This document is for an old version of the former Hazelcast IMDG product.

We've combined the in-memory storage of IMDG with the stream processing power of Jet to bring you an all new platform: Hazelcast 5.0

Use the following links to try it:

Inspecting Processor Input and Output

The structure of the DAG model is a very poor match for Java's type system, which results in the lack of compile-time type safety between connected vertices. Developing a type-correct DAG therefore usually requires some trial and error. To facilitate this process, but also to allow many more kinds of diagnostics and debugging, Jet's library offers ways to capture the input/output of a vertex and inspect it.

Peeking with Processor Wrappers

The first approach is to decorate a vertex declaration with a layer that will log all the data traffic going through it. This support is present in the DiagnosticProcessors factory class, which contains the following methods:

  • peekInput(): logs items received at any edge ordinal.

  • peekOutput(): logs items emitted to any ordinal. An item emitted to several ordinals is logged just once.

These methods take two optional parameters:

  • toStringF returns the string representation of an item. The default is to use Object.toString().
  • shouldLogF is a filtering function so you can focus your log output only on some specific items. The default is to log all items.

Example Usage

Suppose we have declared the second-stage vertex in a two-stage aggregation setup:

Vertex combine = dag.newVertex("combine", 

We'd like to see what exactly we're getting from the first stage, so we'll wrap the processor supplier with peekInput():

Vertex combine = dag.newVertex("combine", 

Keep in mind that logging happens on the machine running hosting the processor, so this technique is primarily targeted to Jet jobs the developer runs locally in his development environment.

Attaching a Sink Vertex

Since most vertices are implemented to emit the same data stream to all attached edges, it is usually possible to attach a diagnostic sink to any vertex. For example, Jet's standard writeFileP() sink vertex can be very useful here.

Example Usage

In the example from the Word Count tutorial we can add the following declarations:

Vertex diagnose = dag.newVertex("diagnose",
dag.edge(from(tokenize, 1).to(diagnose));

This will create the directory tokenize-output which will contain one file per processor instance running on the machine. When running in a cluster, you can inspect on each member the input seen on that member. By specifying the allToOne() routing policy you can also have the output of all the processors on all the members saved on a single member (although the choice of exactly which member will be arbitrary).

How to Unit-Test a Processor

We provide some utility classes to simplify writing unit tests for your custom processors. You can find them in the com.hazelcast.jet.core.test package. Using these utility classes you can unit test your processor by passing it some input items and asserting the expected output.

Start by calling TestSupport.verifyProcessor() by passing it a processor supplier or a processor instance.

The test process does the following:

  • initialize the processor by calling Processor.init()
  • do a snapshot+restore (optional, see below)
  • call Processor.process(0, inbox). The inbox always contains one item from the input parameter
  • every time the inbox gets empty, do a snapshot+restore
  • call Processor.complete() until it returns true (optional)
  • do a final snapshot+restore after complete() is done

The optional snapshot+restore test procedure:

  • call saveToSnapshot()
  • create a new processor instance and use it instead of the existing one
  • restore the snapshot using restoreFromSnapshot()
  • call finishSnapshotRestore()

The test optionally asserts that the processor made progress on each call to any processing method. To be judged as having made progress, the callback method must do at least one of these:

  • take something from the inbox
  • put something to the outbox
  • return true (applies only to boolean-returning methods)

Cooperative Processors

The test will provide a 1-capacity outbox to cooperative processors. The outbox will already be full on every other call to process(). This tests the edge case: process() may be called even when the outbox is full, giving the processor a chance to process the inbox without emitting anything.

The test will also assert that the processor doesn't spend more time in any callback than the limit specified in cooperativeTimeout(long).

Cases Not Covered

This class does not cover these cases:

  • testing of processors which distinguish input or output edges by ordinal
  • checking that the state of a stateful processor is empty at the end (you can do that yourself afterwards with the last instance returned from your supplier)
  • it never calls Processor.tryProcess()

Example Usage

This will test one of the jet-provided processors:

TestSupport.verifyProcessor( s) -> s.toUpperCase()))
           .disableCompleteCall()             // enabled by default
           .disableLogging()                  // enabled by default
           .disableProgressAssertion()        // enabled by default
           .disableSnapshots()                // enabled by default
           .cooperativeTimeout(<timeoutInMs>) // default is 1000
           .outputChecker(<function>)         // default is `Objects::equal`
           .input(asList("foo", "bar"))       // default is `emptyList()`
           .expectOutput(asList("FOO", "BAR"));

Other Utility Classes

com.hazelcast.jet.test contains these classes that you can use as implementations of Jet interfaces in tests:

  • TestInbox
  • TestOutbox
  • TestProcessorContext
  • TestProcessorSupplierContext
  • TestProcessorMetaSupplierContext

The class JetAssert contains a few of the assertX() methods normally found in JUnit's Assert class. We had to reimplement them to avoid a dependency on JUnit from our production code.