(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super A> combineFn)
Registers the
combine primitive. |
AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity<A,R> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity.andCombine(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super A> combineFn)
Registers the
combine primitive. |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity1<T0,A,R> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity1.andDeduct(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super A> deductFn)
Registers the
deduct primitive. |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity2<T0,T1,A,R> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity2.andDeduct(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super A> deductFn)
Registers the
deduct primitive. |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity3<T0,T1,T2,A,R> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity3.andDeduct(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super A> deductFn)
Registers the
deduct primitive. |
AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity<A,R> |
AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity.andDeduct(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super A> deductFn)
Registers the
deduct primitive. |
<NEW_T> AggregateOperation1<NEW_T,A,R> |
AggregateOperation1.withAccumulateFn(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super NEW_T> accumulateFn)
Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with the
accumulate primitive replaced with the one supplied here. |
<T0_NEW> AggregateOperation3<T0_NEW,T1,T2,A,R> |
AggregateOperation3.withAccumulateFn0(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T0_NEW> newAccFn0)
Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with the
accumulate primitive at index 0 replaced with the one supplied here. |
<T0_NEW> AggregateOperation2<T0_NEW,T1,A,R> |
AggregateOperation2.withAccumulateFn0(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T0_NEW> newAccFn0)
Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with the
accumulate primitive at index 0 replaced with the one supplied here. |
<T1_NEW> AggregateOperation3<T0,T1_NEW,T2,A,R> |
AggregateOperation3.withAccumulateFn1(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T1_NEW> newAccFn1)
Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with the
accumulate primitive at index 1 replaced with the one supplied here. |
<T1_NEW> AggregateOperation2<T0,T1_NEW,A,R> |
AggregateOperation2.withAccumulateFn1(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T1_NEW> newAccFn1)
Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with the
accumulate primitive at index 1 replaced with the one supplied here. |
<T2_NEW> AggregateOperation3<T0,T1,T2_NEW,A,R> |
AggregateOperation3.withAccumulateFn2(BiConsumerEx<? super A,? super T2_NEW> newAccFn2)
Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with the
accumulate primitive at index 2 replaced with the one supplied here. |
AggregateOperation<A,R> |
AggregateOperation.withAccumulateFns(BiConsumerEx... accumulateFns)
Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with all the
accumulate primitives replaced with the ones supplied here. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <C,T,S> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
SourceProcessors.convenientSourceP(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context,? extends C> createFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super SourceBuilder.SourceBuffer<T>> fillBufferFn,
FunctionEx<? super C,? extends S> createSnapshotFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn,
ConsumerEx<? super C> destroyFn,
int preferredLocalParallelism,
boolean isBatch,
Permission permission)
Returns a supplier of processors for a source that the user can create
using the
SourceBuilder . |
static <C,T,S> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
SourceProcessors.convenientSourceP(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context,? extends C> createFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super SourceBuilder.SourceBuffer<T>> fillBufferFn,
FunctionEx<? super C,? extends S> createSnapshotFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn,
ConsumerEx<? super C> destroyFn,
int preferredLocalParallelism,
boolean isBatch,
Permission permission)
Returns a supplier of processors for a source that the user can create
using the
SourceBuilder . |
static <C,T,S> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
SourceProcessors.convenientTimestampedSourceP(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context,? extends C> createFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super SourceBuilder.TimestampedSourceBuffer<T>> fillBufferFn,
EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy,
FunctionEx<? super C,? extends S> createSnapshotFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn,
ConsumerEx<? super C> destroyFn,
int preferredLocalParallelism)
Returns a supplier of processors for a source that the user can create
using the
SourceBuilder . |
static <C,T,S> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
SourceProcessors.convenientTimestampedSourceP(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context,? extends C> createFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super SourceBuilder.TimestampedSourceBuffer<T>> fillBufferFn,
EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy,
FunctionEx<? super C,? extends S> createSnapshotFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn,
ConsumerEx<? super C> destroyFn,
int preferredLocalParallelism)
Returns a supplier of processors for a source that the user can create
using the
SourceBuilder . |
static <W,T> SupplierEx<Processor> |
SinkProcessors.writeBufferedP(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context,? extends W> createFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super W,? super T> onReceiveFn,
ConsumerEx<? super W> flushFn)
Shortcut for
SinkProcessors.writeBufferedP(FunctionEx, BiConsumerEx,
ConsumerEx, ConsumerEx) with a no-op destroyFn . |
static <W,T> SupplierEx<Processor> |
SinkProcessors.writeBufferedP(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context,? extends W> createFn,
BiConsumerEx<? super W,? super T> onReceiveFn,
ConsumerEx<? super W> flushFn,
ConsumerEx<? super W> destroyFn)
Returns a supplier of processors for a vertex that drains all the items
from the inbox to an internal writer object and then does a flush.
static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
SinkProcessors.writeJdbcP(String updateQuery,
DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef,
BiConsumerEx<? super PreparedStatement,? super T> bindFn,
boolean exactlyOnce,
int batchLimit)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sinks.jdbcBuilder() . |
static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier |
SinkProcessors.writeJdbcP(String jdbcUrl,
String updateQuery,
SupplierEx<? extends CommonDataSource> dataSourceSupplier,
BiConsumerEx<? super PreparedStatement,? super T> bindFn,
boolean exactlyOnce,
int batchLimit)
Returns a supplier of processors for
Sinks.jdbcBuilder() . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T,R> ServiceFactory<?,? extends GrpcService<T,R>> |
GrpcServices.unaryService(SupplierEx<? extends io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder<?>> channelFn,
FunctionEx<? super io.grpc.ManagedChannel,? extends BiConsumerEx<T,io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<R>>> callStubFn)
Creates a
ServiceFactory that calls out to a
unary gRPC service. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JdbcSinkBuilder<T> |
JdbcSinkBuilder.bindFn(BiConsumerEx<PreparedStatement,T> bindFn)
Set the function to bind values to a
PreparedStatement created
with the query set with JdbcSinkBuilder.updateQuery(String) . |
<T_NEW> SourceBuilder.Batch<T_NEW> |
SourceBuilder.Batch.fillBufferFn(BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super SourceBuilder.SourceBuffer<T_NEW>> fillBufferFn)
Sets the function that Jet will call whenever it needs more data from
your source.
<T_NEW> SourceBuilder.Stream<T_NEW> |
SourceBuilder.Stream.fillBufferFn(BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super SourceBuilder.SourceBuffer<T_NEW>> fillBufferFn) |
<T_NEW> SourceBuilder.TimestampedStream<T_NEW> |
SourceBuilder.TimestampedStream.fillBufferFn(BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super SourceBuilder.TimestampedSourceBuffer<T_NEW>> fillBufferFn)
Sets the function that Jet will call whenever it needs more data from
your source.
static <T> Sink<T> |
Sinks.jdbc(String updateQuery,
DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef,
BiConsumerEx<PreparedStatement,T> bindFn)
A shortcut for:
static <T> Sink<T> |
Sinks.jdbc(String updateQuery,
String jdbcUrl,
BiConsumerEx<PreparedStatement,T> bindFn)
A shortcut for:
static <T> Sink<T> |
Sinks.jdbc(String updateQuery,
SupplierEx<? extends CommonDataSource> dataSourceSupplier,
BiConsumerEx<PreparedStatement,T> bindFn)
A shortcut for:
<T_NEW> SinkBuilder<C,T_NEW> |
SinkBuilder.receiveFn(BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super T_NEW> receiveFn)
Sets the function Jet will call upon receiving an item.
B |
SourceBuilder.FaultTolerant.restoreSnapshotFn(BiConsumerEx<? super C,? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn)
Sets the function that restores the source's state from a snapshot.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T_NEW> AssertionSinkBuilder<S,T_NEW> |
AssertionSinkBuilder.receiveFn(BiConsumerEx<? super S,? super T_NEW> receiveFn)
Sets the function Jet will call upon receiving every item.
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