To get local topic statistics, use the getLocalTopicStats() method from the ITopic interface. This method returns a LocalTopicStats object that holds local topic statistics.

Below is example code where the getLocalTopicStats() method and the getPublishOperationCount method from LocalTopicStats get the number of publish operations.

HazelcastInstance node = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
ITopic<Object> news = node.getTopic( "news" );
LocalTopicStats topicStatistics = news.getLocalTopicStats();
System.out.println( "number of publish operations = " 
    + topicStatistics.getPublishOperationCount() );

Below is the list of metrics that you can access via the LocalTopicStats object.

 * Returns the creation time of this topic on this member.
long getCreationTime();

 * Returns the total number of published messages of this topic on this member.
long getPublishOperationCount();

 * Returns the total number of received messages of this topic on this member.
long getReceiveOperationCount();