You can register for Hazelcast entry events so you will be notified when those events occur. Event Listeners are cluster-wide: when a listener is registered in one member of cluster, it is actually registered for events that originated at any member in the cluster. When a new member joins, events originated at the new member will also be delivered.
An Event is created only if you registered an event listener. If no listener is registered, then no event will be created. If you provided a predicate when you registered the event listener, pass the predicate before sending the event to the listener (node/client).
As a rule of thumb, your event listener should not implement heavy processes in its event methods which block the thread for a long time. If needed, you can use ExecutorService
to transfer long running processes to another thread and thus offload the current listener thread.
Hazelcast offers the following event listeners:
lifecycle events.IMap
and MultiMap
entry events (please refer to the Map Listener section).IQueue
, ISet
and IList
item events (please refer to the Event Registration and Configuration parts of the sections Set and List).ITopic
message events.The Membership Listener allows to get notified for the following events.
The following is an example Membership Listener class.
public class ClusterMembershipListener
implements MembershipListener {
public void memberAdded(MembershipEvent membershipEvent) {
System.err.println("Added: " + membershipEvent);
public void memberRemoved(MembershipEvent membershipEvent) {
System.err.println("Removed: " + membershipEvent);
public void memberAttributeChanged(MemberAttributeEvent memberAttributeEvent) {
System.err.println("Member attribute changed: " + memberAttributeEvent);
When a respective event is fired, the membership listener outputs the addresses of the members that joined and left, and also which attribute changed on which member.
The Distributed Object Listener notifies when a distributed object is created or destroyed throughout the cluster.
The following is an example Distributed Object Listener class.
public class Sample implements DistributedObjectListener {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Sample sample = new Sample();
Config config = new Config();
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config);
Collection<DistributedObject> distributedObjects = hazelcastInstance.getDistributedObjects();
for (DistributedObject distributedObject : distributedObjects) {
System.out.println(distributedObject.getName() + "," + distributedObject.getId());
public void distributedObjectCreated(DistributedObjectEvent event) {
DistributedObject instance = event.getDistributedObject();
System.out.println("Created " + instance.getName() + "," + instance.getId());
public void distributedObjectDestroyed(DistributedObjectEvent event) {
DistributedObject instance = event.getDistributedObject();
System.out.println("Destroyed " + instance.getName() + "," + instance.getId());
When a respective event is fired, the distributed object listener outputs the event type, and the name, service (for example, if a Map service provides the distributed object, than it is a Map object), and ID of the object.
The Migration Listener notifies for the following events:
The following is an example Migration Listener class.
public class ClusterMigrationListener implements MigrationListener {
public void migrationStarted(MigrationEvent migrationEvent) {
System.err.println("Started: " + migrationEvent);
public void migrationCompleted(MigrationEvent migrationEvent) {
System.err.println("Completed: " + migrationEvent);
public void migrationFailed(MigrationEvent migrationEvent) {
System.err.println("Failed: " + migrationEvent);
When a respective event is fired, the migration listener outputs the partition ID, status of the migration, the old member and the new member. The following is an example output.
Started: MigrationEvent{partitionId=98, oldOwner=Member []:5701,
newOwner=Member []:5702 this}
Hazelcast provides fault-tolerance by keeping multiple copies of your data. For each partition, one of your nodes become owner and some of the other nodes become replica nodes based on your configuration. Nevertheless, data loss may occur if a few nodes crash simultaneously.
Let`s consider the following example with three nodes: N1, N2, N3 for a given partition-0. N1 is owner of partition-0, N2 and N3 are the first and second replicas respectively. If N1 and N2 crash simultaneously, partition-0 loses its data that is configured with less than 2 backups. For instance, if we configure a map with 1 backup, that map loses its data in partition-0 since both owner and first replica of partition-0 have crashed. However, if we configure our map with 2 backups, it does not lose any data since a copy of partition-0's data for the given map also resides in N3.
The Partition Lost Listener notifies for possible data loss occurrences with the information of how many replicas are lost for a partition. It listens to PartitionLostEvent
instances. Partition lost events are dispatched per partition.
Partition loss detection is done after a node crash is detected by the other nodes and the crashed node is removed from the cluster. Please note that false-positive PartitionLostEvent
instances may be fired on partial network split errors.
The following is an example of Partition Lost Listener.
public class ConsoleLoggingPartitionLostListener implements PartitionLostListener {
public void partitionLost(PartitionLostEvent event) {
When a PartitionLostEvent
is fired, the partition lost listener given above outputs the partition ID, the replica index that is lost and the node that has detected the partition loss. The following is an example output.
com.hazelcast.partition.PartitionLostEvent{partitionId=242, lostBackupCount=0,
The Lifecycle Listener notifies for the following events:
The following is an example Lifecycle Listener class.
public class NodeLifecycleListener implements LifecycleListener {
public void stateChanged(LifecycleEvent event) {
This listener is local to an individual node. It notifies the application that uses Hazelcast about the events mentioned above for a particular node.
The Item Listener is used by the Hazelcast IQueue
, ISet
and IList
interfaces. It notifies when an item is added or removed.
The following is an example Item Listener class.
public class Sample implements ItemListener {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
Sample sample = new Sample();
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
ISet<Price> set = hazelcastInstance.getSet( "default" );
set.addItemListener( sample, true );
Price price = new Price( 10, time1 )
set.add( price );
set.remove( price );
public void itemAdded( Object item ) {
System.out.println( "Item added = " + item );
public void itemRemoved( Object item ) {
System.out.println( "Item removed = " + item );
The Message Listener is used by the ITopic
interface. It notifies when a message is received for the registered topic.
The following is an example Message Listener class.
public class Sample implements MessageListener<MyEvent> {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
Sample sample = new Sample();
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
ITopic topic = hazelcastInstance.getTopic( "default" );
topic.addMessageListener( sample );
topic.publish( new MyEvent() );
public void onMessage( Message<MyEvent> message ) {
MyEvent myEvent = message.getMessageObject();
System.out.println( "Message received = " + myEvent.toString() );
if ( myEvent.isHeavyweight() ) {
messageExecutor.execute( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
doHeavyweightStuff( myEvent );
} );
The Client Listener is used by the Hazelcast nodes. It notifies the nodes when a client is connected to or disconnected from the cluster.
NOTE: You can also add event listeners to a Hazelcast client. Please refer to Client Listenerconfig for the related information.
You can add event listeners to a Hazelcast Java client. You can configure the following listeners to listen to the events on the client side. Please see the respective sections under the Event Listeners for Hazelcast Nodes section for example code.
Please refer to the Client Listenerconfig section for more information.
Please refer to the Listener Configurations section for a configuration wrap-up of event listeners.