
Statistics API per Node

You can gather various statistics from your distributed data structures via Statistics API. Since the data structures are distributed in the cluster, the Statistics API provides statistics for the local portion (1/Number of Nodes) of data on each node.

Map Statistics

The IMap interface has a getLocalMapStats() method which returns a LocalMapStats object that holds local map statistics.

HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
IMap<String, Customer> customers = hazelcastInstance.getMap( "customers" );
LocalMapStats mapStatistics = customers.getLocalMapStats();
System.out.println( "number of entries owned on this node = "
    + mapStatistics.getOwnedEntryCount() );

Below is the list of metrics that can be accessed via LocalMapStats object.

 * Returns the number of entries owned by this member.
long getOwnedEntryCount();

 * Returns the number of backup entries hold by this member.
long getBackupEntryCount();

 * Returns the number of backups per entry.
int getBackupCount();

 * Returns memory cost (number of bytes) of owned entries in this member.
long getOwnedEntryMemoryCost();

 * Returns memory cost (number of bytes) of backup entries in this member.
long getBackupEntryMemoryCost();

 * Returns the creation time of this map on this member.
long getCreationTime();

 * Returns the last access (read) time of the locally owned entries.
long getLastAccessTime();

 * Returns the last update time of the locally owned entries.
long getLastUpdateTime();

 * Returns the number of hits (reads) of the locally owned entries.
long getHits();

 * Returns the number of currently locked locally owned keys.
long getLockedEntryCount();

 * Returns the number of entries that the member owns and are dirty (updated
 * but not persisted yet).
 * dirty entry count is meaningful when there is a persistence defined.
long getDirtyEntryCount();

 * Returns the number of put operations
long getPutOperationCount();

 * Returns the number of get operations
long getGetOperationCount();

 * Returns the number of Remove operations
long getRemoveOperationCount();

 * Returns the total latency of put operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide to number of puts
long getTotalPutLatency();

 * Returns the total latency of get operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide to number of gets
long getTotalGetLatency();

 * Returns the total latency of remove operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide to number of gets
long getTotalRemoveLatency();

 * Returns the maximum latency of put operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide to number of puts
long getMaxPutLatency();

 * Returns the maximum latency of get operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide to number of gets
long getMaxGetLatency();

 * Returns the maximum latency of remove operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide to number of gets
long getMaxRemoveLatency();

 * Returns the number of Events Received
long getEventOperationCount();

 * Returns the total number of Other Operations
long getOtherOperationCount();

 * Returns the total number of total operations
long total();

 * Cost of map & near cache  & backup in bytes
 * todo in object mode object size is zero.
long getHeapCost();

 * Returns statistics related to the Near Cache.
NearCacheStats getNearCacheStats();

Near Cache Statistics

Near Cache statistics can be accessed from LocalMapStats via getNearCacheStats() method which will return a NearCacheStats object.

HazelcastInstance node = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
IMap<String, Customer> customers = node.getMap( "customers" );
LocalMapStats mapStatistics = customers.getLocalMapStats();
NearCacheStats nearCacheStatistics = mapStatistics.getNearCacheStats();
System.out.println( "near cache hit/miss ratio= "
    + nearCacheStatistics.getRatio() );

Below is the list of metrics that can be accessed via NearCacheStats object. This behavior applies to both client and node near caches.

 * Returns the creation time of this NearCache on this member
long getCreationTime();

 * Returns the number of entries owned by this member.
long getOwnedEntryCount();

 * Returns memory cost (number of bytes) of entries in this cache.
long getOwnedEntryMemoryCost();

 * Returns the number of hits (reads) of the locally owned entries.
long getHits();

 * Returns the number of misses  of the locally owned entries.
long getMisses();

 * Returns the hit/miss ratio  of the locally owned entries.
double getRatio();

Multimap Statistics

The MultiMap interface has a getLocalMultiMapStats() method which returns a LocalMultiMapStats object that holds local MultiMap statistics.

HazelcastInstance node = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
MultiMap<String, Customer> customers = node.getMultiMap( "customers" );
LocalMultiMapStats multiMapStatistics = customers.getLocalMultiMapStats();
System.out.println( "last update time =  "
    + multiMapStatistics.getLastUpdateTime() );

Below is the list of metrics that can be accessed via LocalMultiMapStats object.

 * Returns the number of entries owned by this member.
long getOwnedEntryCount();

 * Returns the number of backup entries hold by this member.
long getBackupEntryCount();

 * Returns the number of backups per entry.
int getBackupCount();

 * Returns memory cost (number of bytes) of owned entries in this member.
long getOwnedEntryMemoryCost();

 * Returns memory cost (number of bytes) of backup entries in this member.
long getBackupEntryMemoryCost();

 * Returns the creation time of this map on this member.
long getCreationTime();

 * Returns the last access (read) time of the locally owned entries.
long getLastAccessTime();

 * Returns the last update time of the locally owned entries.
long getLastUpdateTime();

 * Returns the number of hits (reads) of the locally owned entries.
long getHits();

 * Returns the number of currently locked locally owned keys.
long getLockedEntryCount();

 * Returns the number of entries that the member owns and are dirty (updated
 * but not persisted yet).
 * dirty entry count is meaningful when there is a persistence defined.
long getDirtyEntryCount();

 * Returns the number of put operations
long getPutOperationCount();

 * Returns the number of get operations
long getGetOperationCount();

 * Returns the number of Remove operations
long getRemoveOperationCount();

 * Returns the total latency of put operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide to number of puts
long getTotalPutLatency();

 * Returns the total latency of get operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide to number of gets
long getTotalGetLatency();

 * Returns the total latency of remove operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide to number of gets
long getTotalRemoveLatency();

 * Returns the maximum latency of put operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide to number of puts
long getMaxPutLatency();

 * Returns the maximum latency of get operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide to number of gets
long getMaxGetLatency();

 * Returns the maximum latency of remove operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide to number of gets
long getMaxRemoveLatency();

 * Returns the number of Events Received
long getEventOperationCount();

 * Returns the total number of Other Operations
long getOtherOperationCount();

 * Returns the total number of total operations
long total();

 * Cost of map & near cache  & backup in bytes
 * todo in object mode object size is zero.
long getHeapCost();

Queue Statistics

The IQueue interface has a getLocalQueueStats() method which returns a LocalQueueStats object that holds local queue statistics.

HazelcastInstance node = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
IQueue<Order> orders = node.getQueue( "orders" );
LocalQueueStats queueStatistics = orders.getLocalQueueStats();
System.out.println( "average age of items = " 
    + queueStatistics.getAvgAge() );

Below is the list of metrics that can be accessed via LocalQueueStats object.

 * Returns the number of owned items in this member.
long getOwnedItemCount();

 * Returns the number of backup items in this member.
long getBackupItemCount();

 * Returns the min age of the items in this member.
long getMinAge();

 * Returns the max age of the items in this member.
long getMaxAge();

 * Returns the average age of the items in this member.
long getAvgAge();

 * Returns the number of offer/put/add operations.
 * Offers returning false will be included.
 * #getRejectedOfferOperationCount can be used
 * to get the rejected offers.
long getOfferOperationCount();

 * Returns the number of rejected offers. Offer
 * can be rejected because of max-size limit
 * on the queue.
long getRejectedOfferOperationCount();

 * Returns the number of poll/take/remove operations.
 * Polls returning null (empty) will be included.
 * #getEmptyPollOperationCount can be used to get the
 * number of polls returned null.
long getPollOperationCount();

 * Returns number of null returning poll operations.
 * Poll operation might return null, if the queue is empty.
long getEmptyPollOperationCount();

 * Returns number of other operations
long getOtherOperationsCount();

 * Returns number of event operations
long getEventOperationCount();

Topic Statistics

The ITopic interface has a getLocalTopicStats() method which returns a LocalTopicStats object that holds local topic statistics.

HazelcastInstance node = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
ITopic<Object> news = node.getTopic( "news" );
LocalTopicStats topicStatistics = news.getLocalTopicStats();
System.out.println( "number of publish operations = " 
    + topicStatistics.getPublishOperationCount() );

Below is the list of metrics that can be accessed via LocalTopicStats object.

 * Returns the creation time of this topic on this member
long getCreationTime();

 * Returns the total number of published messages of this topic on this member
long getPublishOperationCount();

 * Returns the total number of received messages of this topic on this member
long getReceiveOperationCount();

Executor Statistics

The IExecutorService interface has a getLocalExecutorStats() method which returns a LocalExecutorStats object that holds local executor statistics.

HazelcastInstance node = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
IExecutorService orderProcessor = node.getExecutorService( "orderProcessor" );
LocalExecutorStats executorStatistics = orderProcessor.getLocalExecutorStats();
System.out.println( "completed task count = " 
    + executorStatistics.getCompletedTaskCount() );

Below is the list of metrics that can be accessed via LocalExecutorStats object.

 * Returns the number of pending operations of the executor service
long getPendingTaskCount();

 * Returns the number of started operations of the executor service
long getStartedTaskCount();

 * Returns the number of completed operations of the executor service
long getCompletedTaskCount();

 * Returns the number of cancelled operations of the executor service
long getCancelledTaskCount();

 * Returns the total start latency of operations started
long getTotalStartLatency();

 * Returns the total execution time of operations finished
long getTotalExecutionLatency();