Uses of Interface
Packages that use ProcessorMetaSupplier
Apache Avro file read/write support for Hazelcast Jet.
Jet's Core API.
Contains static utility classes with factories of Jet processors.
Utilities for writing tests of Core API Processors.
Apache Hadoop read/write support for Hazelcast Jet.
Apache Kafka reader/writer support for Hazelcast Jet.
The Pipeline API is Jet's high-level API to build and execute
distributed computation jobs.
This package offers the
which allows you to construct various kinds of Pipeline
sources that read from local or distributed files.-
Uses of ProcessorMetaSupplier in com.hazelcast.jet.avro
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.avro that return ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <D,
T> ProcessorMetaSupplier AvroProcessors.readFilesP
(String directory, String glob, boolean sharedFileSystem, SupplierEx<? extends<D>> datumReaderSupplier, BiFunctionEx<String, ? super D, T> mapOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors forAvroSources.filesBuilder(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<D>)
.static <D> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String directoryName, org.apache.avro.Schema schema, SupplierEx<<D>> datumWriterSupplier, String connectorName) Returns a supplier of processors forAvroSinks.files(java.lang.String, org.apache.avro.Schema, com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<<R>>)
. -
Uses of ProcessorMetaSupplier in com.hazelcast.jet.core
Classes in com.hazelcast.jet.core that implement ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic class
static class
A meta-supplier that will only use the givenProcessorSupplier
on a node with givenAddress
or random member if address is not given.Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.core that return ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorSupplier supplier) Variant offorceTotalParallelismOne(ProcessorSupplier, String, Permission)
where the node for the supplier will be chosen randomly and without any required permission.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorSupplier supplier, Address memberAddress) Wraps the providedProcessorSupplier
into a meta-supplier that will only use the givenProcessorSupplier
on a node with the givenAddress
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorSupplier supplier, String partitionKey) Variant offorceTotalParallelismOne(ProcessorSupplier, String, Permission)
without any required permission.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorSupplier supplier, String partitionKey, Permission permission) Wraps the providedProcessorSupplier
into a meta-supplier that will only use the givenProcessorSupplier
on a single node.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorSupplier supplier, Permission permission) Variant offorceTotalParallelismOne(ProcessorSupplier, String, Permission)
where the node for the supplier will be chosen randomly.Vertex.getMetaSupplier()
Returns this vertex's meta-supplier of processors.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(int preferredLocalParallelism, FunctionEx<? super Address, ? extends ProcessorSupplier> addressToSupplier) Factory method that creates aProcessorMetaSupplier
from the supplied function that maps a cluster member address to aProcessorSupplier
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(int preferredLocalParallelism, SupplierEx<? extends Processor> procSupplier) Factory method that wraps the givenSupplier<Processor>
and uses it as the supplier of allProcessor
instances.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(int preferredLocalParallelism, ProcessorSupplier procSupplier) Variant ofof(int, Permission, ProcessorSupplier)
where the processor does not require any permission to run.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(int preferredLocalParallelism, Permission permission, ProcessorSupplier procSupplier) Factory method that wraps the givenProcessorSupplier
and returns the same instance for each givenAddress
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(int preferredLocalParallelism, Permission permission, ProcessorSupplier procSupplier, String connectorName) Factory method that wraps the givenProcessorSupplier
and returns the same instance for each givenAddress
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(FunctionEx<? super Address, ? extends ProcessorSupplier> addressToSupplier) Factory method that creates aProcessorMetaSupplier
from the supplied function that maps a cluster member address to aProcessorSupplier
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(SupplierEx<? extends Processor> procSupplier) Factory method that wraps the givenSupplier<Processor>
and uses it as the supplier of allProcessor
instances.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorSupplier procSupplier) Variant ofof(Permission, ProcessorSupplier)
where the processor does not require any permission to run.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(Permission permission, ProcessorSupplier procSupplier) Wraps the providedProcessorSupplier
into a meta-supplier that will always return it.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(SupplierEx<? extends Processor> procSupplier) Variant ofpreferLocalParallelismOne(ProcessorSupplier)
where the suppliedSupplierEx<Processor>
will be wrapped into aProcessorSupplier
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorSupplier supplier) Wraps the providedProcessorSupplier
into a meta-supplier that will always return it.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(Permission permission, SupplierEx<? extends Processor> procSupplier) Variant ofpreferLocalParallelismOne(SupplierEx)
where the processor requires given permission to run.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(Permission permission, SupplierEx<? extends Processor> procSupplier, String connectorName) Variant ofpreferLocalParallelismOne(SupplierEx)
where the processor requires given permission to run.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(Permission permission, ProcessorSupplier supplier) Variant ofpreferLocalParallelismOne(ProcessorSupplier)
where the processor requires given permission to run.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorSupplier supplier) Wraps the providedProcessorSupplier
into a meta-supplier that will only use the givenProcessorSupplier
on a random nodeMethods in com.hazelcast.jet.core with parameters of type ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDAG.newUniqueVertex
(String namePrefix, ProcessorMetaSupplier metaSupplier) Creates a vertex from aProcessorMetaSupplier
and adds it to this DAG.DAG.newVertex
(String name, ProcessorMetaSupplier metaSupplier) Creates a vertex from aProcessorMetaSupplier
and adds it to this DAG.Method parameters in com.hazelcast.jet.core with type arguments of type ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(UnaryOperator<ProcessorMetaSupplier> updateFn) Applies the provided operator function to the current processor meta-supplier and replaces it with the one it returns.Constructors in com.hazelcast.jet.core with parameters of type ProcessorMetaSupplierModifierConstructorDescriptionVertex
(String name, ProcessorMetaSupplier metaSupplier) Creates a vertex from aProcessorMetaSupplier
. -
Uses of ProcessorMetaSupplier in com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor that return ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <C,
T, S> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.convenientSourceP
(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends C> createFn, BiConsumerEx<? super C, ? super SourceBuilder.SourceBuffer<T>> fillBufferFn, FunctionEx<? super C, ? extends S> createSnapshotFn, BiConsumerEx<? super C, ? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn, ConsumerEx<? super C> destroyFn, int preferredLocalParallelism, boolean isBatch, Permission permission) Returns a supplier of processors for a source that the user can create using theSourceBuilder
.static <C,
T, S> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.convenientTimestampedSourceP
(FunctionEx<? super Processor.Context, ? extends C> createFn, BiConsumerEx<? super C, ? super SourceBuilder.TimestampedSourceBuffer<T>> fillBufferFn, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, FunctionEx<? super C, ? extends S> createSnapshotFn, BiConsumerEx<? super C, ? super List<S>> restoreSnapshotFn, ConsumerEx<? super C> destroyFn, int preferredLocalParallelism) Returns a supplier of processors for a source that the user can create using theSourceBuilder
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.mergeMapP
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<V> mergeFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.mapWithMerging(String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx, BinaryOperatorEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.mergeRemoteMapP
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn, BinaryOperatorEx<V> mergeFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.remoteMapWithMerging(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, FunctionEx, BinaryOperatorEx)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(FunctionEx<T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<T> shouldLogFn, ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Returns a meta-supplier that wraps the provided one and adds a logging layer to each processor it creates.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Convenience forpeekInput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
with a pass-through filter andObject#toString
as the formatting function.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super T> shouldLogFn, ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Returns a meta-supplier that wraps the provided one and adds a logging layer to each processor it creates.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Convenience forpeekOutput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier
with a pass-through filter andObject#toString
as the formatting function.static <K,
V> ProcessorMetaSupplier DiagnosticProcessors.peekSnapshotP
(FunctionEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>> shouldLogFn, ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Returns a meta-supplier that wraps the provided one and adds a logging layer to each processor it creates.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Convenience forpeekSnapshot(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier
with a pass-through filter andObject#toString
as the formatting function.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String cacheName) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.cache(String)
.static <I> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String directory, String glob, boolean sharedFileSystem, boolean ignoreFileNotFound, FunctionEx<? super Path, ? extends Stream<I>> readFileFn) Returns a supplier of processors forFileSources.files(String)
to read local files.static <I> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String directory, String glob, boolean sharedFileSystem, FunctionEx<? super Path, ? extends Stream<I>> readFileFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.filesBuilder(java.lang.String)
.static <R> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String directory, Charset charset, String glob, boolean sharedFileSystem, BiFunctionEx<? super String, ? super String, ? extends R> mapOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.filesBuilder(java.lang.String)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(SupplierEx<? extends Connection> newConnectionFn, ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> mapOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jdbc(SupplierEx, ToResultSetFunction, FunctionEx)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, ToResultSetFunction resultSetFn, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> mapOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jdbc(DataConnectionRef, ToResultSetFunction, FunctionEx)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String connectionURL, String query, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> mapOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jdbc(String, String, FunctionEx)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String connectionURL, String query, Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super ResultSet, ? extends T> mapOutputFn) static ProcessorMetaSupplier
Returns a supplier of processors forSources.list(String)
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
Returns a supplier of processors
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.readMapP
(String mapName, Predicate<K, V> predicate, Projection<? super Map.Entry<K, V>, ? extends T> projection) Returns a supplier of processors, Predicate, Projection)
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String listName, ClientConfig clientConfig) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.remoteList(String, ClientConfig)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.streamCacheP
(String cacheName, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>> predicateFn, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.cacheJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
.static <K,
V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.streamCacheP
(String cacheName, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, EventTimePolicy<? super Map.Entry<K, V>> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.cacheJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition)
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String watchedDirectory, Charset charset, String glob, boolean sharedFileSystem, BiFunctionEx<? super String, ? super String, ?> mapOutputFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.filesBuilder(java.lang.String)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String destination, ProcessingGuarantee maxGuarantee, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Session, ? extends jakarta.jms.MessageConsumer> consumerFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ?> messageIdFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ? extends T> projectionFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jmsQueueBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory>)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String destination, boolean isSharedConsumer, ProcessingGuarantee maxGuarantee, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Session, ? extends jakarta.jms.MessageConsumer> consumerFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ?> messageIdFn, FunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Message, ? extends T> projectionFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.jmsTopicBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory>)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.streamMapP
(String mapName, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>> predicateFn, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.mapJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
.static <K,
V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.streamMapP
(String mapName, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, EventTimePolicy<? super Map.Entry<K, V>> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.mapJournal(String, JournalInitialPosition)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.streamRemoteCacheP
(String cacheName, ClientConfig clientConfig, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>> predicateFn, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalCacheEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.remoteCacheJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
.static <K,
V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.streamRemoteCacheP
(String cacheName, ClientConfig clientConfig, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, EventTimePolicy<? super Map.Entry<K, V>> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.remoteCacheJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.streamRemoteMapP
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, PredicateEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>> predicateFn, FunctionEx<? super EventJournalMapEvent<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.remoteMapJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition, FunctionEx, PredicateEx)
.static <K,
V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SourceProcessors.streamRemoteMapP
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, JournalInitialPosition initialPos, EventTimePolicy<? super Map.Entry<K, V>> eventTimePolicy) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.remoteMapJournal(String, ClientConfig, JournalInitialPosition)
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String host, int port, Charset charset) Returns a supplier of processors forSources.socket(String, int, Charset)
.static <T,
K, V, R> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.updateMapP
(int maxParallelAsyncOps, String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.mapWithEntryProcessor(int, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.updateMapP
(com.hazelcast.jet.impl.connector.MapSinkConfiguration<T, K, V> configuration) static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.updateMapP
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super V, ? super T, ? extends V> updateFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.mapWithEntryProcessor(String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V, R> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.updateMapP
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.mapWithEntryProcessor(String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.updateRemoteMapP
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, BiFunctionEx<? super V, ? super T, ? extends V> updateFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.remoteMapWithUpdating(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, BiFunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V, R> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.updateRemoteMapP
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends EntryProcessor<K, V, R>> toEntryProcessorFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.remoteMapWithEntryProcessor(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String cacheName) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.cache(String)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String directoryName, Charset charset, String datePattern, long maxFileSize, boolean exactlyOnce, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends String> toStringFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.filesBuilder(java.lang.String)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String updateQuery, DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, BiConsumerEx<? super PreparedStatement, ? super T> bindFn, boolean exactlyOnce, int batchLimit) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.jdbcBuilder()
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String jdbcUrl, String updateQuery, SupplierEx<? extends CommonDataSource> dataSourceSupplier, BiConsumerEx<? super PreparedStatement, ? super T> bindFn, boolean exactlyOnce, int batchLimit) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.jdbcBuilder()
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String queueName, boolean exactlyOnce, SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn, BiFunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Session, ? super T, ? extends jakarta.jms.Message> messageFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.jmsQueueBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory>)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String topicName, boolean exactlyOnce, SupplierEx<? extends jakarta.jms.Connection> newConnectionFn, BiFunctionEx<? super jakarta.jms.Session, ? super T, ? extends jakarta.jms.Message> messageFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.jmsTopicBuilder(com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx<jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory>)
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String listName) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.list(String)
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(FunctionEx<T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn) Returns a meta-supplier of processors for a sink vertex that logs all the data items it receives.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.writeMapP
(com.hazelcast.jet.impl.connector.MapSinkConfiguration<T, K, V> configuration) Returns a supplier of processorsstatic <K,
V> ProcessorMetaSupplier Returns a supplier of processors
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.writeMapP
(String mapName, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn) Returns a supplier of processors, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String name) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.observable(java.lang.String)
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String cacheName, ClientConfig clientConfig) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.remoteCache(String, ClientConfig)
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String listName, ClientConfig clientConfig) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.remoteList(String, ClientConfig)
.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.remoteMap(String, ClientConfig)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier SinkProcessors.writeRemoteMapP
(String mapName, ClientConfig clientConfig, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> toKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> toValueFn) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.remoteMap(String, ClientConfig, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(String host, int port, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends String> toStringFn, Charset charset) Returns a supplier of processors forSinks.socket(String, int)
.Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.core.processor with parameters of type ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(FunctionEx<T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<T> shouldLogFn, ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Returns a meta-supplier that wraps the provided one and adds a logging layer to each processor it creates.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Convenience forpeekInput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier)
with a pass-through filter andObject#toString
as the formatting function.static <T> ProcessorMetaSupplier
(FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super T> shouldLogFn, ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Returns a meta-supplier that wraps the provided one and adds a logging layer to each processor it creates.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Convenience forpeekOutput(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier
with a pass-through filter andObject#toString
as the formatting function.static <K,
V> ProcessorMetaSupplier DiagnosticProcessors.peekSnapshotP
(FunctionEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>, ? extends CharSequence> toStringFn, PredicateEx<? super Map.Entry<K, V>> shouldLogFn, ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Returns a meta-supplier that wraps the provided one and adds a logging layer to each processor it creates.static ProcessorMetaSupplier
(ProcessorMetaSupplier wrapped) Convenience forpeekSnapshot(toStringFn, shouldLogFn, metaSupplier
with a pass-through filter andObject#toString
as the formatting function. -
Uses of ProcessorMetaSupplier in com.hazelcast.jet.core.test
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.core.test with parameters of type ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTestSupport.supplierFrom
(ProcessorMetaSupplier supplier) Wraps the providedProcessorMetaSupplier
with aSupplier<Processor>
that returns processors obtained from it.TestSupport.supplierFrom
(ProcessorMetaSupplier supplier, ProcessorSupplier.Context context) Wraps the providedProcessorMetaSupplier
with aSupplier<Processor>
that returns processors obtained from it.static TestSupport
(ProcessorMetaSupplier supplier) -
Uses of ProcessorMetaSupplier in com.hazelcast.jet.hadoop
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.hadoop that return ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <K,
V, R> ProcessorMetaSupplier HadoopProcessors.readHadoopP
(Permission permission, ConsumerEx<org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration> configureFn, BiFunctionEx<K, V, R> projectionFn) Returns a supplier of processors forFileSources.files(String)
.static <K,
V, R> ProcessorMetaSupplier HadoopProcessors.readHadoopP
(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration configuration, BiFunctionEx<K, V, R> projectionFn) Returns a supplier of processors forHadoopSources.inputFormat(Configuration, BiFunctionEx)
.static <E,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier HadoopProcessors.writeHadoopP
(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration configuration, FunctionEx<? super E, K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super E, V> extractValueFn) Returns a supplier of processors forHadoopSinks.outputFormat(Configuration, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
. -
Uses of ProcessorMetaSupplier in com.hazelcast.jet.kafka
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.kafka that return ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <K,
V, T> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.streamKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, String... topics) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSources.kafka(DataConnectionRef, FunctionEx, String...)
.static <K,
V, T> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.streamKafkaP
(Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, TopicsConfig topicsConfig) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSources.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx, TopicsConfig)
}.static <K,
V, T> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.streamKafkaP
(Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K, V>, ? extends T> projectionFn, EventTimePolicy<? super T> eventTimePolicy, String... topics) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSources.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx, String...)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K, V>> toRecordFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(DataConnectionRef, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, String topic, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> extractValueFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(DataConnectionRef, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K, V>> toRecordFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(DataConnectionRef dataConnectionRef, Properties properties, String topic, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> extractValueFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(DataConnectionRef, Properties, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(Properties properties, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K, V>> toRecordFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, FunctionEx)
.static <T,
K, V> ProcessorMetaSupplier KafkaProcessors.writeKafkaP
(Properties properties, String topic, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends K> extractKeyFn, FunctionEx<? super T, ? extends V> extractValueFn, boolean exactlyOnce) Returns a supplier of processors forKafkaSinks.kafka(Properties, String, FunctionEx, FunctionEx)
. -
Uses of ProcessorMetaSupplier in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline with parameters of type ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> BatchSource<T>
(String sourceName, ProcessorMetaSupplier metaSupplier) Returns a bounded (batch) source constructed directly from the given Core API processor meta-supplier.<R> BatchStage<R>
(String stageName, ProcessorMetaSupplier procSupplier) <R> BatchStage<R>
(String stageName, ProcessorMetaSupplier procSupplier) <R> GeneralStage<R>
(String stageName, ProcessorMetaSupplier procSupplier) Attaches a stage with a custom transform based on the provided supplier of Core APIProcessor
s.<R> GeneralStage<R>
(String stageName, ProcessorMetaSupplier procSupplier) Attaches a stage with a custom transform based on the provided supplier of Core APIProcessor
s.<R> StreamStage<R>
(String stageName, ProcessorMetaSupplier procSupplier) <R> StreamStage<R>
(String stageName, ProcessorMetaSupplier procSupplier) static <T> Sink<T>
(String sinkName, ProcessorMetaSupplier metaSupplier) Returns a sink constructed directly from the given Core API processor meta-supplier.static <T> Sink<T>
(String sinkName, ProcessorMetaSupplier metaSupplier, FunctionEx<? super T, ?> partitionKeyFn) Returns a sink constructed directly from the given Core API processor meta-supplier.static <T> StreamSource<T>
(String sourceName, ProcessorMetaSupplier metaSupplier) Returns an unbounded (event stream) source constructed directly from the given Core API processor meta-supplier.Method parameters in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline with type arguments of type ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> StreamSource<T>
(String sourceName, boolean supportsNativeTimestamps, FunctionEx<EventTimePolicy<? super T>, ProcessorMetaSupplier> metaSupplierFn) Returns an unbounded (event stream) source that will use the supplied function to create processor meta-suppliers as required by the Core API. -
Uses of ProcessorMetaSupplier in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline.file
Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline.file that return ProcessorMetaSupplierModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFileSourceBuilder.buildMetaSupplier()
Builds aProcessorMetaSupplier
based on the current state of the builder.