
This section lists the enhancements performed for Hazelcast 3.5 release.

  • Eventing System Improvements: RingBuffer and Reliable Topic structures are introduced.
  • XA Transactions Improvements: With this improvement, you can now obtain a Hazelcast XA Resource instance through HazelcastInstance. For more information, please see XA Transactions.
  • Query: Predicates are now evaluated using a single thread to prevent a parallel slowdown. This has been proven to be beneficent for most of the use cases. You can revert to the old behavior by setting the hazelcast.query.predicate.parallel.evaluation system property to true.

The following are the other improvements performed to solve the enhancement issues opened by the Hazelcast customers/team.

  • While configuring JCache, duration of the ExpiryPolicy can be set programmatically but not declaratively [#5347].
  • Since near cache is not supported as embedded but only at client, at the moment, there is no need for NearCacheConfig in CacheConfig [#5215].
  • Support for parametrized test is needed [#5182].
  • SlowOperationDetector should have an option to not to log the stacktraces to the log file. There is no need to have the stacktraces written to the normal log file if the Hazelcast Management Center or the performance monitor is being used [#5043].
  • The batch launcher should include the JCache API [#4902].
  • There are no Spring tags available for Native Memory configuration [#4772].
  • In the class BasicInvocationFuture, there is no need to create an additional AtomicInteger object. It should be replaced with AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater [#4408].
  • There is no need to use the class IsStillExecutingOperation to check if an operation is running locally. One can directly access to the scheduler [#4407].
  • Configuring NearCache in a Client/Server system only talks about the programmatic configuration of NearCache on the clients. The declarative configuration (XML) of the same is not mentioned [#4376].
  • XML schema and XML configuration validation is not compliant for AWS configuration [#4310].
  • The JavaDoc for the methods KeyValueSource.hasNext/element/key and Iterator.hasNext/next should emphasize the differences between each other, i.e. the state changing behavior should be clarified [#4218].
  • While migration is in progress, the nodes will have different partition state versions. If the query is running at that time, it can get results from the nodes at different stages of the migration. By adding partition state version to the query results, it can be checked whether the migration was happening and the query can be re-run [#4206].
  • XML Config Schema does not allow to set a SecurityInterceptor Implementation [#4118].
  • Currently, certain types of remote executed calls are stored into the executingCalls map. The key (and value) is a RemoteCallKey object. The functionality provided is the ability to ask on the remote side if an operation is still executing. For a partition-aware operation, this is not needed. When an operation is scheduled by a partition specific operation thread, the operation can be stored in a volatile field in that thread [#4079].
  • The class TcpIpJoinerOverAWS fails at AWS' recently launched eu-central-1 region. The reason for the fail is that the region requires v4 signatures [#3963].
  • API change in EntryListener breaks the compatibility with the Camel Hazelcast component [#3859].
  • The hazelcast-spring-<version>.xsd should include the User Defined Services (SPI) elements and attributes [#3565].
  • XA Transactions run on multiple threads [#3385].
  • Hazelcast client fails to connect when you provide variables from the system properties [#3270].
  • Entry listeners are not called when the entries are modified by WAN replication [#2981].
  • Map wildcard matching is confusing. There should be a pluggable wildcard configuration resolver [#2431].
  • The method loadAllKeys() in map is not scalable [#2266].
  • Back pressure feature should be added [#1781].