The javax.cache.event.CacheEntryListener implementation is straight forward. CacheEntryListener is a super-interface that is used as a marker for listener classes in JCache. The specification brings a set of sub-interfaces.

  • CacheEntryCreatedListener: Fires after a cache entry is added (even on read-through by a CacheLoader) to the cache.
  • CacheEntryUpdatedListener: Fires after an already existing cache entry updates.
  • CacheEntryRemovedListener: Fires after a cache entry was removed (not expired) from the cache.
  • CacheEntryExpiredListener: Fires after a cache entry has been expired. Expiry does not have to be a parallel process-- it is only required to be executed on the keys that are requested by Cache::get and some other operations. For a full table of expiry please see the point 6.

To configure CacheEntryListener, add a javax.cache.configuration.CacheEntryListenerConfiguration instance to the JCache configuration class, as seen in the above example configuration. In addition, listeners can be configured to be executed synchronously (blocking the calling thread) or asynchronously (fully running in parallel).

In this example application, the listener is implemented to print event information on the console. That visualizes what is going on in the cache. This application performs the following tasks:

  • It implements CacheEntryCreatedListener.
  • It implements the onCreated method to call after an entry is created.
  • It implements the onUpdated method to call after an entry is updated.
  • It implements the onRemoved method to call after an entry is removed.
  • It implements the onExpired method to call after an entry expires.
  • It implements printEvents to print event information on the console.
public class UserCacheEntryListener
    implements CacheEntryCreatedListener<Integer, User>,
        CacheEntryUpdatedListener<Integer, User>,
        CacheEntryRemovedListener<Integer, User>,
        CacheEntryExpiredListener<Integer, User> {

  public void onCreated( Iterable<CacheEntryEvent<...>> cacheEntryEvents )
      throws CacheEntryListenerException {

    printEvents( cacheEntryEvents );

  public void onUpdated( Iterable<CacheEntryEvent<...>> cacheEntryEvents )
      throws CacheEntryListenerException {

    printEvents( cacheEntryEvents );

  public void onRemoved( Iterable<CacheEntryEvent<...>> cacheEntryEvents )
      throws CacheEntryListenerException {

    printEvents( cacheEntryEvents );

  public void onExpired( Iterable<CacheEntryEvent<...>> cacheEntryEvents )
      throws CacheEntryListenerException {

    printEvents( cacheEntryEvents );

  private void printEvents( Iterable<CacheEntryEvent<...>> cacheEntryEvents ) {
    Iterator<CacheEntryEvent<...>> iterator = cacheEntryEvents.iterator();
    while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
      CacheEntryEvent<...> event =;
      System.out.println( event.getEventType() );