Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILogger
com.hazelcast.cache.impl Hazelcast JSR-107 aka JCache implementation 
com.hazelcast.client Contains classes/interfaces related to Client 
com.hazelcast.client.cache.impl Hazelcast JSR-107 aka JCache implementation client side 
com.hazelcast.client.connection.nio Contains classes related to New IO for com.hazelcast.client.connection 
com.hazelcast.client.impl Contains most of the client side HazelcastInstance implementation functionality. 
com.hazelcast.cluster.impl This package contains the implementation of the cluster functionality.
com.hazelcast.collection This package contains classes related to Collections (IList,ISet etc..)
com.hazelcast.hibernate.access Provides access interfaces/classes for Hibernate. 
com.hazelcast.hibernate.region Provides region interfaces/classes for Hibernate. 
com.hazelcast.instance This package contains Hazelcast Instance functionality.
com.hazelcast.logging This package contains logging functionality for Hazelcast.
Since Hazelcast has a zero dependency policy, Hazelcast provides a logging abstraction like commongs logging, so that different logging frameworks like log4j, can be hooked in. Contains map store operations. 
com.hazelcast.nio This package contains classes related to New IO
com.hazelcast.nio.tcp Contains functionality for the TCP/IP Networking between cluster members
com.hazelcast.partition Contains the partition logic for Hazelcast. 
com.hazelcast.spi Provides interfaces/classes for Hazelcast SPI. 
com.hazelcast.spi.impl Contains implementations for Hazelcast SPI. 
com.hazelcast.util This package contains classes to support the inner workings of Hazelcast as well as some backports of newer Java features / data structures to support older Java versions in a clean and nice way. 
com.hazelcast.util.executor This package contains classes related to Util.Executor
com.hazelcast.web Provides Hazelcast-based session replication. 

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.cache.impl

Fields in com.hazelcast.cache.impl declared as ILogger
protected  ILogger CacheProxy.logger
protected static ILogger AbstractHazelcastCachingProvider.LOGGER

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.client

Methods in com.hazelcast.client that return ILogger
 ILogger ClientEngine.getLogger(Class clazz)

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.client.cache.impl

Fields in com.hazelcast.client.cache.impl declared as ILogger
protected  ILogger ClientCacheProxy.logger

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.client.connection.nio

Fields in com.hazelcast.client.connection.nio declared as ILogger
protected  ILogger AbstractClientSelectionHandler.logger

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.client.impl

Fields in com.hazelcast.client.impl declared as ILogger
protected static ILogger DefaultClientExtension.LOGGER

Methods in com.hazelcast.client.impl that return ILogger
 ILogger ClientEngineImpl.getLogger(Class clazz)

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.cluster.impl

Fields in com.hazelcast.cluster.impl declared as ILogger
protected  ILogger AbstractJoiner.logger

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.collection

Fields in com.hazelcast.collection declared as ILogger
protected  ILogger CollectionContainer.logger

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.hibernate.access

Fields in com.hazelcast.hibernate.access declared as ILogger
protected  ILogger AbstractAccessDelegate.log

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.hibernate.region

Methods in com.hazelcast.hibernate.region that return ILogger
 ILogger HazelcastRegion.getLogger()

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.instance

Fields in com.hazelcast.instance declared as ILogger
protected  ILogger DefaultNodeExtension.logger
protected  ILogger DefaultNodeExtension.systemLogger

Methods in com.hazelcast.instance that return ILogger
 ILogger Node.getLogger(Class clazz)
 ILogger Node.getLogger(String name)

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.logging

Classes in com.hazelcast.logging that implement ILogger
 class AbstractLogger
          Abstract ILogger implementation that provides implementations for the convenience methods like finest,info,warning and severe.

Methods in com.hazelcast.logging that return ILogger
protected  ILogger Log4j2Factory.createLogger(String name)
protected  ILogger Slf4jFactory.createLogger(String name)
protected  ILogger Log4jFactory.createLogger(String name)
protected  ILogger StandardLoggerFactory.createLogger(String name)
protected abstract  ILogger LoggerFactorySupport.createLogger(String name)
static ILogger Logger.getLogger(Class clazz)
 ILogger LoggingService.getLogger(Class type)
 ILogger LoggingServiceImpl.getLogger(Class clazz)
 ILogger LoggerFactory.getLogger(String name)
static ILogger Logger.getLogger(String name)
 ILogger NoLogFactory.getLogger(String name)
 ILogger LoggerFactorySupport.getLogger(String name)
 ILogger LoggingService.getLogger(String name)
 ILogger LoggingServiceImpl.getLogger(String name)

Uses of ILogger in

Methods in that return ILogger
 ILogger MapStoreContext.getLogger(Class clazz)

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.nio

Methods in com.hazelcast.nio that return ILogger
 ILogger NodeIOService.getLogger(String name)
 ILogger IOService.getLogger(String name)

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.nio.tcp

Fields in com.hazelcast.nio.tcp declared as ILogger
protected  ILogger AbstractIOSelector.logger

Constructors in com.hazelcast.nio.tcp with parameters of type ILogger
AbstractIOSelector(ThreadGroup threadGroup, String tname, ILogger logger, IOSelectorOutOfMemoryHandler oomeHandler)
InSelectorImpl(ThreadGroup threadGroup, String tname, ILogger logger, IOSelectorOutOfMemoryHandler oomeHandler)
OutSelectorImpl(ThreadGroup threadGroup, String tname, ILogger logger, IOSelectorOutOfMemoryHandler oomeHandler)

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.partition

Methods in com.hazelcast.partition with parameters of type ILogger
static void ReplicaErrorLogger.log(Throwable e, ILogger logger)

Constructors in com.hazelcast.partition with parameters of type ILogger
PartitionRuntimeState(ILogger logger, Collection<MemberInfo> memberInfos, InternalPartition[] partitions, Collection<MigrationInfo> migrationInfos, long masterTime, int version)

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.spi

Methods in com.hazelcast.spi that return ILogger
protected  ILogger Operation.getLogger()
 ILogger NodeEngine.getLogger(Class clazz)
 ILogger NodeEngine.getLogger(String name)

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.spi.impl

Methods in com.hazelcast.spi.impl that return ILogger
 ILogger NodeEngineImpl.getLogger(Class clazz)
 ILogger NodeEngineImpl.getLogger(String name)

Methods in com.hazelcast.spi.impl with parameters of type ILogger
static ResponseHandler ResponseHandlerFactory.createErrorLoggingResponseHandler(ILogger logger)

Constructors in com.hazelcast.spi.impl with parameters of type ILogger
AbstractCompletableFuture(NodeEngine nodeEngine, ILogger logger)
BasicBackPressureService(GroupProperties properties, ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.util

Methods in com.hazelcast.util with parameters of type ILogger
static FutureUtil.ExceptionHandler FutureUtil.logAllExceptions(ILogger logger, Level level)
          This ExceptionHandler rethrows ExecutionExceptions and logs MemberLeftExceptions to the log.
static FutureUtil.ExceptionHandler FutureUtil.logAllExceptions(ILogger logger, String message, Level level)
          This ExceptionHandler rethrows ExecutionExceptions and logs MemberLeftExceptions to the log.

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.util.executor

Constructors in com.hazelcast.util.executor with parameters of type ILogger
StripedExecutor(ILogger logger, String threadNamePrefix, ThreadGroup threadGroup, int threadCount, int maximumQueueSize)

Uses of ILogger in com.hazelcast.web

Fields in com.hazelcast.web declared as ILogger
protected static ILogger WebFilter.LOGGER

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