Uses of Interface

Packages that use IdentifiedDataSerializable
com.hazelcast.cache This package contains the public API extension for Hazelcast JCache, the Hazelcast implementation of the JSR-107 commonly referred to as JCache. 
com.hazelcast.cache.impl Hazelcast JSR-107 aka JCache implementation 
com.hazelcast.cache.impl.operation Hazelcast JSR-107 aka JCache implementation 
com.hazelcast.client.impl.client This contains the Requests and other DTO's exchanged between client/server 
com.hazelcast.cluster.client This package contains the client cluster functionality.
com.hazelcast.cluster.impl This package contains the implementation of the cluster functionality.
com.hazelcast.cluster.impl.operations This package contains operations for the com.hazelcast.cluster.impl package.
com.hazelcast.collection This package contains classes related to Collections (IList,ISet etc..)
com.hazelcast.collection.list This package contains IList functionality for Hazelcast.
com.hazelcast.collection.set This package contains ISet functionality for Hazelcast.
com.hazelcast.collection.txn This package contains the Transaction behavior for the Collections.
com.hazelcast.concurrent.atomiclong.operations This package contains the operations on the IAtomicLong.
com.hazelcast.concurrent.atomicreference.operations This package contains the operations on the IAtomicReference.
com.hazelcast.concurrent.countdownlatch.operations This package contains the operations on the ICountDownLatch.
com.hazelcast.concurrent.lock.operations This package contains the operations on the ILock.
com.hazelcast.concurrent.semaphore.operations This package contains the operations on the ISemaphore.
com.hazelcast.executor.impl This package contains IExecutorService functionality for Hazelcast.
The IExecutorService extends the ExecutorService and provides all kinds of additional methods related to distributed systems. 
com.hazelcast.executor.impl.operations This package contains operations for the IExecutorService.
com.hazelcast.instance This package contains Hazelcast Instance functionality. Contains implementation specific classes of package. Package for map operations. 
com.hazelcast.mapreduce.aggregation.impl This package contains a set of predefined aggregation implementations 
com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl This package contains the default implementation for the map reduce framework internals. 
com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.notification This package contains all remote node notifications 
com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.operation This package contains all remote operations that are needed to control work on supervising or worker nodes. 
com.hazelcast.multimap.impl.operations Contains operations for Hazelcast MultiMap module. 
com.hazelcast.multimap.impl.txn This package contains the Transaction behavior for the Multimap.
com.hazelcast.nio This package contains classes related to New IO
com.hazelcast.nio.serialization Contains interfaces/classes related to serialization; such as serializer interfaces, input/output streams. 
com.hazelcast.partition.client Contains client functionality for partition related information. 
com.hazelcast.query.impl Contains the implementation classes of the query functionality. 
com.hazelcast.queue.impl This package contains the IQueue functionality.
The IQueue is the distributed version of the BlockingQueue
com.hazelcast.queue.impl.operations This package contains the IQueue operations
com.hazelcast.queue.impl.tx This package contains the Transaction behavior for the IQueue.
com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl This package contains the implementation of the replicated map service itself and some connection interfaces only used internally - No public API! 
com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl.messages This package contains replication event classes to communicate replications to other nodes 
com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl.operation This package contains some remote operations to execute on remote nodes 
com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl.record This package contains the implementation of the backing data storage for the replicated map implementation 
com.hazelcast.spi.impl Contains implementations for Hazelcast SPI. 
com.hazelcast.topic.impl This package contains ITopic functionality for Hazelcast.
With the ITopic it is possible to create publish subscribe solutions similar to JMS Topics. 
com.hazelcast.util This package contains classes to support the inner workings of Hazelcast as well as some backports of newer Java features / data structures to support older Java versions in a clean and nice way. 
com.hazelcast.web Provides Hazelcast-based session replication. 

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.cache

Classes in com.hazelcast.cache that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class HazelcastExpiryPolicy
          Hazelcast provides overloads of the typical cache operations with a custom ExpiryPolicy parameter.
This class provides a custom implementation of an ExpiryPolicy to react on all three types of policies: Create Access Update

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.cache.impl

Subinterfaces of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.cache.impl
 interface CacheEventData
          Internal event data wrapper used during publishing and dispatching events.

Classes in com.hazelcast.cache.impl that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class CacheClearResponse
          This class is a simple object wrapper to be used by CacheClearOperation.
 class CacheEventDataImpl
          Implementation of CacheEventData.
 class CacheEventSet
          Internal Set wrapper of CacheEventData items used during publishing and dispatching events.
 class CacheKeyIteratorResult
          Response data object returned by CacheKeyIteratorOperation.

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.cache.impl.operation

Classes in com.hazelcast.cache.impl.operation that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class AbstractMutatingCacheOperation
          Base class for all mutable cache operations.
 class CacheBackupEntryProcessorOperation
          Operation of the Cache Backup Entry Processor.
 class CacheClearBackupOperation
          Backup operation of CacheClearOperation.
 class CacheClearOperation
          Cache Clear will clear all internal cache data without sending any event
 class CacheClearOperationFactory
          OperationFactory implementation for Clear Operations.
 class CacheContainsKeyOperation
          Cache contains key operation, determines if the cache contains an entry for the specified key.
 class CacheCreateConfigOperation
          Used to create cluster wide cache configuration.
 class CacheDestroyOperation
          Destroys the cache on the cluster or on a single node by calling AbstractCacheService.destroyCache(String, boolean, String).
 class CacheEntryProcessorOperation
          Operation of the Cache Entry Processor.
 class CacheGetAllOperation
          Gets all keys from the cache.
 class CacheGetAllOperationFactory
          Factory implementation for CacheGetAllOperation.
 class CacheGetAndRemoveOperation
          Cache GetAndRemove Operation.
 class CacheGetAndReplaceOperation
          Cache GetAndReplace Operation.
 class CacheGetConfigOperation
          Cache GetConfig Operation.
 class CacheGetOperation
          Cache Get Operation.
 class CacheKeyIteratorOperation
          Provides iterator functionality for ICache.
 class CacheListenerRegistrationOperation
          Listener can be registered and unregistered by CacheService.
 class CacheLoadAllOperation
          Loads all entries of the keys to partition record store ICacheRecordStore.
 class CacheLoadAllOperationFactory
          Factory implementation for CacheLoadAllOperation.
 class CacheManagementConfigOperation
          Cache ManagementConfig Operation provides enabling/disabling the functionality of management and statistics mxbeans of the cache.
 class CachePutAllBackupOperation
          Cache PutAllBackup Operation is the backup operation used by load all operation.
 class CachePutBackupOperation
          Backup operation for the operation of adding cache entries into record stores.
 class CachePutIfAbsentOperation
          Operation implementation for calling ICacheRecordStore.putIfAbsent(Data, Object, ExpiryPolicy, String, int).
 class CachePutOperation
          Operation implementation for com.hazelcast.cache.impl.ICacheRecordStore#put(Data, Object, ExpiryPolicy, String) and com.hazelcast.cache.impl.ICacheRecordStore#getAndPut(Data, Object, ExpiryPolicy, String).
 class CacheRemoveAllBackupOperation
          Backup operation of CacheRemoveAllOperation.
 class CacheRemoveAllOperation
          TODO add a proper JavaDoc
 class CacheRemoveAllOperationFactory
          OperationFactory implementation for RemoveAll Operations.
 class CacheRemoveBackupOperation
          Backup operation used by remove operations.
 class CacheRemoveOperation
          Operation implementation for cache remove functionality.
 class CacheReplaceOperation
          Operator implementation for cache replace functionality.
 class CacheSizeOperation
          This operation implementation is for calculating the cluster size of a named cache.
 class CacheSizeOperationFactory
          Factory implementation of CacheSizeOperation.

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.client.impl.client

Classes in com.hazelcast.client.impl.client that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class ClientResponse

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.cluster.client

Classes in com.hazelcast.cluster.client that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class ClientMembershipEvent

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.cluster.impl

Classes in com.hazelcast.cluster.impl that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class BindMessage
 class ConfigCheck
          Contains enough information about Hazelcast Config, to do a validation check so that clusters with different configurations don't join.

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.cluster.impl.operations

Classes in com.hazelcast.cluster.impl.operations that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class HeartbeatOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.collection

Classes in com.hazelcast.collection that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class CollectionAddAllBackupOperation
 class CollectionAddAllOperation
 class CollectionAddBackupOperation
 class CollectionAddOperation
 class CollectionBackupAwareOperation
 class CollectionClearBackupOperation
 class CollectionClearOperation
 class CollectionCompareAndRemoveOperation
 class CollectionContainsOperation
 class CollectionEvent
 class CollectionEventFilter
 class CollectionGetAllOperation
 class CollectionIsEmptyOperation
 class CollectionItem
 class CollectionOperation
 class CollectionRemoveBackupOperation
 class CollectionRemoveOperation
 class CollectionReplicationOperation
 class CollectionSizeOperation
 class CollectionTransactionRollbackOperation
 class TxCollectionItem

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.collection.list

Classes in com.hazelcast.collection.list that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class ListAddAllOperation
 class ListAddOperation
 class ListGetOperation
 class ListIndexOfOperation
 class ListRemoveOperation
 class ListReplicationOperation
 class ListSetBackupOperation
 class ListSetOperation
 class ListSubOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.collection.set

Classes in com.hazelcast.collection.set that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class SetReplicationOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.collection.txn

Classes in com.hazelcast.collection.txn that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class CollectionPrepareBackupOperation
 class CollectionPrepareOperation
 class CollectionReserveAddOperation
 class CollectionReserveRemoveOperation
 class CollectionRollbackBackupOperation
 class CollectionRollbackOperation
 class CollectionTxnAddBackupOperation
 class CollectionTxnAddOperation
 class CollectionTxnRemoveBackupOperation
 class CollectionTxnRemoveOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.concurrent.atomiclong.operations

Classes in com.hazelcast.concurrent.atomiclong.operations that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class AddAndGetOperation
 class AddBackupOperation
 class AtomicLongBackupAwareOperation
 class AtomicLongBaseOperation
 class AtomicLongReplicationOperation
 class GetAndAddOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.concurrent.atomicreference.operations

Classes in com.hazelcast.concurrent.atomicreference.operations that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class AbstractAlterOperation
 class AlterAndGetOperation
 class AlterOperation
 class ApplyOperation
 class AtomicReferenceBackupAwareOperation
 class AtomicReferenceBaseOperation
 class AtomicReferenceReplicationOperation
 class CompareAndSetOperation
 class GetAndAlterOperation
 class GetAndSetOperation
 class IsNullOperation
 class SetAndGetOperation
 class SetBackupOperation
 class SetOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.concurrent.countdownlatch.operations

Classes in com.hazelcast.concurrent.countdownlatch.operations that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class AwaitOperation
 class CountDownLatchBackupOperation
 class CountDownLatchReplicationOperation
 class CountDownOperation
 class GetCountOperation
 class SetCountOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.concurrent.lock.operations

Classes in com.hazelcast.concurrent.lock.operations that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class AwaitBackupOperation
 class BeforeAwaitBackupOperation
 class BeforeAwaitOperation
 class GetLockCountOperation
 class GetRemainingLeaseTimeOperation
 class IsLockedOperation
 class LocalLockCleanupOperation
 class LockBackupOperation
 class LockOperation
 class LockReplicationOperation
 class SignalBackupOperation
 class SignalOperation
 class UnlockBackupOperation
 class UnlockIfLeaseExpiredOperation
 class UnlockOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.concurrent.semaphore.operations

Classes in com.hazelcast.concurrent.semaphore.operations that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class AcquireBackupOperation
 class AcquireOperation
 class AvailableOperation
 class DeadMemberBackupOperation
 class InitBackupOperation
 class InitOperation
 class ReduceBackupOperation
 class ReduceOperation
 class ReleaseBackupOperation
 class ReleaseOperation
 class SemaphoreDeadMemberOperation
 class SemaphoreReplicationOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.executor.impl

Classes in com.hazelcast.executor.impl that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class RunnableAdapter<V>
          An adapter that adapts a Runnable to become a Callable.

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.executor.impl.operations

Classes in com.hazelcast.executor.impl.operations that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class CallableTaskOperation
 class MemberCallableTaskOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.instance

Classes in com.hazelcast.instance that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class MemberImpl

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in

Classes in that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class MapEntrySet
 class MapKeySet
 class MapValueCollection
 class SimpleEntryView<K,V>
          SimpleEntryView is an implementation of EntryView and also it is writable.

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in

Classes in that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class GetOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.aggregation.impl

Classes in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.aggregation.impl that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class AcceptAllSupplier<KeyIn,ValueIn,ValueOut>
          A standard implementation of the Supplier interface which accepts all input values and may apply a given PropertyExtractor on those.
 class AvgTuple<F,S>
          Internal tuple type for average calculations, used to transmit data between Combiner and Reducer implementations.
 class KeyPredicateSupplier<KeyIn,ValueIn,ValueOut>
          The default supplier for KeyPredicates, used to filter and optionally transform data (using the given Supplier).
 class PredicateSupplier<KeyIn,ValueIn,ValueOut>
          The default supplier for Predicates, used to filter and optionally transform data (using the given Supplier).
 class SetAdapter<E>
          A simple adapter class to serialize values of a Set using Hazelcast serialization support.

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl

Classes in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class CombinerResultList<E>
          This ArrayList subclass exists to prevent DefaultContext.CollectingCombinerFactory created collections to be mixed up with user provided List results from Combiners.
 class HashMapAdapter<K,V>
          Simple HashMap adapter class to implement DataSerializable serialization semantics to not loose hands on serialization while sending intermediate results.
 class ListKeyValueSource<V>
          This KeyValueSource implementation is used in KeyValueSource.fromList(com.hazelcast.core.IList) to generate a default implementation based on a Hazelcast IList.
 class MapKeyValueSource<K,V>
          This KeyValueSource implementation is used in KeyValueSource.fromMap(com.hazelcast.core.IMap) to generate a default implementation based on a Hazelcast IMap.
 class MultiMapKeyValueSource<K,V>
          This KeyValueSource implementation is used in KeyValueSource.fromMultiMap(com.hazelcast.core.MultiMap) to generate a default implementation based on a Hazelcast MultiMap.
 class SetKeyValueSource<V>
          This KeyValueSource implementation is used in KeyValueSource.fromSet(com.hazelcast.core.ISet) to generate a default implementation based on a Hazelcast ISet.

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.notification

Classes in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.notification that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class IntermediateChunkNotification<KeyOut,Value>
          Notification that is fired every time the chunk limit is reached and is send to the reducers
 class LastChunkNotification<KeyOut,Value>
          This notification is used to notify the reducer that this chunk is the last chunk of the defined partitionId.
 class MapReduceNotification
          Base class for all map reduce framework notifications
 class MemberAwareMapReduceNotification
          Base class for all notifications based on a member
 class ReducingFinishedNotification
          This notification class is used to signal the JobSupervisor owner node that a reducer has finished the reducing step for the defined partitionId.

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.operation

Classes in com.hazelcast.mapreduce.impl.operation that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class CancelJobSupervisorOperation
          This operation is fired by the jobs owner node to remotely cancel the defined jobId on all nodes.
 class FireNotificationOperation
          This operation is used to transport and execute a notification on a remote node since the current event service is not capable of reliable transmission so this is a fallback to sync operations which is hopefully only a temporary workaround!
 class GetResultOperation
          This operation is used to retrieve results from a remote node
 class KeysAssignmentOperation
          This operation is used to request assignment for keys on the job owners node.
 class KeysAssignmentResult
          This class is used to store assignment results in KeysAssignmentOperation executions.
 class KeyValueJobOperation<K,V>
          This operation is used to prepare a KeyValueSource based map reduce operation on all cluster members.
 class NotifyRemoteExceptionOperation
          This operation is used to inform the job owner of a remote exception
 class PostPonePartitionProcessing
          This operation is used to tell the job owner to postpone a mapping phase for the defined partitionId.
 class ProcessingOperation
          This is the base class for all map reduce framework operations, it always contains the name of the JobTracker and the unique jobId
 class ProcessStatsUpdateOperation
          This operation is used to update the process statistics on the owner node
 class RequestMemberIdAssignment
          This operation is used to do some kind of partitionId based processing on non partition based implementations of KeyValueSource (not implementing PartitionIdAware) which can happen for custom data sources like distributed filesystems that are up to the end user on how to manage the distribution.
 class RequestPartitionMapping
          This operation requests a new partition to process by the requester on the job owning node
 class RequestPartitionProcessed
          This operation tells the job owner to mark a partition as fully processed
 class RequestPartitionReducing
          This operation tells the job owner to start reducing phase of the defined partition on the first occurrence of a full emitted chunk
 class RequestPartitionResult
          This class is used to store the requested result of all kinds of processing operations.
By default it holds a basic result state and maybe the partitionId it was operated otherwise it's value is defined as -1
 class StartProcessingJobOperation<K>
          This operation is used to start the actual processing after all node prepared to execute the map reduce job

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.multimap.impl.operations

Classes in com.hazelcast.multimap.impl.operations that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class ContainsEntryOperation
 class CountOperation
 class EntrySetOperation
 class GetAllOperation
 class KeySetOperation
 class MultiMapBackupAwareOperation
 class MultiMapKeyBasedOperation
 class MultiMapOperation
 class PutBackupOperation
 class PutOperation
 class RemoveAllBackupOperation
 class RemoveAllOperation
 class ValuesOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.multimap.impl.txn

Classes in com.hazelcast.multimap.impl.txn that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class TxnCommitBackupOperation
 class TxnCommitOperation
 class TxnGenerateRecordIdOperation
 class TxnLockAndGetOperation
 class TxnPutBackupOperation
 class TxnPutOperation
 class TxnRemoveAllBackupOperation
 class TxnRemoveAllOperation
 class TxnRemoveBackupOperation
 class TxnRemoveOperation

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.nio

Classes in com.hazelcast.nio that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class Address
          Represents an address of a member in the cluster.

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.nio.serialization

Methods in com.hazelcast.nio.serialization that return IdentifiedDataSerializable
 IdentifiedDataSerializable DataSerializableFactory.create(int typeId)
          Creates an IdentifiedDataSerializable instance using given type id
 IdentifiedDataSerializable ArrayDataSerializableFactory.create(int typeId)

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.partition.client

Classes in com.hazelcast.partition.client that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class PartitionsResponse

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.query.impl

Classes in com.hazelcast.query.impl that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class QueryResultEntryImpl
          Multiple result set for Predicates

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.queue.impl

Classes in com.hazelcast.queue.impl that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class QueueContainer
          This class contains methods be notable for the Queue.
 class QueueEvent
          Used for queue-wide events.
 class QueueEventFilter
          Provides the filtering functionality for Queue events.
 class QueueItem
          Queue Item.
 class TxQueueItem
          Transactional Queue Item.

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.queue.impl.operations

Classes in com.hazelcast.queue.impl.operations that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class AddAllBackupOperation
          Provides backup functionality for AddAllOperation
 class AddAllOperation
          Add collection items to the Queue.
 class CheckAndEvictOperation
          Provides eviction functionality for Operations of Queue.
 class ClearBackupOperation
          Store items' id as set when ClearOperation run.
 class ClearOperation
          Clears items stored by Queue.
 class CompareAndRemoveBackupOperation
          This class triggers backup method for items' id.
 class CompareAndRemoveOperation
          This class triggers iterator and if find same item in the Queue, remove this item.
 class ContainsOperation
          Checks whether contain or not item in the Queue.
 class DrainBackupOperation
          This class stores items' id when DrainOperation run.
 class DrainOperation
          This class drain items according to drain condition.
 class IsEmptyOperation
          check if queue is empty
 class IteratorOperation
          Provides iterator functionality for Queue.
 class OfferBackupOperation
          Backup items during offer operation.
 class OfferOperation
          Contains offer operation for the Queue.
 class PeekOperation
          Peek operation for Queue.
 class PollBackupOperation
          Backup items during pool operation.
 class PollOperation
          Pool operation for Queue.
 class QueueBackupAwareOperation
          This abstract class contains important methods for all Queue operations.
 class QueueOperation
          This class contains methods for Queue operations such as AddAllOperation.
 class QueueReplicationOperation
          Replication operation for the Queue.
 class RemainingCapacityOperation
          Returns the remaining capacity of the queue based on config max-size
 class RemoveBackupOperation
          Remove backup of the Queue item.
 class RemoveOperation
          Remove operation for the Queue.
 class SizeOperation
          Notify size of the queue.

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.queue.impl.tx

Classes in com.hazelcast.queue.impl.tx that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class QueueTransactionRollbackOperation
          Transaction Rollback Operation for the Queue.
 class TxnOfferBackupOperation
          Provides backup operation during transactional offer operation.
 class TxnOfferOperation
          Offer operation for the Transactional Queue.
 class TxnPeekOperation
          Peek operation for the transactional queue.
 class TxnPollBackupOperation
          Provides backup operation during transactional poll operation.
 class TxnPollOperation
          Poll operation for the transactional queue.
 class TxnPrepareBackupOperation
          Provides backup operation during transactional prepare operation.
 class TxnPrepareOperation
          Prepare operation for the transactional queue.
 class TxnReserveOfferBackupOperation
          Reserve offer backup operation for the transactional queue.
 class TxnReserveOfferOperation
          Reserve offer operation for the transactional queue.
 class TxnReservePollBackupOperation
          Reserve poll backup operation for the transactional queue.
 class TxnReservePollOperation
          Reserve poll operation for the transactional queue.
 class TxnRollbackBackupOperation
          Provides backup operation during transactional rollback operation.
 class TxnRollbackOperation
          Rollback operation for the transactional queue.

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl

Methods in com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl with parameters of type IdentifiedDataSerializable
 void ReplicatedMessageListener.onMessage(IdentifiedDataSerializable message)

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl.messages

Classes in com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl.messages that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class MultiReplicationMessage
          This replicated message contains multiple replications at once
 class ReplicationMessage<K,V>
          This replication message is used for sending over a replication event to another node

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl.operation

Classes in com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl.operation that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class ReplicatedMapClearOperation
          This operation will execute the remote clear on replicated map if ReplicatedMap.clear() is called.
 class ReplicatedMapInitChunkOperation
          Class for requesting an initial chunk of data from another node to pre-provision newly joining members
 class ReplicatedMapPostJoinOperation
          The replicated map post join operation to execute on remote nodes

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl.record

Classes in com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.impl.record that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class ReplicatedRecord<K,V>
          A ReplicatedRecord is the actual data holding entity.
 class VectorClockTimestamp
          A vector clock implementation based on hashcodes of the Hazelcast members UUID to solve conflicts on replication updates

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.spi.impl

Classes in com.hazelcast.spi.impl that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class BinaryOperationFactory
 class CallTimeoutResponse
          An response that indicates that the execution of a single call ran into a timeout.
static class EventServiceImpl.EventPacket
 class NormalResponse
          A NormalResponse is send when an Operation needs to return a value.
 class PartitionIteratingOperation
static class PartitionIteratingOperation.PartitionResponse
 class Response
          A Response is a result of an Operation being executed.
 class SerializableCollection

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.topic.impl

Classes in com.hazelcast.topic.impl that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class PublishOperation
 class TopicEvent

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.util

Classes in com.hazelcast.util that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class QueryResultSet
          Collection(Set) class for result of query operations

Uses of IdentifiedDataSerializable in com.hazelcast.web

Classes in com.hazelcast.web that implement IdentifiedDataSerializable
 class AbstractWebDataEntryProcessor<T>
          A base class for EntryProcessors which will use the web data serializer.
 class AddSessionEntryProcessor
          Sets the initial reference count to 1.
 class DestroySessionEntryProcessor
          Decrements the reference count for a session, returning Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE to indicate whether the reference count has reached zero.
 class InvalidateSessionAttributesEntryProcessor
          Invalidates all attributes for a destroyed session, removing them from the clustered map.
 class ReferenceSessionEntryProcessor
          Increments the reference count, returning Boolean.FALSE if the entry does not exist and Boolean.TRUE otherwise.
 class SessionAttributePredicate
          Filters map entries to retrieve only the ones that belong to a specific session.

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