To get local executor statistics, use the getLocalExecutorStats() method from the IExecutorService interface. This method returns a LocalExecutorStats object that holds local executor statistics.

Below is example code where the getLocalExecutorStats() method and the getCompletedTaskCount method from LocalExecutorStats get the number of completed operations of the executor service.

HazelcastInstance node = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
IExecutorService orderProcessor = node.getExecutorService( "orderProcessor" );
LocalExecutorStats executorStatistics = orderProcessor.getLocalExecutorStats();
System.out.println( "completed task count = " 
    + executorStatistics.getCompletedTaskCount() );

Below is the list of metrics that you can access via the LocalExecutorStats object.

 * Returns the number of pending operations of the executor service.
long getPendingTaskCount();

 * Returns the number of started operations of the executor service.
long getStartedTaskCount();

 * Returns the number of completed operations of the executor service.
long getCompletedTaskCount();

 * Returns the number of cancelled operations of the executor service.
long getCancelledTaskCount();

 * Returns the total start latency of operations started.
long getTotalStartLatency();

 * Returns the total execution time of operations finished.
long getTotalExecutionLatency();