Uses of Interface

Packages that use ICompletableFuture
com.hazelcast.cache This package contains the public API extension for Hazelcast JCache, the Hazelcast implementation of the JSR-107 commonly referred to as JCache. 
com.hazelcast.client.spi Contains classes/interfaces related to Service Provider Interface such as ClientProxy , ClientClusterService 
com.hazelcast.client.spi.impl Provides util classes for com.hazelcast.client 
com.hazelcast.client.util This package contains some utility classes and the base implementations of the loadbalancer implementations 
com.hazelcast.core Provides core API interfaces/classes. Contains map proxy implementation and support classes. 
com.hazelcast.mapreduce This package contains the MapReduce API definition for Hazelcast.
All map reduce operations running in a distributed manner inside the active Hazelcast cluster. 
com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.task This package contains the base implementation for a standard map reduce job. 
com.hazelcast.spi Provides interfaces/classes for Hazelcast SPI. 
com.hazelcast.spi.impl Contains implementations for Hazelcast SPI. 
com.hazelcast.util.executor This package contains classes related to Util.Executor

Uses of ICompletableFuture in com.hazelcast.cache

Methods in com.hazelcast.cache that return ICompletableFuture
 ICompletableFuture<V> ICache.getAndPutAsync(K key, V value)
          Asynchronously associates the specified value with the specified key in this cache, returning an existing value if one existed.
 ICompletableFuture<V> ICache.getAndPutAsync(K key, V value, javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy)
          Asynchronously associates the specified value with the specified key in this cache, returning an existing value if one existed using a custom ExpiryPolicy.
 ICompletableFuture<V> ICache.getAndRemoveAsync(K key)
          Asynchronously removes the entry for a key and returns the previously assigned value or null if no value was assigned.
 ICompletableFuture<V> ICache.getAndReplaceAsync(K key, V value)
          Asynchronously replaces the assigned value of the given key by the specified value and returns the previously assigned value.
 ICompletableFuture<V> ICache.getAndReplaceAsync(K key, V value, javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy)
          Asynchronously replaces the assigned value of the given key by the specified value using a custom ExpiryPolicy and returns the previously assigned value.
 ICompletableFuture<V> ICache.getAsync(K key)
          Asynchronously retrieves the mapped value of the given key using a custom ExpiryPolicy.
 ICompletableFuture<V> ICache.getAsync(K key, javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy)
          Asynchronously gets an entry from cache using a custom ExpiryPolicy.
 ICompletableFuture<Void> ICache.putAsync(K key, V value)
          Asynchronously associates the specified value with the specified key in the cache.
 ICompletableFuture<Void> ICache.putAsync(K key, V value, javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy)
          Asynchronously associates the specified value with the specified key in the cache using a custom ExpiryPolicy.
 ICompletableFuture<Boolean> ICache.putIfAbsentAsync(K key, V value)
          Asynchronously associates the specified key with the given value if and only if there is not yet a mapping for the specified key defined.
 ICompletableFuture<Boolean> ICache.putIfAbsentAsync(K key, V value, javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy)
          Asynchronously associates the specified key with the given value if and only if there is not yet a mapping for the specified key defined.
 ICompletableFuture<Boolean> ICache.removeAsync(K key)
          Asynchronously removes the mapping for a key from this cache if it is present.
 ICompletableFuture<Boolean> ICache.removeAsync(K key, V oldValue)
          Asynchronously removes the mapping for the given key if and only if the currently mapped value equals to the value of oldValue.
 ICompletableFuture<Boolean> ICache.replaceAsync(K key, V value)
          Asynchronously replaces the assigned value of the given key by the specified value.
 ICompletableFuture<Boolean> ICache.replaceAsync(K key, V value, javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy)
          Asynchronously replaces the assigned value of the given key by the specified value using a custom ExpiryPolicy.
 ICompletableFuture<Boolean> ICache.replaceAsync(K key, V oldValue, V newValue)
          Asynchronously replaces the currently assigned value for the given key with the specified newValue if and only if the currently assigned value equals the value of oldValue.
 ICompletableFuture<Boolean> ICache.replaceAsync(K key, V oldValue, V newValue, javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy)
          Asynchronously replaces the currently assigned value for the given key with the specified newValue if and only if the currently assigned value equals the value of oldValue using a custom ExpiryPolicy.

Uses of ICompletableFuture in com.hazelcast.client.spi

Methods in com.hazelcast.client.spi that return ICompletableFuture
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationService.invokeOnKeyOwner(ClientRequest request, Object key)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationService.invokeOnKeyOwner(ClientRequest request, Object key, EventHandler handler)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationService.invokeOnPartitionOwner(ClientRequest request, int partitionId)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationService.invokeOnRandomTarget(ClientRequest request)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationService.invokeOnRandomTarget(ClientRequest request, EventHandler handler)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationService.invokeOnTarget(ClientRequest request, Address target)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationService.invokeOnTarget(ClientRequest request, Address target, EventHandler handler)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientExecutionService.submit(Callable<T> task)
 ICompletableFuture<?> ClientExecutionService.submit(Runnable task)

Uses of ICompletableFuture in com.hazelcast.client.spi.impl

Classes in com.hazelcast.client.spi.impl that implement ICompletableFuture
 class ClientCallFuture<V>

Methods in com.hazelcast.client.spi.impl that return ICompletableFuture
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationServiceImpl.invokeOnKeyOwner(ClientRequest request, Object key)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationServiceImpl.invokeOnKeyOwner(ClientRequest request, Object key, EventHandler handler)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationServiceImpl.invokeOnPartitionOwner(ClientRequest request, int partitionId)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationServiceImpl.invokeOnRandomTarget(ClientRequest request)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationServiceImpl.invokeOnRandomTarget(ClientRequest request, EventHandler handler)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationServiceImpl.invokeOnTarget(ClientRequest request, Address target)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientInvocationServiceImpl.invokeOnTarget(ClientRequest request, Address target, EventHandler handler)
 ICompletableFuture ClientInvocationServiceImpl.send(ClientRequest request, ClientConnection connection)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientExecutionServiceImpl.submit(Callable<T> task)
 ICompletableFuture<?> ClientExecutionServiceImpl.submit(Runnable task)
<T> ICompletableFuture<T>
ClientExecutionServiceImpl.submitInternal(Callable<T> command)

Uses of ICompletableFuture in com.hazelcast.client.util

Classes in com.hazelcast.client.util that implement ICompletableFuture
 class ClientCancellableDelegatingFuture<V>
          A DelegatingFuture that can cancel a Runnable/Callable that is executed by an IExecutorService.

Constructors in com.hazelcast.client.util with parameters of type ICompletableFuture
ClientCancellableDelegatingFuture(ICompletableFuture future, ClientContext context, String uuid, Address target, int partitionId)
ClientCancellableDelegatingFuture(ICompletableFuture future, ClientContext context, String uuid, Address target, int partitionId, V defaultValue)

Uses of ICompletableFuture in com.hazelcast.core

Methods in com.hazelcast.core that return ICompletableFuture
 ICompletableFuture<Long> AsyncAtomicLong.asyncAddAndGet(long delta)
          Atomically adds the given value to the current value.
 ICompletableFuture<Void> AsyncAtomicReference.asyncAlter(IFunction<E,E> function)
          Alters the currently stored reference by applying a function on it.
 ICompletableFuture<Void> AsyncAtomicLong.asyncAlter(IFunction<Long,Long> function)
          Alters the currently stored value by applying a function on it.
 ICompletableFuture<E> AsyncAtomicReference.asyncAlterAndGet(IFunction<E,E> function)
          Alters the currently stored reference by applying a function on it and gets the result.
 ICompletableFuture<Long> AsyncAtomicLong.asyncAlterAndGet(IFunction<Long,Long> function)
          Alters the currently stored value by applying a function on it and gets the result.
<R> ICompletableFuture<R>
AsyncAtomicReference.asyncApply(IFunction<E,R> function)
          Applies a function on the value, the actual stored value will not change.
<R> ICompletableFuture<R>
AsyncAtomicLong.asyncApply(IFunction<Long,R> function)
          Applies a function on the value, the actual stored value will not change.
 ICompletableFuture<Void> AsyncAtomicReference.asyncClear()
          Clears the current stored reference.
 ICompletableFuture<Boolean> AsyncAtomicReference.asyncCompareAndSet(E expect, E update)
          Atomically sets the value to the given updated value only if the current value == the expected value.
 ICompletableFuture<Boolean> AsyncAtomicLong.asyncCompareAndSet(long expect, long update)
          Atomically sets the value to the given updated value only if the current value == the expected value.
 ICompletableFuture<Boolean> AsyncAtomicReference.asyncContains(E value)
          Checks if the reference contains the value.
 ICompletableFuture<Long> AsyncAtomicLong.asyncDecrementAndGet()
          Atomically decrements the current value by one.
 ICompletableFuture<Long> AsyncAtomicLong.asyncGet()
          Gets the current value.
 ICompletableFuture<E> AsyncAtomicReference.asyncGet()
          Gets the current value.
 ICompletableFuture<Long> AsyncAtomicLong.asyncGetAndAdd(long delta)
          Atomically adds the given value to the current value.
 ICompletableFuture<E> AsyncAtomicReference.asyncGetAndAlter(IFunction<E,E> function)
          Alters the currently stored reference by applying a function on it on and gets the old value.
 ICompletableFuture<Long> AsyncAtomicLong.asyncGetAndAlter(IFunction<Long,Long> function)
          Alters the currently stored value by applying a function on it on and gets the old value.
 ICompletableFuture<Long> AsyncAtomicLong.asyncGetAndIncrement()
          Atomically increments the current value by one.
 ICompletableFuture<E> AsyncAtomicReference.asyncGetAndSet(E newValue)
          Gets the value and sets the new value.
 ICompletableFuture<Long> AsyncAtomicLong.asyncGetAndSet(long newValue)
          Atomically sets the given value and returns the old value.
 ICompletableFuture<Long> AsyncAtomicLong.asyncIncrementAndGet()
          Atomically increments the current value by one.
 ICompletableFuture<Boolean> AsyncAtomicReference.asyncIsNull()
          Checks if the stored reference is null.
 ICompletableFuture<Void> AsyncAtomicReference.asyncSet(E newValue)
          Atomically sets the given value.
 ICompletableFuture<Void> AsyncAtomicLong.asyncSet(long newValue)
          Atomically sets the given value.
 ICompletableFuture<E> AsyncAtomicReference.asyncSetAndGet(E update)
          Deprecated. will be removed from Hazelcast 3.4 since it doesn't really serve a purpose.

Uses of ICompletableFuture in

Methods in that return ICompletableFuture
 ICompletableFuture MapProxyImpl.putAsync(K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit timeunit)
 ICompletableFuture MapProxyImpl.removeAsync(K key)
 ICompletableFuture MapProxyImpl.submitToKey(K key, EntryProcessor entryProcessor)

Uses of ICompletableFuture in com.hazelcast.mapreduce

Subinterfaces of ICompletableFuture in com.hazelcast.mapreduce
 interface JobCompletableFuture<V>
          This is a special version of ICompletableFuture to return the assigned job id of the submit operation.

Methods in com.hazelcast.mapreduce that return ICompletableFuture
 ICompletableFuture<V> TrackableJob.getCompletableFuture()
          Returns the ICompletableFuture to add callbacks or wait for the resulting value of the tracked job

Uses of ICompletableFuture in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.task

Classes in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.task that implement ICompletableFuture
 class TrackableJobFuture<V>
          This is the node based implementation of the job's reactive ICompletableFuture and is returned to the users codebase.

Methods in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.task that return ICompletableFuture
 ICompletableFuture<V> TrackableJobFuture.getCompletableFuture()

Uses of ICompletableFuture in com.hazelcast.spi

Subinterfaces of ICompletableFuture in com.hazelcast.spi
 interface InternalCompletableFuture<E>
          A ICompletableFuture with more functionality like getting the result without needing to deal with checked exceptions.

Methods in com.hazelcast.spi that return ICompletableFuture
<V> ICompletableFuture<V>
ExecutionService.asCompletableFuture(Future<V> future)

Uses of ICompletableFuture in com.hazelcast.spi.impl

Classes in com.hazelcast.spi.impl that implement ICompletableFuture
 class AbstractCompletableFuture<V>

Methods in com.hazelcast.spi.impl that return ICompletableFuture
<V> ICompletableFuture<V>
ExecutionServiceImpl.asCompletableFuture(Future<V> future)

Uses of ICompletableFuture in com.hazelcast.util.executor

Classes in com.hazelcast.util.executor that implement ICompletableFuture
 class CompletableFutureTask<V>
 class CompletedFuture<V>
 class DelegatingFuture<V>

Fields in com.hazelcast.util.executor declared as ICompletableFuture
protected  ICompletableFuture DelegatingFuture.future

Constructors in com.hazelcast.util.executor with parameters of type ICompletableFuture
DelegatingFuture(ICompletableFuture future, SerializationService serializationService)
DelegatingFuture(ICompletableFuture future, SerializationService serializationService, V defaultValue)

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