Cluster Member Security

Hazelcast supports standard Java Security (JAAS) based authentication between cluster members. You should configure one or moreLoginModules and an instance of Although Hazelcast has default implementations using cluster group and group-password and UsernamePasswordCredentials on authentication, it is advised to implement these according to specific needs and environment.

<security enabled="true">
    <member-credentials-factory class-name="com.hazelcast.examples.MyCredentialsFactory">
            <property name="property1">value1</property>
            <property name="property2">value2</property>
        <login-module class-name="com.hazelcast.examples.MyRequiredLoginModule" usage="required">
                <property name="property3">value3</property>
        <login-module class-name="com.hazelcast.examples.MySufficientLoginModule" usage="sufficient">
                <property name="property4">value4</property>
        <login-module class-name="com.hazelcast.examples.MyOptionalLoginModule" usage="optional">
                <property name="property5">value5</property>

You can define as many asLoginModules you wanted in configuration. Those are executed in given order. Usage attribute has 4 values; 'required', 'requisite', 'sufficient' and 'optional' as defined in

 * ICredentialsFactory is used to create Credentials objects to be used
 * during node authentication before connection accepted by master node.
public interface ICredentialsFactory {

    void configure(GroupConfig groupConfig, Properties properties);

    Credentials newCredentials();

    void destroy();

Properties defined in configuration are passed to ICredentialsFactory.configure() method as java.util.Properties and to LoginModule.initialize() method asjava.util.Map.