By default the entry processor executes on a partition thread. A partition thread is responsible for handling one or more partitions. The design of entry processor assumes users have fast user code execution of the process() method. In the pathological case where the code that is very heavy and executes in multi-milliseconds, this may create a bottleneck.

We have a slow user code detector which can be used to log a warning controlled by the following system properties:

  • hazelcast.slow.operation.detector.enabled (default: true)
  • hazelcast.slow.operation.detector.threshold.millis (default: 10000)

The defaults catch extremely slow operations but you should set this much lower, say to 1ms, at development time to catch entry processors that could be problematic in production. These are good candidates for our optimizations.

We have two optimizations:

  • Offloadable which moves execution off the partition thread to an executor thread
  • ReadOnly which means we can avoid taking a lock on the key

These are enabled very simply by implementing these interfaces in your EntryProcessor.

As of 3.9, these optimizations apply to the following IMap methods only:

  • executeOnKey(Object, EntryProcessor)
  • submitToKey(Object, EntryProcessor)
  • submitToKey(Object, EntryProcessor, ExecutionCallback)

Offloadable Entry Processor

If an entry processor implements the Offloadable interface, the process() method will be executed in the executor specified by the Offloadable's getExecutorName() method.

Offloading will unblock the partition thread allowing the user to profit from much higher throughput. The key will be locked for the time span of the processing in order to not generate a write conflict.

In this case the threading looks as follows:

  1. partition thread (fetch entry & lock key)
  2. execution thread (process(entry) method)
  3. partition thread (set new value & unlock key, or just unlock key if the entry has not been modified)

The getExecutorName() method may also return two constants defined in the Offloadable interface:

     * Constant meaning that there will be no off-loading if returned from the {@link #getExecutorName()} method.
    String NO_OFFLOADING = "no-offloading";

     * Constant meaning that processing will be off-loaded to the default OFFLOADABLE_EXECUTOR executor.
     * if returned from the {@link #getExecutorName()} method.

ReadOnly Entry Processor

By default, an entry processor will not run if the key is locked. It will wait until the key has been unlocked (it applies to the executeOnKey, submitToKey methods, that were mentioned before).

If the entry processor implements the ReadOnly interface without implementing the Offloadable interface, the processing will not be offloaded to an external executor. However, the entry processor will not observe if the key of the processed entry is locked, nor will try to acquire the lock since the entry processor will not do any modifications.

If the entry processor implements ReadOnly and modifies the entry, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.

ReadOnly and Offloadable Entry Processor

If the entry processor implements both ReadOnly and Offloadable interfaces, we will observe the combination of both optimizations described above.

The process() method will be executed in the executor specified by the Offloadable's getExecutorName() method. Also, the entry processor will not observe if the key of the processed entry is locked, nor will try to acquire the lock since the entry processor will not do any modifications.

In this case the threading looks as follows:

  1. partition thread (fetch entry)
  2. execution thread (process(entry))

In this case the EntryProcessor.getBackupProcessor() has to return null; otherwise an IllegalArgumentException exception is thrown.

If the entry processor implements ReadOnly and modifies the entry, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.

Putting it all together:

private static class OffloadableReadOnlyEntryProcessor implements EntryProcessor<String, Employee>,
            Offloadable, ReadOnly {

        public Object process(Map.Entry<String, Employee> entry) {
            // heavy logic
            return null;

        public EntryBackupProcessor<String, Employee> getBackupProcessor() {
            // ReadOnly EntryProcessor has to return null, since it's just a read-only operation that will not be
            // executed on the backup
            return null;

        public String getExecutorName() {
            return OFFLOADABLE_EXECUTOR;