Spring Integration

Supported Versions

  • Spring 2.5+

Spring Configuration

Sample Code: Please see our sample application for Spring Configuration.

Bean Declaration by Spring beans Namespace

Classpath Configuration

This configuration requires the following jar file in the classpath:

  • hazelcast-<version>.jar

Bean Declaration

You can declare Hazelcast Objects using the default Spring beans namespace. You can find an example usage of Hazelcast Instance declaration as follows:

<bean id="instance" class="com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast" factory-method="newHazelcastInstance">
    <bean class="com.hazelcast.config.Config">
      <property name="groupConfig">
        <bean class="com.hazelcast.config.GroupConfig">
          <property name="name" value="dev"/>
          <property name="password" value="pwd"/>
      <!-- and so on ... -->

<bean id="map" factory-bean="instance" factory-method="getMap">
  <constructor-arg value="map"/>

Bean Declaration by hazelcast Namespace

Classpath Configuration

Hazelcast-Spring integration requires the following JAR files in the classpath:

  • hazelcast-spring-<version>.jar
  • hazelcast-<version>.jar


  • hazelcast-all-<version>.jar

Bean Declaration

Hazelcast has its own namespace hazelcast for bean definitions. You can easily add the namespace declaration xmlns:hz="http://www.hazelcast.com/schema/spring" to the beans element in the context file so that hz namespace shortcut can be used as a bean declaration.

Here is an example schema definition for Hazelcast 3.3.x:

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

Supported Configurations with hazelcast Namespace

  • Hazelcast Instance Configuration
<hz:hazelcast id="instance">
    <hz:group name="dev" password="password"/>
    <hz:network port="5701" port-auto-increment="false">
        <hz:multicast enabled="false"
        <hz:tcp-ip enabled="true">
    <hz:map name="map"
  • Hazelcast Client Configuration
<hz:client id="client">
  <hz:group name="${cluster.group.name}" password="${cluster.group.password}" />
  <hz:network connection-attempt-limit="3"
  • Hazelcast Supported Type Configurations and Examples

    • map
    • multiMap
    • replicatedmap
    • queue
    • topic
    • set
    • list
    • executorService
    • idGenerator
    • atomicLong
    • atomicReference
    • semaphore
    • countDownLatch
    • lock
<hz:map id="map" instance-ref="client" name="map" lazy-init="true" />
<hz:multiMap id="multiMap" instance-ref="instance" name="multiMap"
    lazy-init="false" />
<hz:replicatedmap id="replicatedmap" instance-ref="instance" 
    name="replicatedmap" lazy-init="false" />
<hz:queue id="queue" instance-ref="client" name="queue" 
    lazy-init="true" depends-on="instance"/>
<hz:topic id="topic" instance-ref="instance" name="topic" 
    depends-on="instance, client"/>
<hz:set id="set" instance-ref="instance" name="set" />
<hz:list id="list" instance-ref="instance" name="list"/>
<hz:executorService id="executorService" instance-ref="client" 
<hz:idGenerator id="idGenerator" instance-ref="instance" 
<hz:atomicLong id="atomicLong" instance-ref="instance" name="atomicLong"/>
<hz:atomicReference id="atomicReference" instance-ref="instance" 
<hz:semaphore id="semaphore" instance-ref="instance" name="semaphore"/>
<hz:countDownLatch id="countDownLatch" instance-ref="instance" 
<hz:lock id="lock" instance-ref="instance" name="lock"/>
  • Supported Spring Bean Attributes

Hazelcast also supports lazy-init, scope and depends-on bean attributes.

<hz:hazelcast id="instance" lazy-init="true" scope="singleton">
<hz:client id="client" scope="prototype" depends-on="instance">
  • MapStore and NearCache Configuration

For map-store, you should set either the class-name or the implementation attribute.

  <hz:map name="map1">
    <hz:near-cache time-to-live-seconds="0" max-idle-seconds="60"
        eviction-policy="LRU" max-size="5000"  invalidate-on-change="true"/>

    <hz:map-store enabled="true" class-name="com.foo.DummyStore"

  <hz:map name="map2">
    <hz:map-store enabled="true" implementation="dummyMapStore"

  <bean id="dummyMapStore" class="com.foo.DummyStore" />

Spring Managed Context with @SpringAware

Hazelcast Distributed Objects could be marked with @SpringAware if the object wants:

  • to apply bean properties,
  • to apply factory callbacks such as ApplicationContextAware, BeanNameAware,
  • to apply bean post-processing annotations such as InitializingBean, @PostConstruct.

Hazelcast Distributed ExecutorService, or more generally any Hazelcast managed object, can benefit from these features. To enable SpringAware objects, you must first configure HazelcastInstance using hazelcast namespace as explained in the Spring Configuration section and add <hz:spring-aware /> tag.

SpringAware Examples

  • Configure a Hazelcast Instance (3.3.x) via Spring Configuration and define someBean as Spring Bean.
  • Add <hz:spring-aware /> to Hazelcast configuration to enable @SpringAware.
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

  <context:annotation-config />

  <hz:hazelcast id="instance">
      <hz:spring-aware />
      <hz:group name="dev" password="password"/>
      <hz:network port="5701" port-auto-increment="false">
          <hz:multicast enabled="false" />
          <hz:tcp-ip enabled="true">

  <bean id="someBean" class="com.hazelcast.examples.spring.SomeBean"
      scope="singleton" />

Distributed Map Example:

  • Create a class called SomeValue which contains Spring Bean definitions like ApplicationContext and SomeBean.
public class SomeValue implements Serializable, ApplicationContextAware {

  private transient ApplicationContext context;

  private transient SomeBean someBean;

  private transient boolean init = false;

  public void setApplicationContext( ApplicationContext applicationContext )
    throws BeansException {
    context = applicationContext;

  public void setSomeBean( SomeBean someBean)  {
    this.someBean = someBean;

  public void init() {
    init = true;
  • Get SomeValue Object from Context and put it into Hazelcast Distributed Map on Node-1.
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = 
    (HazelcastInstance) context.getBean( "hazelcast" );
SomeValue value = (SomeValue) context.getBean( "someValue" )
IMap<String, SomeValue> map = hazelcastInstance.getMap( "values" );
map.put( "key", value );
  • Read SomeValue Object from Hazelcast Distributed Map and assert that init method is called since it is annotated with @PostConstruct.
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = 
    (HazelcastInstance) context.getBean( "hazelcast" );
IMap<String, SomeValue> map = hazelcastInstance.getMap( "values" );
SomeValue value = map.get( "key" );
Assert.assertTrue( value.init );

ExecutorService Example:

  • Create a Callable Class called SomeTask which contains Spring Bean definitions like ApplicationContext, SomeBean.
public class SomeTask
    implements Callable<Long>, ApplicationContextAware, Serializable {

  private transient ApplicationContext context;

  private transient SomeBean someBean;

  public Long call() throws Exception {
    return someBean.value;

  public void setApplicationContext( ApplicationContext applicationContext )
      throws BeansException {
    context = applicationContext;

  public void setSomeBean( SomeBean someBean ) {
    this.someBean = someBean;
  • Submit SomeTask to two Hazelcast Members and assert that someBean is autowired.
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance =
    (HazelcastInstance) context.getBean( "hazelcast" );
SomeBean bean = (SomeBean) context.getBean( "someBean" );

Future<Long> f = hazelcastInstance.getExecutorService().submit(new SomeTask());
Assert.assertEquals(bean.value, f.get().longValue());

// choose a member
Member member = hazelcastInstance.getCluster().getMembers().iterator().next();

Future<Long> f2 = (Future<Long>) hazelcast.getExecutorService()
    .submitToMember(new SomeTask(), member);
Assert.assertEquals(bean.value, f2.get().longValue());

image NOTE: Spring managed properties/fields are marked as transient.

Spring Cache

Sample Code: Please see our sample application for Spring Cache.

As of version 3.1, Spring Framework provides support for adding caching into an existing Spring application.

Declarative Spring Cache Configuration

<cache:annotation-driven cache-manager="cacheManager" />

<hz:hazelcast id="hazelcast">

<bean id="cacheManager" class="com.hazelcast.spring.cache.HazelcastCacheManager">
  <constructor-arg ref="instance"/>

Annotation Based Spring Cache Configuration

Annotation Based Configuration does not require any XML definition.

  • Implement a CachingConfiguration class with related Annotations.
public class CachingConfiguration implements CachingConfigurer{
    public CacheManager cacheManager() {
        ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
        HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(config);
        return new HazelcastCacheManager(client);
    public KeyGenerator keyGenerator() {
        return null;
  • Launch Application Context and register CachingConfiguration.
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();

For more information about Spring Cache, please see Spring Cache Abstraction.

Hibernate 2nd Level Cache Config

Sample Code: Please see our sample application for Hibernate 2nd Level Cache Config.

If you are using Hibernate with Hazelcast as 2nd level cache provider, you can easily create RegionFactory instances within Spring configuration (by Spring version 3.1). That way, you can use the same HazelcastInstance as Hibernate L2 cache instance.

<hz:hibernate-region-factory id="regionFactory" instance-ref="instance"
    mode="LOCAL" />
<bean id="sessionFactory" 
  <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>
  <property name="cacheRegionFactory" ref="regionFactory" />

Hibernate RegionFactory Modes


Please refer to the Hibernate RegionFactory Options section for more information.

Best Practices

Avoid Out of Memory Error with Large Distributed Data Structures

Spring tries to create a new Map/Collection instance and fill the new instance by iterating and converting values of the original Map/Collection (IMap, IQueue, etc.) to required types when generic type parameters of the original Map/Collection and the target property/attribute do not match.

Since Hazelcast Maps/Collections are designed to hold very large data which a single machine cannot carry, iterating through whole values can cause out of memory errors.

To avoid this issue, the target property/attribute can be declared as un-typed Map/Collection as shown below.

public class SomeBean {
  IMap map; // instead of IMap<K, V> map

  IQueue queue; // instead of IQueue<E> queue


Or, parameters of injection methods (constructor, setter) can be un-typed as shown below.

public class SomeBean {

  IMap<K, V> map;

  IQueue<E> queue;

  // Instead of IMap<K, V> map
  public SomeBean(IMap map) {
    this.map = map;


  // Instead of IQueue<E> queue
  public void setQueue(IQueue queue) {
    this.queue = queue;


For more information please see Spring issue-3407.