Criteria API

Criteria API is a programming interface offered by Hazelcast that is similar to the Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL). Below is the code for the above example query.

import com.hazelcast.core.IMap;
import com.hazelcast.query.Predicate;
import com.hazelcast.query.PredicateBuilder;
import com.hazelcast.query.EntryObject;
import com.hazelcast.config.Config;

IMap<String, Employee> map = hazelcastInstance.getMap( "employee" );

EntryObject e = new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject();
Predicate predicate = "active" ).and( e.get( "age" ).lessThan( 30 ) );

Set<Employee> employees = map.values( predicate );

In the above example code, predicate verifies whether the entry is active and its age value is less than 30. This predicate is applied to the employee map using the map.values(predicate) method. This method sends the predicate to all cluster members and merges the results coming from them. Since the predicate is communicated between the members, it needs to be serializable.

imageNOTE: Predicates can also be applied to keySet, entrySet and localKeySet of Hazelcast distributed       map.

Predicates Class

The Predicates class offered by Hazelcast includes many operators for your query requirements. Some of them are explained below.

  • equal: checks if the result of an expression is equal to a given value.
  • notEqual: checks if the result of an expression is not equal to a given value.
  • instanceOf: checks if the result of an expression has a certain type.
  • like: checks if the result of an expression matches some string pattern. % (percentage sign) is placeholder for many characters, (underscore) is placeholder for only one character.
  • greaterThan: checks if the result of an expression is greater than a certain value.
  • greaterEqual: checks if the result of an expression is greater than or equal to a certain value.
  • lessThan: checks if the result of an expression is less than a certain value.
  • lessEqual: checks if the result of an expression is less than or equal to a certain value.
  • between: checks if the result of an expression is between 2 values (this is inclusive).
  • in: checks if the result of an expression is an element of a certain collection.
  • isNot: checks if the result of an expression is false.
  • regex: checks if the result of an expression matches some regular expression.


Please see the Predicates class for all predicates provided.

Joining Predicates with AND, OR, NOT

Predicates can be joined using the and, or and not operators, as shown in the below examples.

public Set<Person> getWithNameAndAge( String name, int age ) {
  Predicate namePredicate = Predicates.equal( "name", name );
  Predicate agePredicate = Predicates.equal( "age", age );
  Predicate predicate = Predicates.and( namePredicate, agePredicate );
  return personMap.values( predicate );
public Set<Person> getWithNameOrAge( String name, int age ) {
  Predicate namePredicate = Predicates.equal( "name", name );
  Predicate agePredicate = Predicates.equal( "age", age );
  Predicate predicate = Predicates.or( namePredicate, agePredicate );
  return personMap.values( predicate );
public Set<Person> getNotWithName( String name ) {
  Predicate namePredicate = Predicates.equal( "name", name );
  Predicate predicate = Predicates.not( namePredicate );
  return personMap.values( predicate );


You can simplify predicate usage with the PredicateBuilder class, which offers simpler predicate building. Please see the below example code which selects all people with a certain name and age.

public Set<Person> getWithNameAndAgeSimplified( String name, int age ) {
  EntryObject e = new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject();
  Predicate agePredicate = e.get( "age" ).equal( age );
  Predicate predicate = e.get( "name" ).equal( name ).and( agePredicate );
  return personMap.values( predicate );