Package com.hazelcast.queue.impl

This package contains the IQueue functionality.
The IQueue is the distributed version of the BlockingQueue.


Class Summary
QueueContainer This class contains methods be notable for the Queue.
QueueDataSerializerHook A DataSerializerHook for the queue operations and support structures.
QueueEvent Used for queue-wide events.
QueueEventFilter Provides the filtering functionality for Queue events.
QueueEvictionProcessor Eviction Processor for the Queue.
QueueItem Queue Item.
QueuePortableHook Provides a Portable hook for the queue operations.
QueueService Provides important services via methods for the the Queue such as QueueEvictionProcessor
QueueStoreWrapper Wrapper for the Queue Store.
QueueWaitNotifyKey Wait thread till notify the key.
TxQueueItem Transactional Queue Item.

Package com.hazelcast.queue.impl Description

This package contains the IQueue functionality.
The IQueue is the distributed version of the BlockingQueue.

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