Hazelcast JCache Implementation

NOTE: This feature will be included in the next Hazelcast release.

Hazelcast provides JSR 107 implementation. In order to use Hazelcast as a JCache provider, just add hazelcast-3.3-JCACHE.jar and cache-api dependency.


  • Pull the latest from repo using the command git pull origin jcache-preview and use Maven install (or package) to build with mvn clean install.

  • Add the file hazelcast-3.3-JCACHE.jar to your classpath.

  • Download the cache-api from maven repo or add it as a dependency as shown below.



After setting dependencies, you can start using JCache as described by the specification JSR 107. Please note that Hazelcast specific configurations still can be performed as described by this document.

Sample JCache Code

A sample code is shown below.

CachingProvider cachingProvider = Caching.getCachingProvider();
CacheManager cacheManager = cachingProvider.getCacheManager();

//configure the cache
MutableConfiguration<String, String> config = new MutableConfiguration<String, String>();
.setTypes(String.class, String.class)

//create the cache
cacheManager.createCache(name, config);

//get the cache
Cache<String, Integer> cache = cacheManager.getCache(name, String.class, String.class);
cache.put("theKey", "Hello World");
String value = cache.get("theKey");
System.out.println(value);//prints 'Hello World'

Code Samples

Please see Hazelcast Code Samples for more examples.

Work In Progress

Below features are still in progress:

  • Hazelcast Java client support for JCache
  • Statistics and MXBean support
  • Synchronous listeners
  • Near Cache extension
  • Management Center integration