J2EE Integration

Hazelcast can be integrated into J2EE containers via Hazelcast Resource Adapter (hazelcast-ra-version.rar). After proper configuration, Hazelcast can participate in standard J2EE transactions.

<%@page import="javax.resource.ResourceException" %>
<%@page import="javax.transaction.*" %>
<%@page import="javax.naming.*" %>
<%@page import="javax.resource.cci.*" %>
<%@page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@page import="com.hazelcast.core.*" %>
<%@page import="com.hazelcast.jca.*" %>

UserTransaction txn = null;
HazelcastConnection conn = null;
Config cfg = new Config();
HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(cfg);

try {
    Context context = new InitialContext();
    txn = (UserTransaction) context.lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");

    HazelcastConnectionFactory cf = (HazelcastConnectionFactory) context.lookup ("java:comp/env/HazelcastCF");
    conn = cf.getConnection();

    TransactionalMap<String, String> txMap = conn.getTransactionalMap("default");
    txMap.put("key", "value");

} catch (Throwable e) {
    if (txn != null) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ix) {ix.printStackTrace();};
} finally {
    if (conn != null) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ignored) {};

Resource Adapter Configuration

Deploying and configuring Hazelcast resource adapter is no different than any other resource adapter since it is a standard JCA resource adapter. However, resource adapter installation and configuration is container specific, so please consult your J2EE vendor documentation for details. Most common steps are:

  1. Add the hazelcast-version.jar to container's classpath. Usually there is a lib directory that is loaded automatically by the container on startup.
  2. Deploy hazelcast-ra-version.rar. Usually there is some kind of a deploy directory. Name of the directory varies by container.
  3. Make container specific configurations when/after deploying hazelcast-ra-version.rar. Besides container specific configurations, JNDI name for Hazelcast resource is set.
  4. Configure your application to use the Hazelcast resource. Update web.xml and/or ejb-jar.xml to let container know that your application will use the Hazelcast resource and define the resource reference.
  5. Make container specific application configuration to specify JNDI name used for the resource in the application.

Sample Glassfish v3 Web Application Configuration

  1. Place the hazelcast-version.jar into GLASSFISH_HOME/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/ext/ directory.
  2. Place the hazelcast-ra-version.rar into GLASSFISH_HOME/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy/ directory.
  3. Add the following lines to the web.xml file.

Notice that, we did not have to put sun-ra.xml into the RAR file since it comes with the hazelcast-ra-version.rar file already.

If Hazelcast resource is used from EJBs, you should configure ejb-jar.xml for resource reference and JNDI definitions, just like we did for web.xml.

Sample JBoss Web Application Configuration

  • Place the hazelcast-version.jar into JBOSS_HOME/server/deploy/default/lib directory.
  • Place the hazelcast-ra-version.rar into JBOSS_HOME/server/deploy/default/deploy directory
  • Create a hazelcast-ds.xml file at JBOSS_HOME/server/deploy/default/deploy directory containing below content. Make sure to set the rar-name element to hazelcast-ra-version.rar.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE connection-factories
  PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS JCA Config 1.5//EN"

  • Add the following lines to the web.xml file.
  • Add the following lines to the jboss-web.xml file.

If Hazelcast resource is used from EJBs, you should configure ejb-jar.xml and jboss.xml for resource reference and JNDI definitions.