This manual is for an old version of Hazelcast Jet, use the latest stable version.

IMap and ICache writers

IMap and ICache Writers drain the entries to a buffer and uses putAll method for flushing them into IMap and ICache respectively. Processors expects items of type Map.Entry.

    DAG dag = new DAG();
    // ... other vertices
    Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", Sinks.writeMap(MAP_NAME));
    DAG dag = new DAG();
    // ... other vertices
    Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", Sinks.writeCache(CACHE_NAME));

You can use IMap and ICache writers to write the entries to a remote Hazelcast cluster by configuring a ClientConfig.

    DAG dag = new DAG();
    ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
    // ... configure the client
    // ... other vertices
    Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", Sinks.writeMap(MAP_NAME, clientConfig));
    DAG dag = new DAG();
    ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
    // ... configure the client
    // ... other vertices
    Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", Sinks.writeCache(CACHE_NAME, clientConfig));

IList writer

IList writer adds the items to a Hazelcast IList.

    DAG dag = new DAG();
    // ... other vertices
    Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", Sinks.writeList(LIST_NAME));

You can use IList writer to write the items to a remote Hazelcast cluster by configuring a ClientConfig.

    DAG dag = new DAG();
    ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
    // ... configure the client
    // ... other vertices
    Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", Sinks.writeList(LIST_NAME, clientConfig));

File Writer

File Writer is a sink which writes all items to a local file on each member. Result of toStringF function will be written to the file followed by a platform-specific line separator. Files are named with an integer number starting from 0, which is unique cluster-wide.

The same pathname must be available for writing on all members. The file on each member will contain the part of the data processed on that member.

    DAG dag = new DAG();
    // ... other vertices
    Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", Sinks.writeFile(DIRECTORY));
    DAG dag = new DAG();
    // ... other vertices
    Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", Sinks.writeFile(DIRECTORY, Object::toString,
        StandardCharsets.UTF_8, true));

Since this processor is file IO-intensive, local parallelism of the vertex should be set according to the performance characteristics of the underlying storage system. Typical values are in the range of 1 to 4.

See the Access log analyzer sample for a fully working example.

Log Writer

Log Writer is a sink which logs all items at the INFO level. Watermark items are not logged.

    DAG dag = new DAG();
    // ... other vertices
    Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", DiagnosticProcessors.writeLogger());
    DAG dag = new DAG();
    // ... other vertices
    Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", DiagnosticProcessors.writeLogger(Object::toString));

Note that the event will be logged on the cluster members, not on the client, so it's primarily meant for testing. Local parallelism of 1 is recommended for this vertex.

Socket Writer

Socket Writer is a sink which writes the items to a socket as text. Each processor instance will create a socket connection to the configured [host:port], so there will be clusterSize * localParallelism connections. The server should do the load balancing.

Processors drain the items to a buffer and flush them to the underlying output stream.

    DAG dag = new DAG();
    // ... other vertices
    Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", Sinks.writeSocket(HOST, PORT));

HDFS Writer

HdfsProcessors.writeHdfs() expects items of type Map.Entry<K,V> and writes the key and value parts to HDFS. Each processor instance creates a single file in the output path identified by the member ID and the processor ID. Unlike in MapReduce, the output files are not sorted by key and are written in the order they are received by the processor.

Mapping of the input item can be done for writeHdfs() to map the incoming items into the required format. For example:

Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", HdfsProcessors.writeHdfs(jobConf,
                (String k) -> new Text(k), (Long c) -> new LongWritable(c)));

This will transform the key and value to their Writable equivalents which can be required for certain OutputFormat implementations.

This sink is part of the hazelcast-jet-hadoop module.

Serialization of Writables

Special care must be taken when serializing Writable items. The hazelcast-jet-hadoop module implements out-of-the-box serialization support for some of the primitive types including the following:

  • BooleanWritable
  • ByteWritable
  • DoubleWritable
  • FloatWritable
  • IntWritable
  • LongWritable
  • Text

Anything outside of these types falls back to a default implementation for all Writable types which write the full class names and the fields per item. When deserializing, the class name is read first and the deserialized instance is created using the classloader and reflection. The explicitly registered types only write a single integer as a type ID and do not use reflection for deserialization.

To explicitly register your own Writable types for fast serialization, you can extend the provided WritableSerializerHook class and register the hook with Hazelcast.


KafkaProcessors.writeKafka() is a processor factory for a vertex which acts as an Apache Kafka sink. It receives items of type Map.Entry and sends a ProducerRecord to the specified topic with key/value parts which will be serialized according to the Kafka producer configuration. The key and value serializers set in the properties should be able to handle the keys and values received by the processor.

Internally, a single KafkaProducer is created per member, which is shared among all Processor instances on that member.

This vertex takes a Properties instance which will be forwarded to the underlying Kafka producer as configuration, for example:

Properties props = props(
        "bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092",
        "key.serializer", StringSerializer.class.getName(),
        "value.serializer", IntegerSerializer.class.getName());

Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", KafkaProcessors.writeKafka("topic1", properties));

This sink is part of the hazelcast-jet-kafka module.