You can use Native C++ Client to connect to Hazelcast cluster members and perform almost all operations that a member can perform. Clients differ from members in that clients do not hold data. The C++ Client is by default a smart client, i.e., it knows where the data is and asks directly for the correct member. You can disable this feature (using the ClientConfig::setSmart method) if you do not want the clients to connect to every member.

The features of C++ Clients are listed below:

  • Access to distributed data structures (IMap, IQueue, MultiMap, ITopic, etc.).
  • Access to transactional distributed data structures (TransactionalMap, TransactionalQueue, etc.).
  • Ability to add cluster listeners to a cluster and entry/item listeners to distributed data structures.
  • Distributed synchronization mechanisms with ILock, ISemaphore and ICountDownLatch.

Please refer to C++ client's own GitHub repo at Hazelcast C++ Client for information on setting the client up, installing and compiling it, its serialization support, and APIs such as raw pointer and query.