Hazelcast keeps statistics about each map entry, such as creation time, last update time, last access time, number of hits, and version. To access the map entry statistics, use an IMap.getEntryView(key)
call. Here is an example.
import com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast;
import com.hazelcast.core.EntryView;
HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
EntryView entry = hz.getMap( "quotes" ).getEntryView( "1" );
System.out.println ( "size in memory : " + entry.getCost() );
System.out.println ( "creationTime : " + entry.getCreationTime() );
System.out.println ( "expirationTime : " + entry.getExpirationTime() );
System.out.println ( "number of hits : " + entry.getHits() );
System.out.println ( "lastAccessedTime: " + entry.getLastAccessTime() );
System.out.println ( "lastUpdateTime : " + entry.getLastUpdateTime() );
System.out.println ( "version : " + entry.getVersion() );
System.out.println ( "key : " + entry.getKey() );
System.out.println ( "value : " + entry.getValue() );