Uses of Class

Packages that use KeyValueSource
com.hazelcast.client.proxy This package contains client side proxy implementations of the different Hazelcast data structures and operation types 
com.hazelcast.mapreduce This package contains the MapReduce API definition for Hazelcast.
All map reduce operations running in a distributed manner inside the active Hazelcast cluster. 
com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl This package contains the default implementation for the map reduce framework internals. 
com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.client This package contains request and response classes for communication between cluster members and Hazelcast native clients 
com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.operation This package contains all remote operations that are needed to control work on supervising or worker nodes. 
com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.task This package contains the base implementation for a standard map reduce job. 

Uses of KeyValueSource in com.hazelcast.client.proxy

Methods in com.hazelcast.client.proxy with parameters of type KeyValueSource
<K,V> Job<K,V>
ClientMapReduceProxy.newJob(KeyValueSource<K,V> source)

Uses of KeyValueSource in com.hazelcast.mapreduce

Methods in com.hazelcast.mapreduce that return KeyValueSource
<V> KeyValueSource<String,V>
KeyValueSource.fromList(IList<V> list)
          A helper method to build a KeyValueSource implementation based on the specified IList.
The key returned by this KeyValueSource implementation is ALWAYS the name of the list itself, whereas the value are the entries of list one by one.
<K,V> KeyValueSource<K,V>
KeyValueSource.fromMap(IMap<K,V> map)
          A helper method to build a KeyValueSource implementation based on the specified IMap
<K,V> KeyValueSource<K,V>
KeyValueSource.fromMultiMap(MultiMap<K,V> multiMap)
          A helper method to build a KeyValueSource implementation based on the specified MultiMap
<V> KeyValueSource<String,V>
KeyValueSource.fromSet(ISet<V> set)
          A helper method to build a KeyValueSource implementation based on the specified ISet.
The key returned by this KeyValueSource implementation is ALWAYS the name of the set itself, whereas the value are the entries of set one by one.

Methods in com.hazelcast.mapreduce with parameters of type KeyValueSource
<K,V> Job<K,V>
JobTracker.newJob(KeyValueSource<K,V> source)
          Builds a Job instance for the given KeyValueSource instance.

Uses of KeyValueSource in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl

Subclasses of KeyValueSource in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl
 class ListKeyValueSource<V>
          This KeyValueSource implementation is used in fromList(com.hazelcast.core.IList) to generate a default implementation based on a Hazelcast IList.
 class MapKeyValueSource<K,V>
          This KeyValueSource implementation is used in fromMap(com.hazelcast.core.IMap) to generate a default implementation based on a Hazelcast IMap.
 class MultiMapKeyValueSource<K,V>
          This KeyValueSource implementation is used in fromMultiMap(com.hazelcast.core.MultiMap) to generate a default implementation based on a Hazelcast MultiMap.
 class SetKeyValueSource<V>
          This KeyValueSource implementation is used in fromSet(com.hazelcast.core.ISet) to generate a default implementation based on a Hazelcast ISet.

Fields in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl declared as KeyValueSource
protected  KeyValueSource<KeyIn,ValueIn> AbstractJob.keyValueSource

Constructors in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl with parameters of type KeyValueSource
AbstractJob(String name, JobTracker jobTracker, KeyValueSource<KeyIn,ValueIn> keyValueSource)

Uses of KeyValueSource in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.client

Fields in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.client declared as KeyValueSource
protected  KeyValueSource ClientMapReduceRequest.keyValueSource

Constructors in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.client with parameters of type KeyValueSource
ClientMapReduceRequest(String name, String jobId, Collection keys, KeyPredicate predicate, Mapper mapper, CombinerFactory combinerFactory, ReducerFactory reducerFactory, KeyValueSource keyValueSource, int chunkSize, TopologyChangedStrategy topologyChangedStrategy)

Uses of KeyValueSource in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.operation

Constructors in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.operation with parameters of type KeyValueSource
KeyValueJobOperation(String name, String jobId, int chunkSize, KeyValueSource<K,V> keyValueSource, Mapper mapper, CombinerFactory combinerFactory, ReducerFactory reducerFactory, boolean communicateStats, TopologyChangedStrategy topologyChangedStrategy)

Uses of KeyValueSource in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.task

Methods in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.task that return KeyValueSource
 KeyValueSource JobTaskConfiguration.getKeyValueSource()

Methods in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.task with parameters of type KeyValueSource
 void KeyValueSourceMappingPhase.executeMappingPhase(KeyValueSource<KeyIn,ValueIn> keyValueSource, Mapper<KeyIn,ValueIn,KeyOut,ValueOut> mapper, Context<KeyOut,ValueOut> context)
protected abstract  void MappingPhase.executeMappingPhase(KeyValueSource<KeyIn,ValueIn> keyValueSource, Mapper<KeyIn,ValueIn,KeyOut,ValueOut> mapper, Context<KeyOut,ValueOut> context)
 void MapCombineTask.processMapping(int partitionId, DefaultContext<KeyOut,ValueOut> context, KeyValueSource<KeyIn,ValueIn> keyValueSource)

Constructors in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.task with parameters of type KeyValueSource
JobTaskConfiguration(Address jobOwner, NodeEngine nodeEngine, int chunkSize, String name, String jobId, Mapper mapper, CombinerFactory combinerFactory, ReducerFactory reducerFactory, KeyValueSource keyValueSource, boolean communicateStats, TopologyChangedStrategy topologyChangedStrategy)
KeyValueJob(String name, AbstractJobTracker jobTracker, NodeEngine nodeEngine, MapReduceService mapReduceService, KeyValueSource<KeyIn,ValueIn> keyValueSource)

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