Uses of Interface

Packages that use RegionCache
com.hazelcast.hibernate.access Provides access interfaces/classes for Hibernate. 
com.hazelcast.hibernate.distributed Provides distributed class for Hibernate. 
com.hazelcast.hibernate.local Provides local classes for Hibernate. 
com.hazelcast.hibernate.region Provides region interfaces/classes for Hibernate. 

Uses of RegionCache in com.hazelcast.hibernate.access

Fields in com.hazelcast.hibernate.access declared as RegionCache
protected  RegionCache AbstractAccessDelegate.cache

Uses of RegionCache in com.hazelcast.hibernate.distributed

Classes in com.hazelcast.hibernate.distributed that implement RegionCache
 class IMapRegionCache
          A RegionCache implementation based on the underlying IMap

Uses of RegionCache in com.hazelcast.hibernate.local

Classes in com.hazelcast.hibernate.local that implement RegionCache
 class LocalRegionCache
          Local only RegionCache implementation based on a topic to distribute cache updates.
 class TimestampsRegionCache
          A timestamp based local RegionCache

Uses of RegionCache in com.hazelcast.hibernate.region

Classes in com.hazelcast.hibernate.region with type parameters of type RegionCache
 class AbstractTransactionalDataRegion<Cache extends RegionCache>
          Abstract base class of all regions
 class HazelcastCollectionRegion<Cache extends RegionCache>
          An collection region implementation based upon Hazelcast IMap with basic concurrency / transactional support by supplying CollectionRegionAccessStrategy
 class HazelcastEntityRegion<Cache extends RegionCache>
          An entity region implementation based upon Hazelcast IMap with basic concurrency / transactional support by supplying EntityRegionAccessStrategy
 interface HazelcastRegion<Cache extends RegionCache>
          Hazelcast specific interface version of Hibernate's Region
 class HazelcastTimestampsRegion<Cache extends RegionCache>
          Hazelcast based timestamp using region implementation

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