To get local queue statistics, use the getLocalQueueStats() method from the IQueue interface. This method returns a LocalQueueStats object that holds local queue statistics.

Below is example code where the getLocalQueueStats() method and the getAvgAge method from LocalQueueStats get the average age of items.

HazelcastInstance node = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
IQueue<Order> orders = node.getQueue( "orders" );
LocalQueueStats queueStatistics = orders.getLocalQueueStats();
System.out.println( "average age of items = " 
    + queueStatistics.getAvgAge() );

Below is the list of metrics that you can access via the LocalQueueStats object.

 * Returns the number of owned items in this member.
long getOwnedItemCount();

 * Returns the number of backup items in this member.
long getBackupItemCount();

 * Returns the min age of the items in this member.
long getMinAge();

 * Returns the max age of the items in this member.
long getMaxAge();

 * Returns the average age of the items in this member.
long getAvgAge();

 * Returns the number of offer/put/add operations.
 * Offers returning false will be included.
 * #getRejectedOfferOperationCount can be used
 * to get the rejected offers.
long getOfferOperationCount();

 * Returns the number of rejected offers. Offer
 * can be rejected because of max-size limit
 * on the queue.
long getRejectedOfferOperationCount();

 * Returns the number of poll/take/remove operations.
 * Polls returning null (empty) will be included.
 * #getEmptyPollOperationCount can be used to get the
 * number of polls returned null.
long getPollOperationCount();

 * Returns the number of null returning poll operations.
 * Poll operation might return null if the queue is empty.
long getEmptyPollOperationCount();

 * Returns the number of other operations.
long getOtherOperationsCount();

 * Returns the number of event operations.
long getEventOperationCount();