Configuring Client Near Cache

The Hazelcast distributed map supports a local Near Cache for remotely stored entries to increase the performance of local read operations. Since the client always requests data from the cluster members, it can be helpful in some use cases to configure a Near Cache on the client side. Please refer to the Near Cache section for a detailed explanation of the Near Cache feature and its configuration.

Configuring Client Groups

Clients should provide a group name and password in order to connect to the cluster. You can configure them using GroupConfig, as shown below.

clientConfig.setGroupConfig(new GroupConfig("dev","dev-pass"));

Configuring Client Security

In the cases where the security established with GroupConfig is not enough and you want your clients connecting securely to the cluster, you can use ClientSecurityConfig. This configuration has a credentials parameter to set the IP address and UID. Please see in our code.

Configuring Client Serialization

For the client side serialization, use Hazelcast member configuration. Please refer to the Serialization chapter.

Configuring Executor Pool Size

Hazelcast has an internal executor service (different from the data structure Executor Service) that has threads and queues to perform internal operations such as handling responses. This parameter specifies the size of the pool of threads which perform these operations laying in the executor's queue. If not configured, this parameter has the value as 5 * core size of the client (i.e. it is 20 for a machine that has 4 cores).

Configuring Class Loaders

You can configure a custom classLoader. It will be used by the serialization service and to load any class configured in configuration, such as event listeners or ProxyFactories.