javax.cache.integration.CacheLoader loads cache entries from any external backend resource.

Cache read-through

If the cache is configured to be read-through, then CacheLoader::load is called transparently from the cache when the key or the value is not yet found in the cache. If no value is found for a given key, it returns null.

If the cache is not configured to be read-through, nothing is loaded automatically. The user code must call javax.cache.Cache::loadAll to load data for the given set of keys into the cache.

For the bulk load operation (loadAll()), some keys may not be found in the returned result set. In this case, a javax.cache.integration.CompletionListener parameter can be used as an asynchronous callback after all the key-value pairs are loaded because loading many key-value pairs can take lots of time.

CacheLoader Example

Let's look at the UserCacheLoader implementation. This implementation is quite straight forward.

  • It implements CacheLoader.
  • It overrides the load method to compute or retrieve the value corresponding to key.
  • It overrides the loadAll method to compute or retrieve the values corresponding to keys.

An important note is that any kind of exception has to be wrapped into javax.cache.integration.CacheLoaderException.

public class UserCacheLoader
    implements CacheLoader<Integer, User>, Serializable {

  private final UserDao userDao;

  public UserCacheLoader( UserDao userDao ) {
    // Store the dao instance created externally
    this.userDao = userDao;

  public User load( Integer key ) throws CacheLoaderException {
    // Just call through into the dao
    return userDao.findUserById( key );

  public Map<Integer, User> loadAll( Iterable<? extends Integer> keys )
      throws CacheLoaderException {

    // Create the resulting map  
    Map<Integer, User> loaded = new HashMap<Integer, User>();
    // For every key in the given set of keys
    for ( Integer key : keys ) {
      // Try to retrieve the user
      User user = userDao.findUserById( key );
      // If user is not found do not add the key to the result set
      if ( user != null ) {
        loaded.put( key, user );
    return loaded;