Time Travel is used to check the status of the cluster at a time in the past. Once this item is selected on the toolbar, a small window appears on top of the page, as shown below.
To see the cluster status in a past time, Time Travel should be enabled first. Click on the area where it says OFF (on the right of Time Travel window). It will turn to ON after it asks whether to enable the Time Travel with a dialog (just click on Enable).
Once it is ON, it means that the status of your cluster is started to be stored on your disk, as long as your web server is alive.
You can go back in time using the slider and/or calendar and check your cluster's situation at the selected time. All data structures and members can be monitored as if you are using the management center normally (charts and data tables for each data structure and members). Using the arrow buttons placed at both sides of the slider, you can go back or further with steps of 5 seconds. Naturally, it will show the status if Time Travel has been ON at the selected time in past. Otherwise, all charts and tables will be shown as empty.