To get MultiMap statistics, use the getLocalMultiMapStats() method from the MultiMap interface. This method returns a LocalMultiMapStats object that holds local MultiMap statistics.

Below is example code where the getLocalMultiMapStats() method and the getLastUpdateTime method from LocalMultiMapStats get the last update time.

HazelcastInstance node = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
MultiMap<String, Customer> customers = node.getMultiMap( "customers" );
LocalMultiMapStats multiMapStatistics = customers.getLocalMultiMapStats();
System.out.println( "last update time =  "
    + multiMapStatistics.getLastUpdateTime() );

Below is the list of metrics that you can access via the LocalMultiMapStats object.

 * Returns the number of entries owned by this member.
long getOwnedEntryCount();

 * Returns the number of backup entries hold by this member.
long getBackupEntryCount();

 * Returns the number of backups per entry.
int getBackupCount();

 * Returns memory cost (number of bytes) of owned entries in this member.
long getOwnedEntryMemoryCost();

 * Returns memory cost (number of bytes) of backup entries in this member.
long getBackupEntryMemoryCost();

 * Returns the creation time of this map on this member.
long getCreationTime();

 * Returns the last access (read) time of the locally owned entries.
long getLastAccessTime();

 * Returns the last update time of the locally owned entries.
long getLastUpdateTime();

 * Returns the number of hits (reads) of the locally owned entries.
long getHits();

 * Returns the number of currently locked locally owned keys.
long getLockedEntryCount();

 * Returns the number of entries that the member owns and are dirty (updated
 * but not persisted yet).
 * Dirty entry count is meaningful when a persistence is defined.
long getDirtyEntryCount();

 * Returns the number of put operations.
long getPutOperationCount();

 * Returns the number of get operations.
long getGetOperationCount();

 * Returns the number of Remove operations.
long getRemoveOperationCount();

 * Returns the total latency of put operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide by the number of puts.
long getTotalPutLatency();

 * Returns the total latency of get operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide by the number of gets.
long getTotalGetLatency();

 * Returns the total latency of remove operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide by the number of gets.
long getTotalRemoveLatency();

 * Returns the maximum latency of put operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide by the number of puts.
long getMaxPutLatency();

 * Returns the maximum latency of get operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide by the number of gets.
long getMaxGetLatency();

 * Returns the maximum latency of remove operations. To get the average latency,
 * divide by the number of gets.
long getMaxRemoveLatency();

 * Returns the number of Events Received.
long getEventOperationCount();

 * Returns the total number of Other Operations.
long getOtherOperationCount();

 * Returns the total number of total operations.
long total();

 * Cost of map & Near Cache  & backup in bytes.
 * todo: in object mode, object size is zero.
long getHeapCost();