This document is for an old version of the former Hazelcast IMDG product.

We've combined the in-memory storage of IMDG with the stream processing power of Jet to bring you an all new platform: Hazelcast 5.0

Use the following links to try it:

AbstractProcessor is a convenience class designed to deal with most of the boilerplate in implementing the full Processor API.

Receiving items

On the reception side the first line of convenience are the tryProcessN() methods. While in the inbox the watermark and data items are interleaved, these methods take care of the boilerplate needed to filter out the watermarks. Additionally, they get one item at a time, eliminating the need to write a suspendable loop over the input items.

There is a separate method specialized for each edge from 0 to 4 (tryProcess0..tryProcess4) and a catch-all method tryProcess(ordinal, item). If the processor doesn't need to distinguish between the inbound edges, the latter method is a good match; otherwise, it is simpler to implement one or more of the ordinal-specific methods. The catch-all method is also the only way to access inbound edges beyond ordinal 4, but such cases are very rare in practice.

Paralleling the above there are tryProcessWm(ordinal, wm) and tryProcessWmN(wm) methods that get just the watermark items.

Emitting items

AbstractProcessor has a private reference to its outbox and lets you access all its functionality indirectly. The tryEmit() methods offer your items to the outbox. If you get a false return value, you must stop emitting items and return from the current callback method of the processor. For example, if you called tryEmit() from tryProcess0(), you should return false so Jet will call tryProcess0() again later, when there's more room in the outbox. Similar to these methods there are tryEmitToSnapshot() and emitFromTraverserToSnapshot(), to be used from the saveToSnapshot() callback.

Implementing a processor to respect the above rule is quite tricky and error-prone. Things get especially tricky when there are several items to emit, such as:

  • when a single input item maps to many output items
  • when the processor performs a group-by-key operation and emits each group as a separate item

You can avoid most of the complexity if you wrap all your output in a Traverser. Then you can simply say return emitFromTraverser(myTraverser). It will:

  1. try to emit as many items as possible
  2. return false if the outbox refuses an item
  3. hold on to the refused item and continue from it when it's called again with the same traverser.

There is one more layer of convenience relying on emitFromTraverser(): the nested class FlatMapper, which makes it easy to implement a flatmapping kind of transformation. It automatically handles the concern of creating a new traverser when the previous one is exhausted and reusing the previous one until exhausted.


Traverser is a very simple functional interface whose shape matches that of a Supplier, but with a contract specialized for the traversal over a sequence of non-null items: each call to its next() method returns another item of the sequence until exhausted, then keeps returning null. A traverser may also represent an infinite, non-blocking stream of items: it may return null when no item is currently available, then later return more items.

The point of this type is the ability to implement traversal over any kind of dataset or lazy sequence with minimum hassle: often just by providing a one-liner lambda expression. This makes it very easy to integrate with Jet's convenience APIs for cooperative processors.

Traverser also supports some default methods that facilitate building a simple transformation layer over the underlying sequence: map, filter, flatMap, etc.

The following example shows how you can implement a simple flatmapping processor:

public class ItemAndSuccessorP extends AbstractProcessor {
    private final FlatMapper<Integer, Integer> flatMapper =
        flatMapper(i -> traverseIterable(asList(i, i + 1)));

    protected boolean tryProcess(int ordinal, Object item) {
        return flatMapper.tryProcess((int) item);

For each received Integer this processor emits the number and its successor. If the outbox refuses an item, flatMapper.tryProcess() returns false and stays ready to resume the next time it is invoked. The fact that it returned false signals Jet to invoke ItemAndSuccessorP.tryProcess() again with the same arguments.