
You can use a stream in order to serialize and deserialize data by means of StreamSerializer. It is a good option for your own implementations and it can also be adapted to external serialization libraries like Kryo, JSON and protocol buffers.

First, let's create a simple object.

public class Employee {
  private String surname;

  public Employee( String surname ) {
    this.surname = surname;

Now, let's implement StreamSerializer for Employee class.

public class EmployeeStreamSerializer
    implements StreamSerializer<Employee> {

  public int getTypeId () {
    return 1; 

  public void write( ObjectDataOutput out, Employee employee )
      throws IOException { 

  public Employee read( ObjectDataInput in ) 
      throws IOException { 
    String surname = in.readUTF();
    return new Employee(surname);

  public void destroy () { 

Of course, in practice, classes may have many fields. Just make sure the fields are read in the same order as they are written. Another consideration should be the type ID. It must be unique and greater than or equal to 1. Uniqueness of it enables Hazelcast to determine which serializer will be used during deserialization.

And now, as the last step, let's register the EmployeeStreamSerializer in the configuration file hazelcast.xml, as shown below.

    <serializer type-class="Employee">EmployeeStreamSerializer</serializer>

NOTE: StreamSerializer cannot be created for well-known types (e.g. Long, String) and primitive arrays. Hazelcast already registers these types.

Let's take a look at another example implementing StreamSerializer.

public class Foo {
  private String foo;

  public String getFoo() {
    return foo;

  public void setFoo( String foo ) { = foo;

Assume that our custom serialization will serialize Foo into XML. First we need to implement a com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.StreamSerializer. A very simple one that uses XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder, would look like the following:

public static class FooXmlSerializer implements StreamSerializer<Foo> {

  public int getTypeId() {
    return 10;

  public void write( ObjectDataOutput out, Foo object ) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    XMLEncoder encoder = new XMLEncoder( bos );
    encoder.writeObject( object );
    out.write( bos.toByteArray() );

  public Foo read( ObjectDataInput in ) throws IOException {
    InputStream inputStream = (InputStream) in;
    XMLDecoder decoder = new XMLDecoder( inputStream );
    return (Foo) decoder.readObject();

  public void destroy() {

Note that typeId must be unique as Hazelcast will use it to lookup the StreamSerializer while it de-serializes the object. Now, the last required step is to register the StreamSerializer to the Configuration. Below are the programmatic and declarative configurations for this step in order.

SerializerConfig sc = new SerializerConfig()
    .setImplementation(new FooXmlSerializer())
Config config = new Config();
      <serializer type-class="com.www.Foo">com.www.FooXmlSerializer</serializer>

From now on, Hazelcast will use FooXmlSerializer to serialize Foo objects. This way one can write an adapter (StreamSerializer) for any Serialization framework and plug it into Hazelcast.