
Another feature, especially interesting for distributed environments like Hazelcast, is the JCache specified javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor. For more general information, please see the JCache EntryProcessor section.

Since Hazelcast provides backups of cached entries on other nodes, the default way to backup an object changed by an EntryProcessor is to serialize the complete object and send it to the backup partition. This can be a huge network overhead for big objects.

Hazelcast offers a sub-interface for EntryProcessor called com.hazelcast.cache.BackupAwareEntryProcessor. This allows the user to create or pass another EntryProcessor to run on backup partitions and apply delta changes to the backup entries.

The backup partition EntryProcessor can either be the currently running processor (by returning this) or it can be a specialized EntryProcessor implementation (other from the currently running one) which does different operations or leaves out operations, e.g. sending emails.

If we again take the EntryProcessor example from the demonstration application provided in the JCache EntryProcessor sectiob, the changed code will look like the following snippet.

public class UserUpdateEntryProcessor
    implements BackupAwareEntryProcessor<Integer, User, User> {

  public User process( MutableEntry<Integer, User> entry, Object... arguments )
      throws EntryProcessorException {

    // Test arguments length
    if ( arguments.length < 1 ) {
      throw new EntryProcessorException( "One argument needed: username" );

    // Get first argument and test for String type
    Object argument = arguments[0];
    if ( !( argument instanceof String ) ) {
      throw new EntryProcessorException(
          "First argument has wrong type, required java.lang.String" );

    // Retrieve the value from the MutableEntry
    User user = entry.getValue();

    // Retrieve the new username from the first argument
    String newUsername = ( String ) arguments[0];

    // Set the new username
    user.setUsername( newUsername );

    // Set the changed user to mark the entry as dirty
    entry.setValue( user );

    // Return the changed user to return it to the caller
    return user;

  public EntryProcessor<K, V, T> createBackupEntryProcessor() {
    return this;

You can use the additional method BackupAwareEntryProcessor::createBackupEntryProcessor to create or return the EntryProcessor implementation to run on the backup partition (in the example above, the same processor again).

image NOTE: For the backup runs, the returned value from the backup processor is ignored and not returned to the user.