The distributed executor service is a distributed implementation of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
. It allows you to execute your code in the cluster. In this section, the code examples are based on the Echo class above (please note that the Echo class is Serializable
). The code examples show how Hazelcast can execute your code (Runnable, Callable
import com.hazelcast.core.Member;
import com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast;
import com.hazelcast.core.IExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.Set;
public void echoOnTheMember( String input, Member member ) throws Exception {
Callable<String> task = new Echo( input );
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
IExecutorService executorService =
hazelcastInstance.getExecutorService( "default" );
Future<String> future = executorService.submitToMember( task, member );
String echoResult = future.get();
public void echoOnTheMemberOwningTheKey( String input, Object key ) throws Exception {
Callable<String> task = new Echo( input );
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
IExecutorService executorService =
hazelcastInstance.getExecutorService( "default" );
Future<String> future = executorService.submitToKeyOwner( task, key );
String echoResult = future.get();
public void echoOnSomewhere( String input ) throws Exception {
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
IExecutorService executorService =
hazelcastInstance.getExecutorService( "default" );
Future<String> future = executorService.submit( new Echo( input ) );
String echoResult = future.get();
public void echoOnMembers( String input, Set<Member> members ) throws Exception {
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
IExecutorService executorService =
hazelcastInstance.getExecutorService( "default" );
Map<Member, Future<String>> futures = executorService
.submitToMembers( new Echo( input ), members );
for ( Future<String> future : futures.values() ) {
String echoResult = future.get();
// ...
NOTE: You can obtain the set of cluster members via