
All security attributes are carried in Credentials object and Credentials is used by LoginModules during authentication process. Accessing user supplied attributes from LoginModules is done by CallbackHandlers. To provide access to Credentials object, Hazelcast uses its own specialized CallbackHandler. During initialization of LoginModules Hazelcast will pass this special CallbackHandler into LoginModule.initialize() method.

LoginModule implementations should create an instance of and call handle(Callback[] callbacks) method of CallbackHandler during login process.

CredentialsCallback.getCredentials() will return the supplied Credentials object.

public class CustomLoginModule implements LoginModule {
  CallbackHandler callbackHandler;
  Subject subject;

  public void initialize( Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
                          Map<String, ?> sharedState, Map<String, ?> options ) {
    this.subject = subject;
    this.callbackHandler = callbackHandler;

  public final boolean login() throws LoginException {
    CredentialsCallback callback = new CredentialsCallback();
    try {
      callbackHandler.handle( new Callback[] { callback } );
      credentials = cb.getCredentials();
    } catch ( Exception e ) {
      throw new LoginException( e.getMessage() );

To use default Hazelcast permission policy, an instance of that holding Credentials object must be created and added to Subject.principals onLoginModule.commit() as shown below.

public class MyCustomLoginModule implements LoginModule {
  public boolean commit() throws LoginException {
    Principal principal = new ClusterPrincipal( credentials );
    subject.getPrincipals().add( principal );

    return true;

Hazelcast also has an abstract implementation of LoginModule that does callback and cleanup operations and holds resulting Credentials instance. LoginModules extending ClusterLoginModule can access Credentials, Subject, LoginModule instances and options and sharedState maps. Extending ClusterLoginModule is recommended instead of implementing all required stuff.

public abstract class ClusterLoginModule implements LoginModule {

  protected abstract boolean onLogin() throws LoginException;
  protected abstract boolean onCommit() throws LoginException;
  protected abstract boolean onAbort() throws LoginException;
  protected abstract boolean onLogout() throws LoginException;


Please refer to JAAS Reference Guide for further information.