This manual is for an old version of Hazelcast Jet, use the latest stable version.

One of the main concerns when writing custom sources is that the source is typically distributed across multiple machines and partitions, and the work needs to be distributed across multiple members and processors.

Jet provides a flexible ProcessorMetaSupplier and ProcessorSupplier API which can be used to control how a source is distributed across the network.

The procedure for generating Processor instances is as follows:

  1. The ProcessorMetaSupplier for the Vertex is serialized and sent to the coordinating member.
  2. The coordinator calls ProcessorMetaSupplier.get() once for each member in the cluster and a ProcessorSupplier is created for each member.
  3. The ProcessorSupplier for each member is serialized and sent to that member.
  4. Each member will call its own ProcessorSupplier with the correct count parameter, which corresponds to the localParallelism setting of that vertex.

Example - Distributed Integer Generator

Let's say we want to write a simple source that will generate numbers from 0 to 1,000,000 (exclusive). It is trivial to write a single Processor which can do this using and Traverser.

class GenerateNumbersP extends AbstractProcessor {

    private final Traverser<Integer> traverser;

    GenerateNumbersP(int upperBound) {
        traverser = Traversers.traverseStream(IntStream.range(0, upperBound).boxed());

    public boolean complete() {
        return emitFromTraverser(traverser);

Now we can build our DAG and execute it:

JetInstance jet = Jet.newJetInstance();

int upperBound = 10;
DAG dag = new DAG();
Vertex generateNumbers = dag.newVertex("generate-numbers",
        () -> new GenerateNumbersP(upperBound));
Vertex logInput = dag.newVertex("log-input",
        DiagnosticProcessors.writeLogger(i -> "Received number: " + i));
dag.edge(Edge.between(generateNumbers, logInput));

try {
} finally {

When you run this code, you will see the output as below:

Received number: 4
Received number: 0
Received number: 3
Received number: 2
Received number: 2
Received number: 2

Since we are using the default parallelism setting on this vertex, several instances of the source processor were created, all of which generated the same sequence of values. Generally we want the ability to parallelize the source vertex, so we have to make each processor emit only a slice of the total data set.

So far we've used the simplest approach to creating processors: a DistributeSupplier<Processor> function that keeps returning equal instances of processors. Now we'll step up to Jet's custom interface that gives us the ability to provide a list of separately configured processors: ProcessorSupplier and its method get(int processorCount).

First we must decide on a partitioning policy: what subset will each processor emit. In our simple example we can use a simple policy: we'll label each processor with its index in the list and have it emit only those numbers n that satisfy n % processorCount == processorIndex. Let's write a new constructor for our processor which implements this partitioning logic:

GenerateNumbersP(int upperBound, int processorCount, int processorIndex) {
    traverser = Traversers.traverseStream(
            IntStream.range(0, upperBound)
                     .filter(n -> n % processorCount == processorIndex)

Given this preparation, implementing ProcessorSupplier is trivial:

class GenerateNumbersPSupplier implements ProcessorSupplier {

    private final int upperBound;

    GenerateNumbersPSupplier(int upperBound) {
        this.upperBound = upperBound;

    @Override @Nonnull
    public List<? extends Processor> get(int processorCount) {
        return IntStream.range(0, processorCount)
                .mapToObj(index -> new GenerateNumbersP(upperBound, processorCount, index))

Let's use the custom processor supplier in our DAG-building code:

DAG dag = new DAG();
Vertex generateNumbers = dag.newVertex("generate-numbers",
        new GenerateNumbersPSupplier(10));
Vertex logInput = dag.newVertex("log-input",
        DiagnosticProcessors.writeLogger(i -> "Received number: " + i));
dag.edge(Edge.between(generateNumbers, logInput));

Now we can re-run our example and see that each number indeed occurs only once. However, note that we are still working with a single-member Jet cluster; let's see what happens when we add another member:

JetInstance jet = Jet.newJetInstance();

DAG dag = new DAG();

Running after this change we'll see that both members are generating the same set of numbers. This is because ProcessorSupplier is instantiated independently for each member and asked for the same number of processors, resulting in identical processors on all members. We have to solve the same problem as we just did, but at the higher level of cluster-wide parallelism. For that we'll need the ProcessorMetaSupplier: an interface which acts as a factory of ProcessorSuppliers, one for each cluster member. Under the hood it is actually always the meta-supplier that's created by the DAG-building code; the above examples are just implicit about it for the sake of convenience. They result in a simple meta-supplier that reuses the provided suppliers everywhere.

The meta-supplier is a bit trickier to implement because its method takes a list of Jet member addresses instead of a simple count, and the return value is a function from address to ProcessorSupplier. In our case we'll treat the address as just an opaque ID and we'll build a map from address to a properly configured ProcessorSupplier. Then we can simply return map::get as our function.

class GenerateNumbersPMetaSupplier implements ProcessorMetaSupplier {

    private final int upperBound;

    private transient int totalParallelism;
    private transient int localParallelism;

    GenerateNumbersPMetaSupplier(int upperBound) {
        this.upperBound = upperBound;

    public void init(@Nonnull Context context) {
        totalParallelism = context.totalParallelism();
        localParallelism = context.localParallelism();

    @Override @Nonnull
    public Function<Address, ProcessorSupplier> get(@Nonnull List<Address> addresses) {
        Map<Address, ProcessorSupplier> map = new HashMap<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < addresses.size(); i++) {
            // We'll calculate the global index of each processor in the cluster:
            int globalIndexBase = localParallelism * i;
            // Capture the value of the transient field for the lambdas below:
            int divisor = totalParallelism;
            // processorCount will be equal to localParallelism:
            ProcessorSupplier supplier = processorCount ->
                    range(globalIndexBase, globalIndexBase + processorCount)
                            .mapToObj(globalIndex ->
                                new GenerateNumbersP(upperBound, divisor, globalIndex)
            map.put(addresses.get(i), supplier);
        return map::get;


We change our DAG-building code to use the meta-supplier:

DAG dag = new DAG();
Vertex generateNumbers = dag.newVertex("generate-numbers",
        new GenerateNumbersPMetaSupplier(upperBound));
Vertex logInput = dag.newVertex("log-input",
        DiagnosticProcessors.writeLogger(i -> "Received number: " + i));
dag.edge(Edge.between(generateNumbers, logInput));

After re-running with two Jet members, we should once again see each number generated just once.


Like a source, a sink is just another kind of processor. It accepts items from the inbox and pushes them into some system external to the Jet job (Hazelcast IMap, files, databases, distributed queues, etc.). A simple way to implement it is to extend AbstractProcessor and override tryProcess, which deals with items one at a time. However, sink processors must often explicitly deal with batching. In this case directly implementing Processor is better because its process() method gets the entire Inbox which can be drained to a buffer and flushed out.

Example - File Writer

In this example we'll implement a vertex that writes the received items to files. To avoid contention and conflicts, each processor must write to its own file. Since we'll be using a BufferedWriter which takes care of the buffering/batching concern, we can use the simpler approach of extending AbstractProcessor:

class WriteFileP extends AbstractProcessor implements Closeable {

    private final String path;

    private transient BufferedWriter writer;

    WriteFileP(String path) {
        this.path = path;

    protected void init(@Nonnull Context context) throws Exception {
        Path path = Paths.get(this.path, context.jetInstance().getName()
                + '-' + context.globalProcessorIndex());
        writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

    protected boolean tryProcess(int ordinal, Object item) throws Exception {
        return true;

    public void close() throws IOException {
        if (writer != null) {

Some comments:

  • The constructor declares the processor non-cooperative because it will perform blocking IO operations.
  • init() method finds a unique filename for each processor by relying on the information reachable from the Context object.
  • Note the careful implementation of close(): it first checks if writer is null, which can happen if newBufferedWriter() fails in init(). This would make init() fail as well, which would make the whole job fail and then our ProcessorSupplier would call close() to clean up.

Cleaning up on completion/failure is actually the only concern that we need ProcessorSupplier for: the other typical concern, specializing processors to achieve data partitioning, was achieved directly from the processor's code. This is the supplier's code:

class WriteFilePSupplier implements ProcessorSupplier {

    private final String path;

    private transient List<WriteFileP> processors;

    WriteFilePSupplier(String path) {
        this.path = path;

    public void init(@Nonnull Context context) {
        File homeDir = new File(path);
        boolean success = homeDir.isDirectory() || homeDir.mkdirs();
        if (!success) {
            throw new JetException("Failed to create " + homeDir);

    @Override @Nonnull
    public List<WriteFileP> get(int count) {
        processors = Stream.generate(() -> new WriteFileP(path))
        return processors;

    public void complete(Throwable error) {
        for (WriteFileP p : processors) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new JetException(e);